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I hope they will not add new tier of gear every 3 months


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Adding tiers is fine and dandy until you get to the point that the gap is so great, players can't really group together and freshly-minted 50s get one-shotted in PvP.


WoW reached the point where raiders were effectively level 100 when the level cap was 60. It's insanity. At some point, you have to say, "Raiders have enough. It's time to take care of the rest of the community."

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I'm personally a fan of the Guild Wars 1 system. You don't loot armor, the game isn't based on gear. It's more skill based. You get your armor crafted after gathering the materials and cash, put your runes and insignias on it to your liking. You have to loot weapons and get the mods you want for them. And you do dungeons and elite areas for fun and possibly cool weapons. Everyone gets some loot at the end that could be of potential use
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Efforts to get Columi? What efforts are you talking about. Took me only two weeks to be completely equipped with Columi.

You know that the whole set, besides the mainhand weapon drops in the hardmode flashpoints, right? So if you run two or three of them flashpoints every day, it's laughable easy to get your gear. Add two normal-mode operations each week and you get the picture.


lol ONLY 2 weeks? I have to give it to you MMO hardcores, you go quite hard.


In COD it would take me almost the entire the year to hit 10th Prestige, and I stayed in the top 5 of the post game leaderboards. Now, some people had their 10th within a month, but those dudes had no lives. Effort is a subjective idea.


Dont watch 12 hours of The Sopranos a day, and then complain it only took you a week to watch the whole box set. It ONLY took you 2 weeks to get the MID lvl endgame raid gear... Wow, kids today.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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I'm personally a fan of the Guild Wars 1 system. You don't loot armor, the game isn't based on gear. It's more skill based. You get your armor crafted after gathering the materials and cash, put your runes and insignias on it to your liking. You have to loot weapons and get the mods you want for them. And you do dungeons and elite areas for fun and possibly cool weapons. Everyone gets some loot at the end that could be of potential use


Thats sounds awesome. I cant wait for GW2.

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This next year will be very telling for me. If I cannot progress in a similar manner (ie, the manner I found fun) to the way I progressed to 50, then I won't continue playing. If there isn't more story for my character(s) to experience, then I'll be gone.


I'm not going to gear-grind, and if that's the only focus of BW future developments, then I'll be gone. I'm not having my subscription dollars subsidize a playstyle I dislike at the expense of what I find fun.


Story more or less ends at 50, there is some story left on Ilum that ties into the flashpoint stories.... but as for the continuation of the class story, won't happen until expansion pack.... And I personally don't see that happening until around December at the earliest... Given all the VO and story they have to create

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That's how it used to work in MMOs. Many of the modern MMOs have been following WoW in regards to making previous tiers skippable in some way. It's hard to say how it will go in TOR at this point. We will have to wait and see.


In the long run though, I expect them to make previous tiers unnecessary because that tends to stifle progression when a raid team has to recruit one or two new members. It's not always possible to recruit players who are at the same level of progression and the game will need a way to get them caught up with the rest of the guild's raid team.



As I said they would have to make it so you can skip Normal mode when you hit 50 and go straight into Hardmode with just Orange Modded gear.... I would be surprised if they did that this early in the game development... I could see them possible doing it when an expansion comes out in a year or so...

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Hardcore raiders hate BioWare and hate TOR they always will and nothing BioWare will ever do be good enough for them.


So why pander? They are at most 2% of the population. This is why GW2 eliminated the Raid game they felt it wasn't worth all the money and time just to get insulted in the end. There is a huge amount of non-raiders that got promised a viable end game by BioWare and then was ignored. BioWare needs to stop wooing the Raider and the uber guild and start paying more attention to the people who will put money in their pockets every month.


You are aware that your keyboard has a comma key, right lol. Grammar aside, How did you come up with 2%? Is there some statistics, some polls, or are you doing what 87.980% of what internet people do, and just making up percentages to fit you argument? See what I did with the 87.980% ;)

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They have to do this to keep the hardcore raiders happy.


I know casual players like to think that they are the majority, but if you really are the majority, where are you all? Why have you stopped playing? You were here at the start, but why have you disappeared?


It is more plausible that the majority are the raiders who are bored that they have gotten the best gear already, so they no longer log on.


What hardcore raiders? They all left the game after they beat all the content in the first few weeks.


OP, what effort? You can face roll to the highest level gear in the game right now. The only effort is takes is not falling asleep.

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What hardcore raiders? They all left the game after they beat all the content in the first few weeks.


OP, what effort? You can face roll to the highest level gear in the game right now. The only effort is takes is not falling asleep.


You hardcore guys are just going to have to face it, this game is not for you lol. For us with jobs, girlfriends/wives, kids, friends, other hobbies, and responsibilities it takes months to get both Rataka/BM gear. Dont worry though, GW2 is right around the corner.

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You hardcore guys are just going to have to face it, this game is not for you lol. For us with jobs, girlfriends/wives, kids, friends, other hobbies, and responsibilities it takes months to get both Rataka/BM gear. Dont worry though, GW2 is right around the corner.


If playing 3 hours a night 2-3 nights a week is hardcore, I guess I am. You don't have to play 8 hours a day to get through this content. Even people more casual than I have blasted through the content in this game.

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The more experienced MMO people: when do you predict that BW will add something above the 1.2 gear? I put so much effort into getting Columni and Champion and suddenly all this will be rendered useless..


Took me about 3 weeks to get full rakata gear after hitting 50.

So I dont know what your fear is.

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I honestly wish that they will go about the scaling in a very slow fashion. If they always provide a quick way to proceed to the latest tier of content, they will render obsolete all the rest of the content. This is not fun :(. If they add content but only provide small helpers (like earpeice and implant commendation vendors only) it still allows for older content to be relavent, while still haveing new content better prepare you to proceed. WOW's new hyper accelerated content run just makes it so boring after like 2 weeks after a content patch comes out, due to all previous content now being obsolete (and nerfed to hell). BW please do not follow the blind side of the MMO world :)
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If playing 3 hours a night 2-3 nights a week is hardcore, I guess I am. You don't have to play 8 hours a day to get through this content. Even people more casual than I have blasted through the content in this game.


3 hours a night, that 21 hours a week. Thats a part time job! Your part time is playing SWTOR lol. Come on man, I play with casual players. It takes plenty of time and effort to get the endgame stuff. Im just now getting it, and 1.2 is right around the corner. Like I said, this game is meant for the causal player.


Sorry, did not see the 2-3 nights a week. Anyway, your full of **** if you say 6-9 hours a week gets you through end game content in a week or two. Your looking at a what, 12 or more hardmode/Nightmare and 2 Ops with hardmode/nightmre. Plus the endgame PvP, your flat our lying.

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3 hours a night, that 21 hours a week. Thats a part time job! Your part time is playing SWTOR lol. Come on man, I play with casual players. It takes plenty of time and effort to get the endgame stuff. Im just now getting it, and 1.2 is right around the corner. Like I said, this game is meant for the causal player.


Please read it again. 3 hours a night, 2-3 nights a week. That is 6-9 hours a week.

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yeah, the same thing that motivates hardcores, for me its a rather demotivating thing. Why put effort into gearing when it will rendered inferior in next patch. I already dont see any reasons for doing any end-game stuff with my alts. No way i am going back to grind the dailies for another alt.

I agree with the above.


I'm a pretty casual player in any MMO these days (I currently have 3 subs running) end game has always been the least interesting part of gameplay to me in the EQ/WoW approach of level grinding. Essentially once I get to end game I do some runs with my guild to get the top end gear then realize that all of that gear will be worthless once the next update resets everything in an effort to keep the "hardcore" crowd entertained. Once I realize this, there is essentially no point in me participating in this content anymore.


On the other hand games with meaningful PvP or any other approach to end game have held my attention (at end game) for ages. Its a crappy model imo, but we should expect to see it full force in SWTOR from the current looks of things.

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Please read it again. 3 hours a night, 2-3 nights a week. That is 6-9 hours a week.


Sorry, did not see the 2-3 nights a week. Anyway, your full of **** if you say 6-9 hours a week gets you through end game content quick. Your looking at a what, 12 or more hardmode/Nightmare FPs and 2 Ops with hardmode/nightmre. Plus the endgame PvP, your flat our lying.

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That's how it used to work in MMOs. Many of the modern MMOs have been following WoW in regards to making previous tiers skippable in some way. It's hard to say how it will go in TOR at this point. We will have to wait and see.


In the long run though, I expect them to make previous tiers unnecessary because that tends to stifle progression when a raid team has to recruit one or two new members. It's not always possible to recruit players who are at the same level of progression and the game will need a way to get them caught up with the rest of the guild's raid team.


The system is already in place. You can get the new tier of gear by doing dailies in corelia, but it will take a long, LONG time to get it. They can adjust that as we go, but for right now it isn't necessary. With only 3 raids, it doesn't take long to gear people up, and new people can be carried by the team if everyone else is overgeared.

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The game gives you the quality of gear that you need to compete at the level you play honestly.



Unfortunatly, casuals want Raid gear... so they can faceroll normal mode flashpoints. :rolleyes: They do, really.


Regarding the OP's comments though, I'm always for them ADDING NEW gear - regularly... but at the same time, making the OLD gear easier to get, so the casuals don't have to go through the same grind to get it that the more hard players do.


Hard players don't mind the mind numbing grid to get new gear. Casuals lothe it.


This keeps the hard-core in the "best" gear, and the casuals in "yesterdays best" gear.


I see nothing wrong with that at all.

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Sorry, did not see the 2-3 nights a week. Anyway, your full of **** if you say 6-9 hours a week gets you through end game content quick. Your looking at a what, 12 or more hardmode/Nightmare FPs and 2 Ops with hardmode/nightmre. Plus the endgame PvP, your flat our lying.


You don't need FPs to gear up. In fact is is much faster to gear up through Ops. It takes less than 3 hours to get through hard mode Karaggas or EV with competent group. Most Hard Mode FPs take less than an hour, some a little as 25mins. So 2 nights in Ops at 3 hours each and maybe another 3 hours running 3-4 FPs. There are no nightmare FPs and the are only 7 HM FPs. Nightmare mode ops may take a bit longer but not much, and there is little point to them anyway. They have the same loot as HM, and the content is exactly the same as HM and Normal mode.

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i play for the story lines. sure, i do HM FP's, but i am not a gear grinder. i like that they are adding dailies with 136 rated pieces for corellia. i will do that on one character so i can see some of the new content, but i am perfectly content just seeing the story lines. also, why is no one here that is complaining about the new tier of gear, not also GUSHING about how cool it is that we can just do the class quests in 1.2? they are adding a feature to allow us to ONLY have to do the story content for a character and i see no one absolutely thrilled about this. it's too bad this community as a whole is pretty cynical and jaded. go play another game if you can't be just as open about the good as you are about the bad.
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Unfortunatly, casuals want Raid gear... so they can faceroll normal mode flashpoints. :rolleyes: They do, really.


Regarding the OP's comments though, I'm always for them ADDING NEW gear - regularly... but at the same time, making the OLD gear easier to get, so the casuals don't have to go through the same grind to get it that the more hard players do.


Hard players don't mind the mind numbing grid to get new gear. Casuals lothe it.


This keeps the hard-core in the "best" gear, and the casuals in "yesterdays best" gear.


I see nothing wrong with that at all.


Why do you think that WoW is offering lvl capped toons to referred players now? If Bioware intends to drop new gear every 3-4 months than they have to make the old stuff easier to get. If not, then how do guys a years behind catch up? I know soooo many people that want to play WoW, but will never gear grind all those damn gear tiers. It would bring a new meaning to "no life"


I have never understood why MMO people get a sense of accomplishment from their gear. Its not like the gear is only given to the best people in the game. It is, as you say, a mind numbing grind. All you have to do is sit at your computer for a long period of time lol. The only reason I want the new gear is because I need it to play the content. Why would I care if someone else only had to do half the work to get the same gear I have. In no way what so ever does someone else's gear effect my HM/NM modes of Ops. I just dont get it.

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You don't need FPs to gear up. In fact is is much faster to gear up through Ops. It takes less than 3 hours to get through hard mode Karaggas or EV with competent group. Most Hard Mode FPs take less than an hour, some a little as 25mins. So 2 nights in Ops at 3 hours each and maybe another 3 hours running 3-4 FPs. There are no nightmare FPs and the are only 7 HM FPs. Nightmare mode ops may take a bit longer but not much, and there is little point to them anyway. They have the same loot as HM, and the content is exactly the same as HM and Normal mode.


So at best you can run 3 Ops a week with your play schedule. Thats 12 Ops a month, like I said, your full of ****. It would take you at least a month to just get the Columi, even longer to get Rataka. On top of that you would still have PvP, FPs and World Bosses that you would of not touched. I play for the content, not the gear. Again, this game is not meant for you, never was.

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I have never understood why MMO people get a sense of accomplishment from their gear. Its not like the gear is only given to the best people in the game. It is, as you say, a mind numbing grind. All you have to do is sit at your computer for a long period of time lol. The only reason I want to new gear is because I need it to play the content. Why would I care if someone else only had to do half the work to get the same gear I have. In no way what so ever does that effect my HM/NM modes of Ops. I just dont get it.

There was a time when I think the sense of accomplishment was well deserved. Before the days of everything being datamined and folks knowing drop-rates, expecting their tiered gear etc. I definitely remember seeing people in epic gear way back when and being mildly impressed. Now it seriously seems more an issue of putting time in grinding repetitive content rather than anything else.

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So at best you can run 3 Ops a week with your play schedule. Thats 12 Ops a month, like I said, your full of ****. It would take you at least a month to just get the Columi, even longer to get Rataka. On top of that you would still have PvP, FPs and World Bosses that you would of not touched. I play for the content, not the gear. Again, this game is not meant for you, never was.


You can only run 1 of each op per level a week anyway. I have gotten as many as 4 pieces of columi or rakata a run. The point is there is no challenge in the content, and you don't need to invest obscene amounts of time to complete it. If you just play for the content and not the gear it takes even less time. You only need to play through an op once on normal to see the content. I am a casual player (3 nights a week) and it took no time to see all the content. Are you saying this game isn't for casual players? or is it not for competent players?

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There was a time when I think the sense of accomplishment was well deserved. Before the days of everything being datamined and folks knowing drop-rates, expecting their tiered gear etc. I definitely remember seeing people in epic gear way back when and being mildly impressed. Now it seriously seems more an issue of putting time in grinding repetitive content rather than anything else.


Regardless, even if you did not know the drop rates, it will still just be a mater of time spent in front of your computer. Until there is a gear tier based on skill, it will all be a matter of who can sit at their computer the most. If you get a sense of accomplishment from your gear, your delusional lol. Dont get me wrong, Im super excited when I get BM gear, but its not because I accomplished anything. Its because I can now compete on a lvl field with other BMs, it looks cool, and the grind is over lol.


Think if there was a skill tier. Like a set for completing a NM mode in a certain time, or X amount of win streaks in ranked WZs. That would be sick.

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