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We should be able to choose our companions.


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seeing as they aren't just pets, and are incorporated into the story, I don't see hw this is possible


And if u want a certain companion, you can just use that class lol




If it makes you feel any better, OP, I hate all the Jedi Knight companions, especially Scourge for killing Meetra 300 years ago and Doc for being a slimy git, and all of the Consular's except for Lt. Iresso.

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If they did that everyone would be running around with Vette and Mako.


I'd have Elara, M1-4X, SCORPIO, Lt. Iresso, & Ashara. If I was faction-locked, then I'd go with Elara, M1-4X, Lt. Iresso, Corso Riggs, and Aric Jorgan, so I'd basically just be a Trooper. I'd take Ashara, SCORPIO, Blizz, Doctor Lokin, and Mako on the Empire side.


I'm upset that I'll never meet Ashara because she's an Inquisitor companion and I haven't been able to stomach getting off Korriban with that class. I don't understand how so many people can play it.

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