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would you stick to Anni spec after 1.2?


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Annihilation will be worthless in rated WZs because DoTs will be cleansed by good teams. I'll probably be switching to Rage or Carnage. For PvE I'm sincerely hoping that Carnage becomes viable because I hate how transition phases cause Annihilator to fall off and your DPS to drop.
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With the changes to the skill trees.... its a hard choice. Until we get a lot of data from logs apps and opinions i think its still a toss up.


However, carnage has always had the look of a great pvp build with all the immobilizes and now with better fury gen and a increase in Ataru = better burst and sustained. I think just about everyone is going to give it a chance. operation wide 80% predation.... is going to be very interesting in CivilWar rushing to the turrets.


I think the above poster has a good point about ppl cleansing DoTs. Right now it isnt an issue but rated WZs are going to see ppl that really know what they are doing and very focused team work.


My personal opinion - Carnage will be the spec favored by competitive PvPers

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Force crush on a shorter CD and more fury generation. I want to try out Rage.


I have always liked the "activity" level of annihilation but I think the main mechanic of keeping annihilate buff up is counter intuitive to a lot of WZ objectives.

Edited by qwertypoi
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Force crush on a shorter CD and more fury generation. I want to try out Rage.


I have always liked the "activity" level of annihilation but I think the main mechanic of keeping annihilate buff up is counter intuitive to a lot of WZ objectives.

FYI, force alacrity is gone so effectively force crush CD is staying the same, while scream and smash get longer CDs by 3 seconds.


Main 1.2 benefits concerning rage:


1. Free VS when it crits.

2. Short Fuse for fury.

3. Longer buff duration for Shockwave and Dominate.

4. 20% smash and sweeping slash damage.

5. 4 stacks of shockwave on berserk.

6. Obliterate root.

7. 8% Ravage damage.


Nerfs for rage:


1. Smash and Force Scream have 3 sec more CD (No force alacrity.)

2. Smash now costs 3 rage instead of 1. (No quick recovery.)

3. 60 sec Force Choke instead of 47 sec.



And to answer the OP, yes, I will happily stay with anni spec!

Edited by CaptainBarbosa
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I will be assuming they don't drastically improve combat. Combat is just way too squishy and it not worth the trade off from Watchman. People say they DoT's will be cleansed but I highly doubt it...especially since our interrupt will be off the GCD the healer will need to focus much more on heal casts than they do currently.
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On the test server it is.


Er... so the talent is no longer there?




Wonder if it's intentional?


Still, no rage for Obsfu' and free VS on crit should even it out a bit... and since rage generation has never been a concern for me with the Rage spec, I wonder if this is to make us pay closer attention to resource management? Coupled with the longer Shockwave duration it looks intentional to me.


On theother hand, isn't it the "Rage" spec... O_o

Edited by VainEldritch
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Maybe I'm not very good at keeping up with current events, but nowhere in the patch notes does it say Quick Recovery was removed...




It was removed and it was intentional - otherwise Marauder Rage would have a significant advantage vs. Jugg Rage.


Bioware is just terrible at putting up accurate patch notes.

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with the buff to ravage plus the new tallent that gives it an extra 8% carnage spec is going to be awesome, bye anni you had your hay day its time for carnage now


I guarantee that Anni will still blow Carnage's doors off.

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