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Bottom Line I suck at PVP


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Just hit 50 a week ago and I notice other Sent's doing 100k of damage. I hit on avg. around 40-50k. Yes I'm still running around in a mix of level 40 battlefury gear plus other 43 and higher drop gear. I do have my offhand Champion light saber. My question is would this be a better spec for me?




I'm currently the normal watchman spec build (the one in the sent primer)

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Your gear will pull your DPS up by a lot. Centurion gear is garbage, it's easier to get columni from LOLPVE and do better in PVP. Start switchng out your Columni with Champion once you get it.


The spec you linked is quite bad for pvp. I don't think regular slash has much of a place in pvp, honestly.




With 3 floater points. I usually put 1 in Jedi Crusader (combat) and then the other two in some utility talent.


Defensive roll (combat) can be good in pvp when there are AOE orbital strikes and force storms everywhere and you need to stay on a healer or on an objective. It's handy in PVE too.


In Watchman tree, focused pursuit and force fade are very good and situationally useful fun. Inflammation the general consensus is that it's not worth the points currently but I am using it to practice for 1.2 playstyle.

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Watchman tree is generally one of the most popular for it's known damage. I would however suggest a compromise to fit the 2 points of force fade from watchman tier 5 into your build. It's a life saver against DoTs and a relatively low cooldown as a free pass through huttball traps. Personally I only put 2 points into mind sear and it still feels fairly reliable. Remember to take advantage of force camoflage, guarded by the force, awe and pacify for emergencies. The last two of which can be used to save other allies.


My watchman build, maybe still needing some refinement since learning more about it, goes like this.


The combat tree works better in PvP than PvE too. They really get to take advantage of their extra immobilizes to help defend objective cappers and exploit huttball traps. Also to not have precious damage-time wasted on people fleeing or circle-strafing. Their DPS on a stationary target however is thought to be a little behind.


Although maybe I would've liked to swap two points of steadfast for focused leap, my build went something like this.


I haven't tried Focus tree so I can't speak for it.

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i actually found it easier to get champion gear than columi which is the only reason i started pvp in the first place (and then became hooked!)


If all your wearing is level 40 orange gear from pvp vendors i would actually recomend doing PvE dailies for 1-2 days just to fill out armouring components and a couple mod/enhances with more decent quality, to fill in the slots you don have cent/champ untill you have full pvp gear.


Starting as a sentinel in 50 bracket with undergeared orange level 40 junk is essentially just flagging yourself as an easy kill for everyone to see

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I feel your pain OP. I just hit 50 on my sentinel last night and played two warzones. Fortunately I was on what amounted to two damn good teams with very capable healers - but I was pretty much in the same situation as you - level 46 pvp gear. First match (voidstar) I don't know if I hit 150k damage or not, but I managed to post 32 kills and 3 deaths. That should tell you how good the team I was on.


Second match was Alderaan, where I didn't even watch the stats but I know I didn't die once. Basically the enemy team gave up after we went up by about 200 points. I didn't break 100k damage there, though pretty much EVERYBODY else posted 200k+.


Already grabbed 2 pieces of champion gear just from bags, thankfully. I was looking over the centurion stuff, and I can't really see much difference over the champion stuff. But it looks like it'll just be a waste to bother with them anyway. Just do your dailies/weeklies and gear up.

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Just hit 50 a week ago and I notice other Sent's doing 100k of damage. I hit on avg. around 40-50k. Yes I'm still running around in a mix of level 40 battlefury gear plus other 43 and higher drop gear. I do have my offhand Champion light saber. My question is would this be a better spec for me?




I'm currently the normal watchman spec build (the one in the sent primer)



the other sents are hitting 100k?




at lvl 50?














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Since you are getting the Commendations anyways spend the centurion coms on implants earpieces, and bracers while saving up to buy Champ armor itself. With out a certain amount of Expertise the Imps are going to think you are hitting them with a feather duster.

Also battlemaster level Sents will do 300k to 500 k in the right situations. That being Said Damage is not everything if you are winning , sometimes someone has to suck it up and prevent scoring, , capping turrets, and planting bombs, and that does not necessarily show in the PvP tracking, but it does in the win column.

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Aside from switching your build and your gear, practice your rotation so you get extremely comfortable with it. The standard Watchman rotation should be something like this:


Leap - Overcharge Saber (in the air) - Zealous Strike - Cauterize - Merc Slash


Add Zen between cauterize and merc slash when it's up. Make sure rebuke is up as soon as you're taking damage. Mix in some strikes, slashes and whatever else after your main rotation until the CDs are done, then repeat it. Learn when force camo and GBTF are necessary and don't be afraid to use them. It's a challenge to get good, but it's frickin awesome once you are.

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Leap - Overcharge Saber (in the air) - Zealous Strike - Cauterize - Merc Slash




I always wanted to ask this, so here goes? We all do "Leap - Overcharge Saber (in the air)", but how does it differ from using it as you're landing, since you still get that silly looking showoff animation of Overcharge Saber.


I have not noticed time improvement, i just use it since in watchman Leap and Overcharge Saber are on same 12s CD, so they are usually convenient to use that way since one builds focus that other spends.


But do we really improve time before we can use Zealous Strike or any other attack if OS is done in the air? To me it feels the same, actually using OS before just before leap if you got focus seem to be even better, because in my experience, then ZS is near instant as you land at opponent.


Anyone care to comment on their experience with this OS in the air and do they manage to avoid OS animation between Leap and Zealous Strike and speed up damage delivery that way?

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I always wanted to ask this, so here goes? We all do "Leap - Overcharge Saber (in the air)", but how does it differ from using it as you're landing, since you still get that silly looking showoff animation of Overcharge Saber.


I have not noticed time improvement, i just use it since in watchman Leap and Overcharge Saber are on same 12s CD, so they are usually convenient to use that way since one builds focus that other spends.


But do we really improve time before we can use Zealous Strike or any other attack if OS is done in the air? To me it feels the same, actually using OS before just before leap if you got focus seem to be even better, because in my experience, then ZS is near instant as you land at opponent.


Anyone care to comment on their experience with this OS in the air and do they manage to avoid OS animation between Leap and Zealous Strike and speed up damage delivery that way?


Who Leaps first??? Crazy talk... Never leap first. (Only if fighting sent/maurader)


Walk up to them and use Zealous strike > OS > Cauterize etc...

Edited by GaryCartel
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Ti the very least, get yourself in Centurion gear and at least some L50 greens to the very minimum. Being in some L40 gear is really bad and if I saw you in a match, I would give you tons of crap. I am very nice and helpful with people that at least do an effort.


How can you be L50 without the minimum gear? It's not like it never drops while questing.

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I'm feeling squishier now with a mix of centurion & champion armor than I was with a full set of level 40 gear. :(


wut? Going from level 40 gear to Centurion/Champion nets you several thousand extra hp along with around 10% expertise. How can you possibly feel squishier?

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Who Leaps first??? Crazy talk... Never leap first. (Only if fighting sent/maurader)


Walk up to them and use Zealous strike > OS > Cauterize etc...


If you are making a reply to someone then at least answer the question.


I did not ask for your advice how to keep uptime on my target, nor I need one.

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I've also had my fair share of challenges since hitting the 50 PvP bracket.


I don't think it's entirely a L2P issue, because I was dominating in the 1-49 bracket from level 40 onwards. I've had matches where I had 63-3 k/d AND one of, if not the highest objective scores in that same match (I have a screenshot of that too at home). A matches like this weren't a one time fluke, they were the vast majority. Even matches I lost my scores would be fairly impressive.


I wonder if my server (Helm of Graush) is one that was seriously effected by the Ilum fiasco, and the Imp side significantly outmatches us Pubs in full BM gear. I've currently got 6 pieces of cent gear, 1 champ relic, both sabers have 41 exp crystals, and sometimes I feel like I'm swinging wet towels and wearing paper bags for armor. One thing that's frustrating is that I've opened over 20 champ bags, and never once gotten a piece of gear in one.


Getting better gear is helping though. I'm hoping as I start getting more champ gear, and the playing level becomes a bit more even, that I'll go back to feeling like a wrecking ball.

Edited by DJRK
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I don't think it's a L2P issue, because I was dominating in the 1-49 bracket from level 40 onwards.


of course you would dominate from 40-49 in the low level tier, half of the people your killing have not even got half of their abilities or talents yet.


I am not saying it is a L2P issue either since i have no idea how you play...


But gear DOES make a difference on a sentinel. We are often one of the closest targets to the enemies backline of ranged... we will get focused and targetted over any other melee in general, if your gear is weak you may be targetted just due to it being a better chance of getting a 5k damage medal (since people in better gear will mitigate more) or hell i target new weak geared marauders just because its fun stomping them effortlessly :p (i like to think of it as my inducting them to the 50 bracket)


The gear gap between centurion and champion is quite a step and unless you vastly outskill your target they will have a big upper hand. The gap between champion and battlemaster is not so big but its still there.


edit: i would try stick with it until you have your champion armour set (well with 1.2 soon id say battlemaster mostly i guess) and if you have problems still.. THEN it is likely a L2P issue. But right now with vast under-gear i would expect you to get stomped mostly in all honesty unless you pick your fights well and pick other similarly undergeared people ;)

Edited by Ainianu
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Until you get mostly Champion gear, your sentinel is basically wearing pajamas and you will die a lot. Once you're able to survive encounters in Champion gear, you will crush heads and your opponent will cry in shame and frustration and suck their thumb in the corner of the room.


Unfortunately for you, patch 1.2 is coming so getting Champion gear right now for you is kind of useless. Bioware has decided that those of us who spent all the time to get Champion gear should re-gear ourselves in blues with more expertise. There's nothing like inexperienced developers with millions of dollars to spend. Nothing.

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Sent are very gear oriented. We dont shine until our gear is decent. PVP also takes lots and lots and lots of practice because every situation you run into is different. Its about PVPing enough and coming across enough senario's where you react via instincts. Another important aspect of PVP is knowing your enemy and their ability's and what could be coming next.



Just keep grinding away at that gear, and practice and you will improve for sure =)


The biggest part of learning unfortunately involves alot of dieing. Dont get frustrated and know once you do figure it out, you will be nearly unstopable as a sent/mara.

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I'm having an odd issue. I don't know what the deal is exactly but when I started PVPing on my Sentinel I was level 12 or 13 and seemed to pretty much decimate. As I level more and continue to PVP constantly (23 now) I have more trouble getting the same damage and kills as before. For a good 3-4 levels I was averaging in the 120-150k range with 30+ kills a game. I hit 180k in one match with a dedicated healer.


Now I'm 23, wearing the full 20 PVP reward set minus the robes (wearing the one from Athiss) including the earpiece and implants. My mods in my orange gear are up to date and I'm Watchmen spec ( http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bsroZh.1 ).


I'm having trouble especially with sorcs now where they used to not be an issue so much. Lately ops have been stunlocking and pwning my face but I don't think that's uncommon for anyone lol


I have noticed that I'm usually fighting 35+ characters, my teammates are also doing less damage and are often 10-20 instead of mid 20s or higher.


I usually run in (unless it's a Jugg/Mar), Zealous Strike, Cauterize (to get the slow up and start dots rolling), Crippling Throw, Overload Saber then whatever else is off CD until those skills are back up. Sometimes Master Strike at this point depending on if they're running off or trying to circle strafe me. Mix in interrupts and DR CDs depending on how the fight is going/what they're doing/who else is on me.


Sorry for the long post, just trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.


EDIT: Derp reread OS and started using it when I leap. Three back to back 150k+ games at lvl 23 FTW.

Edited by Racter
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