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Is there any point in taking the "close quarters" talent ?


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no not end of story.



2/2 is a must for annihilation pvp. Use it as an interrupt against all the healers at 0m. If you think knockbacks are a problem go look at the cd on all of them and the 0m leap becomes much more valuable.


Any1 taking 2/2 is being lazy. Also you'll be getting knocked back a ton so the one time interrupt isn't worth it some times.

Edited by Rotanartlu
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no not end of story.



2/2 is a must for annihilation pvp. Use it as an interrupt against all the healers at 0m. If you think knockbacks are a problem go look at the cd on all of them and the 0m leap becomes much more valuable.

And no you shouldn't be strafing away 5m to charge a healer or anyone for that matter. you can pop off another attack in the time it takes you to get 5m away and then charge for an interrupt anyways.


1/2 works as good as 2/2 as an interrupt


"the times it takes you to get 5m away..." You never tried 1/2 didnt you?:confused:


AND you do it while under GCD, you do not waste any time to pop another attack.

Like this guy says:

well, to be fair, you only would need to move 1m, as melee range is up to 4m and 1/2 CQ is 5m min


and you can totally hit your button and move to 5m before the end of the CGD







however, i agree with you, 2/2 is the way to go, if for no other reason than i have nothing else to do with that point


Can you show me your anni spec.







Any1 taking 2/2 is being lazy


Why are we wasting breath? Let them take their lovely 2/2 while we do exactly the same with half the skill points spent.

Edited by atreyuz
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heres my anni spec with 1/2 CQ





so yea, no where else to put that point except 2/2


because you do not seem to appreciate Malice. For me the higher the crit chance on dots the better.


My spec is the same except for that and phantom 1/2 (just went 1/2 phantom...always been 2/2 there)

Edited by atreyuz
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why would you not charge another melee in a 1v1? Hey lets gimp ourselves and not build rage.


Assault is a better rage builder for the most part.



If I had to back up and charge, the mez could be broken and they could get away.


I didn't know your mez lasted 0.4 seconds, but ok.



especially if you are standing nearly on top of them


I find that standing on top of my opponent is a terrible idea due to knockbacks.



This is my current Anni spec:




Wish I had more points to blow for Ferocity, Malice, etc.

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Assault is a better rage builder for the most part.





I didn't know your mez lasted 0.4 seconds, but ok.





I find that standing on top of my opponent is a terrible idea due to knockbacks.



This is my current Anni spec:




Wish I had more points to blow for Ferocity, Malice, etc.


You have plenty of points if you get rid of that ****** seeping wounds talent and the ****** rage builder at the top of the tree.

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You have plenty of points if you get rid of that ****** seeping wounds talent and the ****** rage builder at the top of the tree.


Why would we get rid of seeping wounds? Especially come 1.2. Empowerment is also very much worth spending points in.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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You have plenty of points if you get rid of that ****** seeping wounds talent and the ****** rage builder at the top of the tree.


Seeping Wounds is excellent for increasing DPS by replacing 1 crippling slash with 1 vicious slash once every ~10 seconds for most combat events where your target isn't a brain-dead moron.



Also, more rage = more pain, instead of investing in an irrelevant talent that does nothing 99% of the time.

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Then why would you not have seeping wounds?


What would you spend points in as opposed to empowerment?


Off topic, But i will play along.


Seeping wounds is BAD. You have a nice skill that already gives you 50% slow. and most Slows in the game are 50% therefore if you are being kited by a 50% slow you are still being kited if you place a 30% slow. Useless. Incase you didnt notice the predation buff is one of the biggest reasons any top tier player uses this tree. Skipping it is just stupid.


Empowerment is unnescessary. Using all of my abilities off of CD I still get excess rage with out it and need to burn with viscous slash. If you need that extra rage gen. you are doing it wrong.

Edited by ArchTyrian
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Off topic, But i will play along.


Seeping wounds is BAD. You have a nice skill that already gives you 50% slow. and most Slows in the game are 50% therefore if you are being kited by a 50% slow you are still being kited if you place a 30% slow. Useless. Incase you didnt notice the predation buff is one of the biggest reasons any top tier player uses this tree. Skipping it is just stupid.


Empowerment is unnescessary. Using all of my abilities off of CD I still get excess rage with out it and need to burn with viscous slash. If you need that extra rage gen. you are doing it wrong.


Seeping wounds becomes 50% in 1.2. You are wasting a GCD by using crippling slash and in result losing DPS.


I wasn't running empowerment in my original spec but switching increased my damage output significantly but come 1.2 we will be able to gain more focus off of charge making empowerment less important. Predation isn't really efficient as an anti-kite ability, you get much more use out of it for capping/defending objectives which is why I also have focused pursuit maxed.

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Seeping wounds is BAD. You have a nice skill that already gives you 50% slow. and most Slows in the game are 50% therefore if you are being kited by a 50% slow you are still being kited if you place a 30% slow. Useless.


1. You have a nice skill that costs 2 rage that does diddly damage that provides a 50% slow. Replacing that with a slightly weaker slow that does 4x the damage, for the same rage cost, is generally a good idea. In a general fight where the concept of a snare "matters" at all, you will typically have 4.5-9.0 seconds of contact time. Wasting a 1.5s GCD (33%-17% of your DPS time) on a ****** Crippling Slash is not a great investment.


2. A 30% slow provides the necessary snaring for pretty much every single opponent you face except for an IA healer and some very, very, very rare other cases.



Incase you didnt notice the predation buff is one of the biggest reasons any top tier player uses this tree. Skipping it is just stupid.


Ferocity is useful for objective-whoring, usually at the start of a match, and rarely for other instances. For use mid-fight, a +50% run speed buff is pretty much just as effective as a +80% run speed buff for almost all cases. It's pretty rare when that last +30% actually makes a meaningful difference in a fight.


Ferocity is a good choice if you run with a premade or otherwise focus on objective tagging with 110% effort. Otherwise it's entirely mediocre -- although still pretty fun.


Empowerment is unnescessary. Using all of my abilities off of CD I still get excess rage with out it and need to burn with viscous slash.


Tbh, sounds like you're not using all your abilities, and you're not using Vicious Slash enough. In a general fight, I dump all my abilities and have to use Assault to build more rage to spam more damage. And that's with Empowerment.



If you need that extra rage gen. you are doing it wrong.


If you need Ferocity, you're doing it wrong. If you use Crippling Slash, you're doing it wrong. Etc etc. Very circular reasoning that won't get you anywhere. Unless you're right, of course. But, you're not.

Edited by EasymodeX
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1. You have a nice skill that costs 2 rage that does diddly damage that provides a 50% slow. Replacing that with a slightly weaker slow that does 4x the damage, for the same rage cost, is generally a good idea. In a general fight where the concept of a snare "matters" at all, you will typically have 4.5-9.0 seconds of contact time. Wasting a 1.5s GCD (33%-17% of your DPS time) on a ****** Crippling Slash is not a great investment.


2. A 30% slow provides the necessary snaring for pretty much every single opponent you face except for an IA healer and some very, very, very rare other cases.





Ferocity is useful for objective-whoring, usually at the start of a match, and rarely for other instances. For use mid-fight, a +50% run speed buff is pretty much just as effective as a +80% run speed buff for almost all cases. It's pretty rare when that last +30% actually makes a meaningful difference in a fight.


Ferocity is a good choice if you run with a premade or otherwise focus on objective tagging with 110% effort. Otherwise it's entirely mediocre -- although still pretty fun.




Tbh, sounds like you're not using all your abilities, and you're not using Vicious Slash enough. In a general fight, I dump all my abilities and have to use Assault to build more rage to spam more damage. And that's with Empowerment.





If you need Ferocity, you're doing it wrong. If you use Crippling Slash, you're doing it wrong. Etc etc. Very circular reasoning that won't get you anywhere. Unless you're right, of course. But, you're not.


Stopped reading at objective whoring obviously l2p issue here. No sense arguing.

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because you do not seem to appreciate Malice. For me the higher the crit chance on dots the better.


My spec is the same except for that and phantom 1/2 (just went 1/2 phantom...always been 2/2 there)


crit rate on bleeds when you factor in berserk is through the roof as it is, plus, id rather have defensive roll and 1/2 cloak of carnage


preference thing i guess /shrug

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Predation = good for objectives




Point of game = objectives


Therefore, predation = point of game




winning is the point of the game


and quite often a situation arises where the best course of action for your team to win is for you to do something that nets you absolutely zero objective points

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winning is the point of the game


and quite often a situation arises where the best course of action for your team to win is for you to do something that nets you absolutely zero objective points


I like to burn as many down as I can, piss them all off. Make 5/8 of them try to kill me through all of my cooldowns as my team scores. Generally it's 3 or 4 that peel off for me, but when I get 5 I feel like I've done something special.


Far as seeping wounds go, till they add multi-spec I'm not worried about it. Most players don't know how to kite. My problem with Seeping Wounds is that it lasts the duration of Rupture. Which is 6 seconds. If they increased it to match the cooldown of Rupture I'd 100% agree it's worth it. Till then, even at 50% slow, I will not take it as it's too much trouble as I will need to apply Crippling Slash to a kiter either way.


Ferocity I'd say is a juggle. If you're in any sort of pre-made I'd agree to it all the way. Malice isn't that big of deal to me as our dots crit a lot as it is. An extra 4% is nice, but 80% speed boost can save a healer who's snared. Or get your team from one side of Alderan to another quicker. Although this will change in 1.2.

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Point of game = objectives


Nah. The point of the game is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.


If you get a ***** because you can click a blue object with epic style, good for you.


Personally, I PvP to fight and beat the **** out of my enemies. I could care less about PvE clicky objects. Of course, I do click them, but that's not the point. The point is to smashface. Clicking objects is fun because it forces the enemy to do predictable things -- whereupon you smash their face.

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