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New gaming keyboard


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Right now I have a cheap Microsoft keyboard that has no lights (can't tell is caps/scroll lock is on...) and just a general lack of features so im looking for a decent upgrade. I don't need anything crazy but I want a good product for my money. I'd like to stay under $100 if possible. I've been looking at the Razer Lycosa since it seems to have what I want plus a few extras and still be affordable. Does anyone have any experience with this keyboard or can you recommend another similar one?


Thanks in advance for any replies.

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I've seen some really bad reviews on the Lycosa. I've never had one myself though. I have tested some of the other Razer keyboards and I didn't care for the feel of their keys. They felt soft and rubbery to me.


I recommend going to a retail store where you can try typing on a keyboard before buying. There are a lot of different kinds of gaming keyboards and they all have a different feel when typing on them. It's important to find one that suits you well for both gaming and when you need to do things outside of gaming, unless you plan on having two keyboards on the desk. Some of the gaming keyboards are missing some keys you may not be able to do without, such as the Page Up/Page Down 6-pack keys and number pad.


There are also many different kinds of keys, both mechanical and non-mechanical, to choose from. Though I do recommend mechanical keys when gaming!


Here is a really good article with some links to reviews of different models.




This should help you familiarize yourself with the different types of gaming keyboards and help you decide what you might like to look at getting. Again though, I highly recommend trying to find one in a retail store near your home so you can demo the keyboard yourself. You'll likely get it cheaper by ordering online after you find the one you want though.


EDIT: One more thing! That link doesn't review the Saitek Cyborg keyboard that I use at home, but I wanted to give you a warning about them. I've had problems with my Saitek keyboard not being able to load drivers during POST, so it is impossible to use when making changes in my BIOS settings before windows is booted. I've had to keep an old USB keyboard on hand for any time I need to make changes in my BIOS. It's a bit of a hassle, so you might want to avoid the Saitek Cyborg keyboard. You probably don't need this warning though. Most people tend to shy away from this keyboard because of it's immense size and clunky design. I have a very strong love/hate relationship with my Saitek Cyborg.

Edited by Orizuru
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Wow, thanks for all the quick replies all. I've never heard of steelseries but ill check them out. I have a razer naga that I love so that's why I went to their site first. Are steelseries keyboards at best buy? Ill have to head out that way and test some of them out. I want something quiet so it doesn't feel like im using a typewriter but it looks like I have some research to do. Thanks again!
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Wow, thanks for all the quick replies all. I've never heard of steelseries but ill check them out. I have a razer naga that I love so that's why I went to their site first. Are steelseries keyboards at best buy? Ill have to head out that way and test some of them out. I want something quiet so it doesn't feel like im using a typewriter but it looks like I have some research to do. Thanks again!


My local Best Buy used to carry the Steelseries products, but lately all I've seen there is the Razer Black Widow and Lycosa. Be careful with the Steelseries products. They are good devices, but that one is the most notorious for being useless outside of gaming. It doesn't have many of the keys I use on a regular basis for things like browsing the internet. You never realize how much you miss the Insert and Delete keys until you don't have them anymore.


Hopefully they have improved their software too. It's been about 5 years since I tried the Steelseries Merc Stealth, but at the time the software for mapping the left side keyset was very buggy and very challenging to use.

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I personally use a Zboard Merc, absolutely could not use another keyboard after having used it. Pretty much provides you with the 1 through the - key easily accessible. Also alt, ctrl, and shift modifiers are very close in addition to your standard r, t, f, g etc keys. Warning, playing on a normal keyboard after this one will feel extremely weird, but I do HIGHLY recommend it. Especially for the amount of keybinds needed in this game.


Screenshot here



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alongside my Raza Naga Mouse I use a razor nostromo which is a gaming key pad. With 15 programmable keyts, not including the d-pad, tab button amd mouse wheel click you can get most of what you want from it. Good thing about it is that you can have several different layouts meaning it can work for any game. I will say that you do need a MMO mouse for it to be useful for this, but you could find it good.
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alongside my Raza Naga Mouse I use a razor nostromo which is a gaming key pad. With 15 programmable keyts, not including the d-pad, tab button amd mouse wheel click you can get most of what you want from it. Good thing about it is that you can have several different layouts meaning it can work for any game. I will say that you do need a MMO mouse for it to be useful for this, but you could find it good.


I have pretty much the same combo.. however I use a logitech G13 instead of the nostromo..

The G13 has a bit more buttons and a JOYSTICK for movement instead of Nostromo's D-pad type thing.


The biggest advantage imo is to be able to move with JUST your thumb, and then cast as much as you want .. with the Naga keys bound to CDs and stuff. I've had my G13 for about 4 years now and still works as intended, cant comment on the nostromo in this respect.


However it is important to note that the Nostromo is NOT a Razer product, they just re-branded it.


Also you'd need either a smaller keyboard or a bit more space on your desk to accommodate both the g13/ nostromo and a regular keyboard, as you do still one for chat and regular pc use.


If you re interested I can post a screenshot of my keybindings.

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Get a mechanical keyboard. For me, the G13, Lycosa, etc membrane keyboards feel like children's toys once I laid my hands on mech boards.


I have 2, Razer Blackwidow (home) and Blackwidow Stealth (work). They're the cheapest mechanical keyboards on the market.

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