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Is there any point in taking the "close quarters" talent ?


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I just started playing a Marauder and decided to go anni with PVP as my main area of interest. I see many builds with 2 points put in close quarters. Shouldn't they be put elsewhere as it is my understanding that if you are less than 10 meters away from your target, you should save your use of FC and just run to them (excepted when slowed) ?


I may be totally wrong though so if any experienced anni pvpers could clue me in, I'd appreciate it.

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I think the main reason people take it is for the Rage generating aspect. Removing the minimum range means you get a free rage generating move you can use whenever its available, even in close combat.


How valuable that is from a PvP standpoint I'll leave for better qualified people to decide.

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I just started playing a Marauder and decided to go anni with PVP as my main area of interest. I see many builds with 2 points put in close quarters. Shouldn't they be put elsewhere as it is my understanding that if you are less than 10 meters away from your target, you should save your use of FC and just run to them (excepted when slowed) ?


I may be totally wrong though so if any experienced anni pvpers could clue me in, I'd appreciate it.


Charge is an interrupt and a root. I use it a fair amount when my regular interrupt is on CD (especially against healers). This is the main reason Close Quarters is taken, and the Interrupt is VERY needed.


The root is very useful in many situations. as well


If I'm hitting the ball carrier and they're crossing a fire pit, I will mez them. If they trinket that and they aren't at full resolve, I will choke them. If they are at full resolve or I get interrupted, I immediately charge them to root them. It usually results in both me and the ball carrier dying in the fire. If I had to back up and charge, the mez could be broken and they could get away.

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Charge is an interrupt and a root. I use it a fair amount when my regular interrupt is on CD (especially against healers). This is the main reason Close Quarters is taken, and the Interrupt is VERY needed.


The root is very useful in many situations. as well


If I'm hitting the ball carrier and they're crossing a fire pit, I will mez them. If they trinket that and they aren't at full resolve, I will choke them. If they are at full resolve or I get interrupted, I immediately charge them to root them. It usually results in both me and the ball carrier dying in the fire. If I had to back up and charge, the mez could be broken and they could get away.


This is pretty much it. Combined with the lower cd it makes for an extremely potent ability.

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Most ppl like 1/2. I can't give up 2/2. It takes 1 second to strafe to 5meter range - that is if you can. 1v1 a good melee won't let you.


Why would you charge another melee in a 1v1 if you both are already engaged. Not like the root is gonna help in any way possible in that case. Just for the 3 rage?


1/2 is enough to interrupt healers without loosing any dps, since the GCD is 1,5 a mara have all the time to strafe a bit back and charge before the GCD is up.


Anyway, everyone is free to waste their skills points the way they want to.

Edited by atreyuz
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1/2 is necessary.


2/2 is optional for very specific things.


Note: If you are going 2/2 to use charge as a rage builder, you are wrong. Assault is a more efficient rage builder, although this may change in 1.2, where enraged charge no longer "costs" you 4 talent points in Carnage.

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ya, you get another interrupt.


you can solo interrupt sorno, and chain disrupts against healers effectively locking them out from doing anything useful (barring the uninterruptable buff). the disrupt from force leap already takes a long time to cast because it has to finish the animation therefore the 2/2 is justified.


you can kill a tracer missile/grav round spammer without taking any damage


chaining disrupts is a large part of my game, in addition to dps

Edited by HBninjaX
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You can chain interrupts with 1/2. You only need 2/2 if you are slow (in the brain), significantly slowed (in the feet), your target is exceptionally good and knows you may have a minimum charge range and will risk running into you rather than running away from you while you are snared as they step to cast, or if you want to melee root a melee class, etc.


5' is really really short and easy to get to in the majority of situations.

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You can chain interrupts with 1/2. You only need 2/2 if you are slow (in the brain), significantly slowed (in the feet), your target is exceptionally good and knows you may have a minimum charge range and will risk running into you rather than running away from you while you are snared as they step to cast, or if you want to melee root a melee class, etc.


5' is really really short and easy to get to in the majority of situations.


First it isn't 5' that implies 5 feet which translates to 1/3 of the actual distance of 5 METERS (15') secondly there aren't that many useful talents that the one point would be anymore or less useful than the extra for 2/2.


That being said this is completely a play style choice and completely irrelevant to the OP's original question asking whether this talent is a good use of a talent point to which the answer in either case (1/2 or 2/2) is YES!



Edited by ArchTyrian
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First it isn't 5' that implies 5 feet which translates to 1/3 of the actual distance of 5 METERS (15') secondly there aren't that many useful talents that the one point would be anymore or less useful than the extra for 2/2.


First, I don't know about you but the actual distance in-game seems a lot closer to feet than meters. Regardless, I'm pretty sure we're talking about "5".


Second, if the value of the second point is nil -- or an arsehair away from zero, then any other talent in all the trees becomes more useful.

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end of the story.


no not end of story.



2/2 is a must for annihilation pvp. Use it as an interrupt against all the healers at 0m. If you think knockbacks are a problem go look at the cd on all of them and the 0m leap becomes much more valuable.

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Why would you charge another melee in a 1v1 if you both are already engaged. Not like the root is gonna help in any way possible in that case. Just for the 3 rage?


1/2 is enough to interrupt healers without loosing any dps, since the GCD is 1,5 a mara have all the time to strafe a bit back and charge before the GCD is up.


Anyway, everyone is free to waste their skills points the way they want to.


why would you not charge another melee in a 1v1? Hey lets gimp ourselves and not build rage.


And no you shouldn't be strafing away 5m to charge a healer or anyone for that matter. you can pop off another attack in the time it takes you to get 5m away and then charge for an interrupt anyways.

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Charge is an interrupt and a root. I use it a fair amount when my regular interrupt is on CD (especially against healers). This is the main reason Close Quarters is taken, and the Interrupt is VERY needed.


The root is very useful in many situations. as well


If I'm hitting the ball carrier and they're crossing a fire pit, I will mez them. If they trinket that and they aren't at full resolve, I will choke them. If they are at full resolve or I get interrupted, I immediately charge them to root them. It usually results in both me and the ball carrier dying in the fire. If I had to back up and charge, the mez could be broken and they could get away.





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For a long time I thought I couldn't do without 2/2 as Anni, but I proved myself wrong. Those 5m are really easy to make up for and 99% of the time in PvP your target is moving away from you(making those 5m even easier) or are melee and using it is a waste. The 1% are sorc/sage healers who chain cast everything and don't move. These are usually guarded or being healed by another and are probably a waste of your effort as you wont kill them or fully stop them from healing (At this point it's better to find a target getting focus fired, Deadly Saber then and join them on the kill target).


And as people have said, using it as a rage builder is also a waste. That extra rage is only good on openers. Which isn't that hard to compensate as most openers go Charge->Saber->Battering->Snare/Rupture->General rotation. That extra rage point for 2 talent points will rarely making the difference as Battering covers most of our opening needs.


Get use to 1/2 for best results.

Edited by Cindikle
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why would you not charge another melee in a 1v1? Hey lets gimp ourselves and not build rage.


And no you shouldn't be strafing away 5m to charge a healer or anyone for that matter. you can pop off another attack in the time it takes you to get 5m away and then charge for an interrupt anyways.


well, to be fair, you only would need to move 1m, as melee range is up to 4m and 1/2 CQ is 5m min


and you can totally hit your button and move to 5m before the end of the CGD


however, i agree with you, 2/2 is the way to go, if for no other reason than i have nothing else to do with that point


it gives you more time to react, if they start casting half way through your GCD you can certainly hit your charge, but you may not have time to run back then hit your charge in just half of a GCD, especially if you are standing nearly on top of them

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