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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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Lol no ****.


1.7 million subbed? LOL


Err umm, I would be INCREDIBLY surprised if there are 100k active players (People who log in more than a few times a week)


The game is *********** dying, so quickly.. and thats a fact.


What do I attribute that to? Bioware's naive behavior. Why wasn't there a server merge like 3 months ago when the populations started to take a ****? Why didn't they finish the game before releasing it if they really plan to be a 10 yr+ mmo? What is up with the debilitating bugs that are still active and unacknowledged?


This game is taking a **** and everyone here who is posting knows this, BW included.


1.7m subbed...That sounds like games sold to me.



oh, and... How about that "march" update fellas? LOL, they renamed that badboy pretty quickly hu.



*Waits for "Summer" update.


Copies sold is 2.2 million as of now.


I was on a dead server, then I rolled a toon on Ajunta Pall. I see both fleets at 200+ all the time. I see the capitals at 160+ as well. There are about 2 dozen servers just like that. The reason there are so many dead servers is because everyone is rerolling on heavy servers. Some ppl would rather QQ in the forums than find a better server I guess.


And why was there not a server merger 3 months ago? You mean 3 months ago when the game was released lol.

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I guess the 185 threads a day created by different people saying their server is dead is all a lie.

It would seem so if you played on the handful of servers that everyone who continued playing rolled to.

I'm sure the game can survive on 10 servers, no worries.


I find it funny that you hate this game with such passion...say the game is dead and basically worthless, yet dedicate so much time to it here.



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I guess the 185 threads a day created by different people saying their server is dead is all a lie.

It would seem so if you played on the handful of servers that everyone who continued playing rolled to.

I'm sure the game can survive on 10 servers, no worries.


185 threads a day started for this....more of your carefully calculated statistics i see. Embellishment is a tool for the desperate and uninformed...

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I think that will depend much more on the world economy, possible changes in ISP billing practices and data limits (at least in the US), and advances in technology than on the game itself.


Who knows, mouse-and-keyboard input may be obsolete by then.


That said, the game has a solid base to build upon. If they can keep the content coming at a decent pace with decreased update-related bugs, they will at least have a fighting chance of sticking around for a decade.

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I don't have a ball.

My form my own views by what I see.

I don't rely on others to tell me what is going on. Anyone who can't see that this game is circling the drain is simply blind.


You do have a ball, and I dont like your ball. Its a disgusting ball covered in QQ.


You dont rely on statistics? You see your dead server and say "This game is soooo dead" What about the few dozen very heavy populated servers? If you were on one of those would you be saying "This game will last forever" I was on a dead server. I rerolled to a heavy server. This is what most of us have done. The rest QQ in the forum.


Its a fact that SWTOR is the most successful MMO 3 months in than any other MMO before it. No one had ever come close to even 1 million subs 3 months in. I mean what do you and your ball want to see? Every server in the game overflowing with toons? They started with too many servers, Ill give you that. Regardless, SWTOR has more subs 3 months in than any MMO ever. By your logic WoW, Rift, LOTOR, EQ, and every other MMO ever to be made should be dead right now, or a long time ago.


But yeah, Im the blind one.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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I don't know the exact number, I'm sure I made my point clearly though, or were you unable to understand it?


The thing is you really aren't making a good point at all because everything you claim is well....false.

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I don't know because I don't plan to still be playing MMO games when I'm 32. I'll be kind of busy trying to have a child or raising a child or spending time with my wife. You know, the whole "boring 30's" deal.


PFFT! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oh man I couldn't keep a straight face after saying that. Yes I will still be playing and my 30's will be freaking exciting. I'm gonna go punch a shark in the baby shark maker.

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You do have a ball, and I dont like your ball. Its a disgusting ball covered in QQ.


You dont rely on statistics? You see your dead server and say "This game is soooo dead" What about the few dozen very heavy populated servers? If you were on one of those would you be saying "This game will last forever" I was on a dead server. I rerolled to a heavy server. This is what most of us have done. The rest QQ in the forum.


Its a fact that SWTOR is the most successful MMO 3 months in than any other MMO before it. No one had ever come close to even 1 million subs 3 months in. I mean what do you and your ball want to see? Every server in the game overflowing with toons? The started with too many servers, Ill give you that. Regardless, SWTOR has more subs 3 months in than any MMO ever. By your logic WoW, Rift, LOTOR, EQ, and every other MMO ever to be made should be dead right now, or a long time ago.


But yeah, Im the blind one.


Lol at this. You're pretty hardcore fanboy huh?

I don't care if it fails or not, I stopped subscribing in january.

I can at least see things objectively.

This game has nothing that will keep people subscribed. Maybe a few who really do enjoy it for whatever reason.

Sure it'll have future content patches, nobody is denying that.

But this game from the ground-up was not well thought-out, and the engine is crap.

BW can only wing-it for so long.

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There is no doubt. Sorry doomsayers and people who want to see if fail so hard.


BioWare will just keep releasing more and more content updates and keep adding planets and ships in expansions and further go into space combat more.


This game isn't going anywhere for a long time

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There is no doubt. Sorry doomsayers and people who want to see if fail so hard.


BioWare will just keep releasing more and more content updates and keep adding planets and ships in expansions and further go into space combat more.


This game isn't going anywhere for a long time


The game may not go anywhere for 10 years, but 98% of the playerbase will move on to better games.

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In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.



This game wont last 3 years without sandbox elements. The community is eating content faster than it is produced andthere is nothing to keep players occupied until the next patch/expansion.

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Lol at this. You're pretty hardcore fanboy huh?

I don't care if it fails or not, I stopped subscribing in january.

I can at least see things objectively.

This game has nothing that will keep people subscribed. Maybe a few who really do enjoy it for whatever reason.

Sure it'll have future content patches, nobody is denying that.

But this game from the ground-up was not well thought-out, and the engine is crap.

BW can only wing-it for so long.


Do you know how to type in paragraphs? I guess not. You don't have to start a new sentence below the previous one to try and get your point across. Got a problem with fanboys? If so...get off of SWTOR forums where we are talking about SWTOR. Unless you want us to become angry for your somehow odd pleasure you get from tickin us off. You don't like the game. Go to gw2 forums or w/e your savior of a game is. :)

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I really wish these forums worked like WoW's did where you can't post without an active Sub...If you don't officially want anything to do with the game then you should be on unofficial forums with your QQ while contributing Subs attempt to give respectable and intelligent feed back and conversation.
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Plus we have got to attempt to get our monies worth!


While I agree that the Hutts on this forum are amusing, if I did not care for a game I would not waste my time on it's forums.


All you do is promote that which you hate.

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I really wish these forums worked like WoW's did where you can't post without an active Sub...If you don't officially want anything to do with the game then you should be on unofficial forums with your QQ while contributing Subs attempt to give respectable and intelligent feed back and conversation.


I concur.

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Lol at this. You're pretty hardcore fanboy huh?

I don't care if it fails or not, I stopped subscribing in january.

I can at least see things objectively.

This game has nothing that will keep people subscribed. Maybe a few who really do enjoy it for whatever reason.

Sure it'll have future content patches, nobody is denying that.

But this game from the ground-up was not well thought-out, and the engine is crap.

BW can only wing-it for so long.


My opinion is very subjective, thats why I backed it with objective facts. Is SWTOR not the most successful MMO 3 months in or not? Just answer it.


How is your opinion objective? You say the game is dead, the stats (Objective) say other wise. Then you make up how many dead servers there are... Really? Your objective?


You stopped your sub 2 months ago?... Your still active in the forum?... I dont even need to comment any further lol, your ball has just been throwing over the fence.

Edited by Averran
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I don't know because I don't plan to still be playing MMO games when I'm 32. I'll be kind of busy trying to have a child or raising a child or spending time with my wife. You know, the whole "boring 30's" deal.


PFFT! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oh man I couldn't keep a straight face after saying that. Yes I will still be playing and my 30's will be freaking exciting. I'm gonna go punch a shark in the baby shark maker.


For a second there I was questioning myself.




Don't forget, after that you get to look forward to the midlife crisis - you know, buy the sports car you always wanted and tell your wife not to stay up :D


Ah, good times.


Oh, on topic, my crystal ball said 42.

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The game may not go anywhere for 10 years, but 98% of the playerbase will move on to better games.


Like what Kung Fu panda or GW2?


Folks are bored silly with WoW Pokemon won't turn that arround

GW2 has a lot of Facebook elements and no real coherent end game that will turn a lot of gamers off.


All in all SWTOR has it's audience and that audience isn't going anywhere. The Doomsayers aren't part of that and never were. They are loud sure...but there just isn't that many of them.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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That's what makes this world so wonderful. Not everyone thinks the same way.

Those who find it strange that I post on the forums of a game I hate.

Me, who finds it strange that anyone could actually like this game.


2 different points of view... neither is wrong or right, just different


Well from your own admission you are only here to harass people who like the game. You don't like the game, you don't pay for it, yet you feel better about yourself by coming here and trying to get people to un-sub so you don't feel so alone. That's harassment. You provide nothing constructive by your own admission.

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