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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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SWG before Julio Torres was very very popular and successful. SWG even survived the combat upgrade. SWG did not survive the NGE. For everything SWG did right and there were so many things (a few of them were listed) they did right, one wrong NGE killed everything.
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so what, fve years and some hundred millions of $ should be enough to set the bar high. This is no small indie game.


Bitter much?


Why not go play the SWGEMU? Oh, wait, that's way back in early SWG... when none of your dreams exisited.

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i was reading the interview and found this bit:


SOE has taken flak for various problems in the game's past -- do you think the company will take a reputation hit for this decision, and are you prepared for that?


There's really nothing we can do about it. We've taken some hard-knocks for SWG in years past with the NGE. We've apologized for it. It was a mistake, and not one we're going to make as a company ever again.


...........really wow isn't that what we the paying customer told SOE back when they launched NGE......yes yes it was

Edited by Stoicraven
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And all of that took time to implement.
Even if I came back in five years, I'd find the game just as linear as it is now, because that's what these developers know to do.


Give them time... to release more of the same?


Ajunta Pall, which I don't think is underpop'd
When I checked the server status during the latter half of East Coast prime time last night, AP was the least populated standard server.


For what its worth, Server Status tracks servers by their numerical population. By the looks of it, AP was barely above hitting Light status.


But maybe its one of those servers with tons of casuals, and is highly active for ~3hrs on Saturdays and Sundays.

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10 years? Yeah, it seems it will, though a few months of utter success isn't much of a pattern to follow yet. Will I be playing 10 years from now? Probably. Will the game be the same 10 years from now? Probably not, but I hope so.
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Something that has not been mentioned. What about "Titan" ?


What happens to the SWTOR player base when that comes out? Although there is no huge hype machine going on for "Titan" its been in development for years by a company that KNOWS MMOs!




I am not a huge Guild Wars fan but with that due out soon, SWTOR numbers will take a dramatic hit. There is no way to argue this point no matter what side of the fence your on.


So looking 10 years down the road, with F2P titles such as GW2 , Blizzrds new MMO and other titles that will not release for awhile (but well within the 10yr frame) such as CCPs WoD, and even titles that may sneak up and surprise ppl, the future dosent look bright for SWTOR if your counting sub numbers.

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I don't see how more cutscenes improves game quality.


Then again, cutscenes seem like something one either LOVELOVELOVEs or couldn't really care for.


I guess if you're in the former, you can never have too much.


Well, it's not just cutscenes that I like but I guess you're right although I wouldn't say I "LOVELOVELOVE" them. It's...just a game. :)


I enjoy the classes, the stories, some of the planets (HATE Balmorra) amonst other things. It's a good game and it's fun but I'm not LOVELOVELOVE-ing over it. Very curious to see where it goes in the next year.

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At best 3 years and then EA will see this as not being as profitable as the next best thing which will very likely be a Mass Effect MMO.


Unfortunately if SWTOR does not last beyond three years I think EA will have a lot to do with it. They'll probably pull the plug before active subscriptions fall under 500K. In other words, even when it's still turning a respectable profit, it won't be enough for EA.

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I enjoy the classes, the stories, some of the planets (HATE Balmorra)
Really? Republic side? I thought Empire Balmorra was one of the better planets in the game. The story was weak, but the environment was one of the better ones offered.


what the "fans" want and what's good for the game are often opposing ideals
Funny how first Mythic and now BW totally failed to apply this logic to the advanced quest tracker.


I agree whole heartedly with your sentiment, precisely because as much as lazy payers love AQT, AQT itself is like a cancer within MMO design.

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Something that has not been mentioned. What about "Titan" ?


What happens to the SWTOR player base when that comes out? Although there is no huge hype machine going on for "Titan" its been in development for years by a company that KNOWS MMOs!




I am not a huge Guild Wars fan but with that due out soon, SWTOR numbers will take a dramatic hit. There is no way to argue this point no matter what side of the fence your on.


So looking 10 years down the road, with F2P titles such as GW2 , Blizzrds new MMO and other titles that will not release for awhile (but well within the 10yr frame) such as CCPs WoD, and even titles that may sneak up and surprise ppl, the future dosent look bright for SWTOR if your counting sub numbers.


MMOFPS. Is that the failtrain I hear coming? You would think the people who run WoW would know better than to attempt an MMOFPS.


GW2 is free to play, so it will not influence this games sub numbers (maybe in the PvP department, but most of those people only know how to complain, so good riddance, I say) because you can pick it up, play for free, and still have a sub here or wherever.

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Really? Republic side? I thought Empire Balmorra was one of the better planets in the game. The story was weak, but the environment was one of the better ones offered.


Funny how first Mythic and now BW totally failed to apply this logic to the advanced quest tracker.


I agree whole heartedly with your sentiment, precisely because as much as lazy payers love AQT, AQT itself is like a cancer within MMO design.


Both sides. I just loathe that planet. Don't like the quests, don't like the atmosphere, don't like the looks of it...just don't like it. In fact, I have to really grit my teeth to play Empire characters with it being right after DK.

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SWG before Julio Torres was very very popular and successful. SWG even survived the combat upgrade. SWG did not survive the NGE. For everything SWG did right and there were so many things (a few of them were listed) they did right, one wrong NGE killed everything.


LOL the combat upgrade came because they were bleeding subscriptions so fast they had to do something, anything


I sometimes wonder if any of you SWG fans played the game at all?


I did and by the 2month you already had mass cancellations.

By the 3rd month you already had ghost cities


SWG was very popular for 1 month and only 1 month


Ill say again, from released financial records released at the time

70% cancellation with in the first 30 days of subscribing

80% cancellation by the 3rd month end


That is NOT the meaning of very very very popular.


I have friends that loved SWG, absolutely loved the game. They can admit it was a niche game supported by a SMALL hardcore following. Why can none of you?


Drives me absolutely crazy the rewriting of FACTUAL MMORPG HISTORY


SWG has always been called one of the biggest commercial failures of the MMORPG genre and the main reason why you will never see a AAA big budget Sandbox game again for some time.


EA made a ton of mistakes with TOR but one mistake they did not make was copying or using concepts from SWG that were widely rejected by the general MMORPG population.

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If anything, this game is closer to wow in space than Star Wars.


Really? It is closer to another MMO than to a movie? :p


I do believe they could have given it a more SW feel because it is obviously a MMO first and SW second. However Im not sure how they could have done that seeing as it takes place a loooong time before the movies.

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In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.


and that's your opinion


however I think that the game will easily last 10 years(as a pay to play game) as long as lucas arts doesn't go ape crazy with royalty fees after it becomes a huge success(assuming in 10 years all AAA MMOs will continue to be pay to play).

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For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting.


Kinda reminds me of those egotistical mega rich business tycoons who state that they wish to be cryogenically frozen after death, so that they can be thawed out and brought back to life in the future when technology has advanced even further,


Their massive ego forces them into a classic mistake, they presume that the future will want them.



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Take a look at Planetside 2's most recent Alpha testing video and then realize, that engine was built by their team specifically for that game.


Now, go forth with the understanding that the next Everquest will use that engine!!! GLEEP!


This game will continue to be a good segway from console players and WoW vets but imho, all the hardcore MMO players have already left or will leave soon after 1.2

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Take a look at Planetside 2's most recent Alpha testing video and then realize, that engine was built by their team specifically for that game.


Now, go forth with the understanding that the next Everquest will use that engine!!! GLEEP!


This game will continue to be a good segway from console players and WoW vets but imho, all the hardcore MMO players have already left or will leave soon after 1.2


Plus, SWTOR has not even faced any competition yet, its had a honymoon 3 months, now bearing that in mind, go take a look at the servers,


Then consider that GW2 and D3 are inbound like a couple of Comets.

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In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.


LOL give em more than a couple month there Blizz fanboy. You must not be able to remember or maybe you like a fool have only played blizzs MMO crap!!! 99% of the mmos out today were a NIGHTMARE TO PLAY when they launched. RIFT was nearly unplayable, Wow vanilla was the biggest POS release ever and got steadiy worse untill blizz pulled their head out their butt 4 years later and fixed server ques and HACKERS(they were too busy making the huge turd known as BC) LOTRO is boring on an epic level no matter what content you are playing. I could go on and on but we all see ya for the Troll you are. Rift is doing well because they listen to the players and so far so has BIOWARE. I for one would rather have 1.2 take till end of summer than have BIOWARE pull a Blizzard and release a patch that is unplayable and requires several micro patches to fix what they didnt care or were to busy to fix before release.


So far Bio has listened on most fronts when it comes to the communtiy and our concerns. If you dont like the game quit and stop playing. Guess you would rather QQ like a child

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