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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I just hit 50 and am bored out of my mind. Wish my server had more people to interact with. I probably would have been satisfied at level 50, but unfortunately, Bioware did not implement server transfers. Makes no sense to stay or even re roll a new character because of how monotone the leveling experience was. I will stick around for 1.2 though, but if I see no improvement, then I will definitely be leaving this game.
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On how many characters? Did you realize that you can start a character on the other faction, and not repeat a SINGLE SHRED of content? It's a whole new game over there.


Try it!


MMOs aren't supposed to end at 50. The more telling part of his comment is that he just hit 50, and is already bored out of his mind.

Edited by Gungan
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Are you kidding me??!! Go to WoW. Level a Horde Hunter. Then level a Horde Warrior. How different do you think the leveling experience will be? Not even close to 2% difference. Hell, try that in ANY MMO. TOR offers more uniqueness in leveling alts than ANY OTHER MMO TO DATE, and you're gonna fault them for the 40% that's similar?


Give me a freaking break. People are insanely and unrealistically picky these days. Sheesh...




I've played KotOR 12 times. I've played KotOR2 8 times. I've played Mass Effect 4 times, currently involved with my 5th time. I've played Mass Effect2 twice, will start my third time with my current Mass Effect character.


Do I think that playing 40% faction quests over again to experience an all new 60% class quest too much repeated content?


Not only NO, but HELL NO.




If everything is perfect to you, why you must be here defending the game against all sorts of flaws that ppl points? Why even bother with other's opinions if everything is perfect for you?


You are scared to death to realize yourself the flaws that others already saw and start questioning yourself if it is worth to keep paying. I know the feeling, denial of the obvious is the first sign of despair.

Edited by DarthPeterNorth
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MMOs aren't supposed to end at 50. The more telling part of his comment is that he just hit 50, and is already bored out of his mind.


Technically, it really doesn't. There's a lot to do in this game after 50. An entire questline dedicated for level 50 solo play, WZs, HMs, Ops. Not to mention 7 other unique class stories. I'm sorry, but if you don't think these are valuable, you're just not a BioWare fan. TOR isn't just another MMO, it's a BioWare game, and should be treated as such.


Not to mention that the next chapter to ALL 8 STORYLINES is on its way...

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If everything is perfect to you, why you must be here defending the game against all sorts of flaws that ppl points?


You are scared to death to realize yourself the flaws that others already saw and start questioning yourself if it is worth to keep paying. I know the feeling, denial of the obvious is the first sign of despair.


Check my post history. You'll see that I barely posted one a month after the forums were wiped for launch.


Look at my post count now. Before launch, I was at close to 10k posts. Clearly, I'm not posting NEAR as much now that I'm playing the game. ;)

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I ressubed this month but i cant motivate myself to log in again. The worlds are so instanced, quests are so generic, it really feels like playing a MMORPG in a private server.


Really horrible. The class quests are very good indeed but you have to pvp or do side quests to catch on levels for class quests. I'm sick of PVP and side quests makes me want to turn off the pc after i turn in the second one in the same area.



Like the other guy said. The thought of redoing coruscant, or in my case nar shadaa destroys any possibility of having an alt. One thing that WoW did right. As an undead mage i never had to face the same leveling grounds my tauren shaman and my blood elf hunter did. I could face the same areas in mid levels or after but there were so many options.


In TOR its the same areas for level 1-30+ in a game with level cap 50.

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Technically, it really doesn't. There's a lot to do in this game after 50. An entire questline dedicated for level 50 solo play, WZs, HMs, Ops. Not to mention 7 other unique class stories. I'm sorry, but if you don't think these are valuable, you're just not a BioWare fan. TOR isn't just another MMO, it's a BioWare game, and should be treated as such.


Not to mention that the next chapter to ALL 8 STORYLINES is on its way...


I am a BioWare fan, but they've screwed up enough in their last 3 outings that I have little faith that anything they put out from now on is anywhere near as good as they think or say it is.


Furthermore, the class stories are ultimately unengaging because nothing you do matters in the world. There isn't even any phasing. You may like to roll alts all over the place, but lots of people don't and want to focus playtime on their main. It isn't any fun grinding over and over to get to 50, then to get decent gear to do anything at 50.


This type of storytelling doesn't work in a multiplayer environment because when everybody is a super, nobody is.

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This type of storytelling doesn't work in a multiplayer environment because when everybody is a hero, nobody is.


This is my biggest gripe with the storytelling. That dark council must have quite the number of seats and that Wrath isn't really THE enforcer now is it? The Jedi order? That council chamber in Tython is going to have to start selling chairs at the door.


Jedi should never progress beyond knight or master at the most. Sith should never rise above lord or darth. The whole 1st chapter of BH should have been scrapped, in my opinion.


When I saw AoC opening video about *YOU* being the chosen one I asked myself "wait, what? Is this a singleplayer game?". It's very disappointing and lame.

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I am a BioWare fan, but they've screwed up enough in their last 3 outings that I have little faith that anything they put out from now on is anywhere near as good as they think or say it is.


Furthermore, the class stories are ultimately unengaging because nothing you do matters in the world. There isn't even any phasing. You may like to roll alts all over the place, but lots of people don't and want to focus playtime on their main. It isn't any fun grinding over and over to get to 50, then to get decent gear to do anything at 50.


This type of storytelling doesn't work in a multiplayer environment because when everybody is a super, nobody is.


Just curious... are you comparing their success (or lack thereof) to your own expectations, or are you appropriately comparing it to their peers?


Because, if you compare to their peers...well, the volume speaks for itself...


However, if you're comparing it to your own expectations, is it possible that those expectations are not all within the realm of reality?


Just food for thought...


As for your last statement, only the players are heroes, not everybody...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Just curious... are you comparing their success (or lack thereof) to your own expectations, or are you appropriately comparing it to their peers?


Because, if you compare to their peers...well, the volume speaks for itself...


However, if you're comparing it to your own expectations, is it possible that those expectations are not all within the realm of reality?


Just food for thought...


As for your last statement, only the players are heroes, not everybody...


Nope, to their peers... and to BioWare's own work before DA2.


The players are everybody. NPCs don't count.


DA2 - practically a joke compared to their previous work.


ME3 - weakest game in the series, and the worst ending ever written in any medium.


SWTOR - most linear MMO ever made, with weak uninspired group content. Even if you ignore the MMO part of it and just focus on the single player experience, it doesn't compare to even the worst of BioWare's own single player RPGs, because all choices lead to the same consequences.

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Nope, to their peers... even more so, to BioWare's own work before DA2.


The players are everbody. NPCs don't count.


Well...I can't comment on DA or DA2. I bought DA, played 30 minutes, was disgusted that I couldn't turn off all that awful blood, and took it back. So, I didn't play those.


However, generally speaking, it's a great challenge for any author, screenwriter, or gamewriter to "one-up" with a sequel. In all the movies I've watched, books I've read, games I've played, very rarely does the sequel measure up to the original.


That has more to do with aesthetics, though, than actual game or story board. It has also has to do with the fact that the audience just does NOT like change. And the inherent part of a sequel is the embracing of change.


For instance, I almost did not get past the fact that you-know-who died at the beginning of Bourne Supremacy. I just about ejected the disk right then and there.


The players are NOT everybody. Because of companions. It's high time to think outside the box WoW and WoW-like games have stuffed us in, don't you think?

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Well...I can't comment on DA or DA2. I bought DA, played 30 minutes, was disgusted that I couldn't turn off all that awful blood, and took it back. So, I didn't play those.


However, generally speaking, it's a great challenge for any author, screenwriter, or gamewriter to "one-up" with a sequel. In all the movies I've watched, books I've read, games I've played, very rarely does the sequel measure up to the original.


That has more to do with aesthetics, though, than actual game or story board. It has also has to do with the fact that the audience just does NOT like change. And the inherent part of a sequel is the embracing of change.


For instance, I almost did not get past the fact that you-know-who died at the beginning of Bourne Supremacy. I just about ejected the disk right then and there.


The players are NOT everybody. Because of companions. It's high time to think outside the box WoW and WoW-like games have stuffed us in, don't you think?


Why? Companions are little more than pets. It's a pretty safe bet that most people use the companion that compliments their class bets, not whose personality they like the most. They are nice to have, but just so I can solo Heroic quests because lord knows there's no real people around to group with.


Furthermore, they have such minor bit parts that they may as well not exist. Get 2000 rep? Have a convo on the ship. Get 4000 rep, have a convo on the ship? Get 6000 rep, go on one mission if it's one of the companions that has a mission, otherwise they go off to solo it themselves. Who the hell cares? Bringing a different companion to the same quest doesn't change the outcome of events.


Your companions have zero impact on the world, just like you.


Also, see my edit above.


It's not about "one-upping" themselves in a sequel. It's a clear decline in quality in gameplay mechanics. They keep jamming story down people's throats, while tearing out deep gameplay mechanics. That's not what people liked about BioWare games in the first place, it was always the gameplay first, story second.


Side note, DA2 sucked because it only had one environment and eliminated a lot of the RPG character development and tactical combat from the first game. They changed it to more of an action/adventure combat instead of iso-view tactical control.


It wasn't a bad game in general, and probably would have been pretty well received if it came out under a different name from another studio.

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I don't know what to tell you. I run everything on high except antialiasing (which is OFF because there really isn't a big difference with it on high or off. There is very little jaggedness anyway). And I have zero FPS issues no matter where I go or what I do.




same here I have everything set to high except Anti-A.


My system

window 7 64-bit

AMD Phenom II X^ 1055T

6GB of Ram

ATI Radeon HD 5800 series

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Why? Companions are little more than pets. It's a pretty safe bet that most people use the companion that compliments their class bets, not whose personality they prefer. They have such minor bit parts that they may as well not exist. Get 2000 rep? Have a convo on the ship. Get 4000 rep, have a convo on the ship? Get 6000 rep, go on one mission if it's one of the companions that has a mission, otherwise they go off to solo it themselves. Who the hell cares?


It's all a matter of perspective. You're viewing from a game perspective, I view it from a first-person roleplay, story perspective. After all, that's why I play and love BioWare games. The 3PS aspect of the gameplay is the awesome part. I wouldn't be as happy if it was just an interactive cinematic like FF XIII.


Your companions have zero impact on the world, just like you.


Also, see my edit above.


If you choose to view it that way, sure. I can't change your mind. That's totally up to you.


It's not about "one-upping" themselves in a sequel. It's a clear decline in quality in gameplay mechanics. They keep jamming story down people's throats, while tearing out deep gameplay mechanics. That's not what people liked about BioWare games in the first place, it was always the gameplay first, story second.


There are many, including myself, who play BioWare games for story first. BioWare has made NO ATTEMPT to hide the fact that TOR is for those players. If you're not one, it's not your fault. But nor is BioWare lacking anything. It's just a difference. No one's "wrong"...


Side note, DA2 sucked because it only had one environment and eliminated a lot of the RPG character development and tactical combat from the first game. They changed it to more of an action/adventure combat instead of iso-view tactical control.


It wasn't a bad game in general, and probably would have been pretty well received if it came out under a different name from another studio.


Possibly. Again, I can't comment. Didn't play. Too much needless, unnecessary blood that you couldn't turn off in Options...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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No because the game has a lot of potential. I will not unsub, the amount of content they can and will dish out is extrodinairy. Space Battles (PvP) ,Vehicle PvP, Capital City raids, Planet Contest. The skys are not the limit in this game... Space is.
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No because the game has a lot of potential. I will not unsub, the amount of content they can and will dish out is extrodinairy. Space Battles (PvP) ,Vehicle PvP, Capital City raids, Planet Contest. The skys are not the limit in this game... Space is.


Like!! :cool:

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It's all a matter of perspective. You're viewing from a game perspective, I view it from a first-person roleplay, story perspective. After all, that's why I play and love BioWare games. The 3PS aspect of the gameplay is the awesome part. I wouldn't be as happy if it was just an interactive cinematic like FF XIII.




If you choose to view it that way, sure. I can't change your mind. That's totally up to you.




There are many, including myself, who play BioWare games for story first. BioWare has made NO ATTEMPT to hide the fact that TOR is for those players. If you're not one, it's not your fault. But nor is BioWare lacking anything. It's just a difference. No one's "wrong"...




Possibly. Again, I can't comment. Didn't play. Too much needless, unnecessary blood that you couldn't turn off in Options...


So apparently you're in favor of turning video games into just plain video, because that's the way they're headed.


At what point do you draw the line? The next thing on the chopping block is branching storylines, which we already see in TOR and ME3.


Pro tip: Stories end, and always quickly. Good gameplay ensures longevity. Why do you think people have been playing StarCraft for 11 years? The story was great, but nobody was playing it for the story after the first year.

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So apparently you're in favor of turning video games into just plain video, because that's the way they're headed.


At what point do you draw the line? The next thing on the chopping block is branching storylines, which we already see in TOR and ME3.


Pro tip: Stories end. Good gameplay ensures longevity.


Stories end, eh? For an MMO, though? People are complaining that once their story "ends" at 50, it's over. Obviously, they think it shouldn't. Gameplay? Of course it should be a part of endgame. I think that BioWare, like every other MMO developer to date, underestimated the number of players that refuse to play the storylines. A mistake they are quickly correcting.


And it doesn't. Development on Chapter 4 of all 8 storylines is well underway. Didn't you notice that once you reach 50, your screen says "Interlude"?


And, no, not just plain video. Again, that's pretty much what FF XIII is, and I hated it, and so did a LOT of people. However, Mass Effect trilogy, KotORs 1 and 2 (2 is by Obsidian, I know, but BioWare already had much of the groundwork laid before handing it off to Obsidian. And don't forget LucasArts...)


So, no, plain video? No. And TOR is a far cry from "plain video"...

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Stories end, eh? For an MMO, though? People are complaining that once their story "ends" at 50, it's over. Obviously, they think it shouldn't. Gameplay? Of course it should be a part of endgame. I think that BioWare, like every other MMO developer to date, underestimated the number of players that refuse to play the storylines. A mistake they are quickly correcting.


And it doesn't. Development on Chapter 4 of all 8 storylines is well underway. Didn't you notice that once you reach 50, your screen says "Interlude"?


And, no, not just plain video. Again, that's pretty much what FF XIII is, and I hated it, and so did a LOT of people. However, Mass Effect trilogy, KotORs 1 and 2 (2 is by Obsidian, I know, but BioWare already had much of the groundwork laid before handing it off to Obsidian. And don't forget LucasArts...)


So, no, plain video? No. And TOR is a far cry from "plain video"...


People are complaining at 50 because once you get to 50, you spend a week or two getting nearly the best gear available, repeatedly playing the same warzone or LFG FP in fleet for hours, and then it's over unless you're really into hard mode+ raiding.


The gameplay in SWTOR isn't good enough, and it might not matter if the story wasn't boring and completely linear (and a minority of levelling content too).


I remember at least a handful of instances in Mass Effect where I cried, burst out cheering/laughing, or had to get up and take a walk to really consider what I was about to do in the game.


I didn't feel a single thing playing the story in SWTOR because they tore the soul out of choice and consequence... and made uninspired generic characters I couldn't care less about. Wait, that's not true... I did feel anger and resentment at my stupid companions and their whiny insignificant problems. Probably not what they were going for though.

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I just have to say, did the mods just clean out most of the "I cancelled my sub, etc etc" posts? because all I see are the supportive posts. I swear not all of them were non-constructive, I suppose you have to protect the image of the game eh?
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Choices for LS and DS points have it's moments, but levelling it seems pretty redundant.

Other than that, this does feel like WoW all over again.


If SWTOR doesn't improve (other than GUI changes, patch 1.2 is meh) before Diablo 3 comes out, will cancel my subscription and will likely not give it another chance.

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