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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


Okay people are tired of hearing this same thing over and over, if you dont like the game anymore stop playing it, stop insulting it, alot of people love this game. so for all those out there who keep doggin on it and bioware, who did an amazing job on this game and all its storyline, you all need to just stop wasting your time and our time and stop complaining that you dont like this game. Dont try to ruin it for us who still like this game, its annoying and im tired of it, so please do the community a favor and stop allready, the time you waste saying how much you do not like this mmo you could be doing better things then trying complain all the time. NOt insulting anyone who doesnt like it, just suggesting that stop posting stuff like this please.

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And how is that BioWare's fault? I play 16-mans+ with everything on "High" except antialiasing (which is Off) and still get 25fps. And I don't have any powerful hardware. 250GTS card, dual-core processor, 8GB RAM... How much fps you need to compete? 60? 120?


They're having to revamp it because of PLAYER behavior. Yes, BioWare will have to tighten the reigns on PvPers, and that IS SAD.


Just turn your shader complexity to very low itll fix the lag up fast, i have a super gaming pc and i still get lag cus if one player has bad lag itll effect everyone in the area

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I ask this in all honesty, because I haven't found a single one: Please link me to an MMO that launched with an LFG tool. I don't think there's a single one.


Thus, demanding that TOR have one already is quite unrealistic...


I don't know about any launching with one but Rift implemented it two months after release. We're now ~4 1/2 months in and it'll most likely be a couple more months before we see it here.


I think they should have prioritized it over Legacy.

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As a open world pvp'r what does 1.2 offer me? Nothing.......I refuse to do warzones until they fix there broken mess of open world. As far as im concerned warzones are the biggest f up in this game they have done nothing positive for pvp there just exploiters/hackers heaven. The game would have been better off just making open world and thats it. Overall i dont see myself coming back gabe ametgelo is a liar and secondly he has to much on his hands to do we need a dedicated pvp team not a guy whos job is flashpoints/operations/pvp/this/that and more. James ohlen is a liar as well with his "we have the best pvp team" yet we cant even tab target properly and no raid assist still. He seems to know more about "whats coming" more then he knows about whats going on atm.


Like i said as a open world pvp'r you are screwed with this game sadly gw2 and others that offer open world pvp with "live youtube footage" not a gm on a stage saying thier games pvp will be 100vs100 with cleverly edited footage while ilum can even do 20vs20...


Stop complaining, there arent hackers in pvp, its called team work, theres no exploiting in pvp, its called people working together so stop accusing people of cheating when they use strategy to win, everyone needs to stop calling players cheaters cus bioware looks at every log and im sure woulda done something if so. Stop thinking people cheat cus they work together and dont run around and dont work together .

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And how is that BioWare's fault? I play 16-mans+ with everything on "High" except antialiasing (which is Off) and still get 25fps. And I don't have any powerful hardware. 250GTS card, dual-core processor, 8GB RAM... How much fps you need to compete? 60? 120?


They're having to revamp it because of PLAYER behavior. Yes, BioWare will have to tighten the reigns on PvPers, and that IS SAD.


How is it biowares fault? heres how


Choosing a bad engine


choosing not to make rep side more appealing.


Ilum can not be every single persons pc bieng the issue. Ill admit yes thier is cases this is true but not %100


Answer me this is this your ideal open world pvp?

b/c this is what ive been seeing since launch.


6 months ago in beta me and a friend went into the rep base destroyed the base turret and farmed reps inside the base 6 months ago in beta i bugged that reported it and then here comes patch 1.1 6 months later look what happened do i need to say more here?


these issues are not players fault its biowares

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I don't know about any launching with one but Rift implemented it two months after release. We're now ~4 1/2 months in and it'll most likely be a couple more months before we see it here.


I think they should have prioritized it over Legacy.


In 1.3 they are going to have a LFG tool. Cross server for PVP, but only same server side for PVE. Which on low pop servers those who wish to PVE will still have long wait times. My sub runs out this July...what they do to help players to get into end game content will decide if I will resub by then. Lots of cool games coming out between now and then. ;)

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bioware disagrees with you. Working together is not cheating not sure why you think that lolz. Who am i accusing? can you give me a name?


Stop complaining, there arent hackers in pvp, its called team work, theres no exploiting in pvp, its called people working together so stop accusing people of cheating when they use strategy to win, everyone needs to stop calling players cheaters cus bioware looks at every log and im sure woulda done something if so. Stop thinking people cheat cus they work together and dont run around and dont work together .
Edited by hargrave
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This game DOES have open world PvP... players just don't play it.


I've watched videos and talked with people who have played GW2 PvP... you are going to be disappointed.


I doesn't have meaningful and fun open world pvp so therefore people don't play it. I remember the good ole days of relic defense... hell level 30's would run out to help even.

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I doesn't have meaningful and fun open world pvp so therefore people don't play it. I remember the good ole days of relic defense... hell level 30's would run out to help even.


And I remember the good ol' days with massive PvP that gave you...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. People fought each other for the sheer challenge.


That motive is now extinct...

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No such animal though. MMO play does require a player be able to self-direct and self-entertain to a certain degree


you cant shoot someone with a gun that has no bullets..

you cant enjoy the movement of a dancer if there is none there

you cant entertain yourself watching a pot of water boil


this game HAS the ability to be better by taking the best from the company it bought out and applying to the best that Bioware has presented..


3 things I loved most about SWG:


Going out into open space with modifiable space ships

Having to physically go to another players house in order to purchase something

Being able to be that other player and building a house to wow the visitors


3 things I hated about SWG:


Missions were horrible

End game content was a waste

missions took way too long to complete, and thats IF you didnt get ninja'd


3 things I love about TOR


Missions are better laid out

End game (in most aspects) was enjoyable

Missions are moderate, yet probably too easy, and you cant be ninja'd every where you go..


3 things I hate about TOR



no house.....

nothing to do outside of missions, pvp, HP and FP, dailies.. whatever.. after your 5th level 50 character.. your basically logging on to send your crew out on their missions and logging back off again.. rather than do the same exact mission youve been doing every night for the last 2 months and you could walk through it blindfolded, backwards and unarmed..

kinda like watching the movie "Groundhogs Day" when Bill Murrays character is about to steal the 2 bags of money?

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Originally Posted by solikepoison

Stop complaining, there arent hackers in pvp, its called team work, theres no exploiting in pvp, its called people working together so stop accusing people of cheating when they use strategy to win, everyone needs to stop calling players cheaters cus bioware looks at every log and im sure woulda done something if so. Stop thinking people cheat cus they work together and dont run around and dont work together .



8 players were in Que as 2 teams of 4.... chances were great that they would end up on opposite teams... while the 8 players sit on vent laughing and calling out how much of an idiot they are making of themselves.. in the game they (4 of them being on your team) will get the ball.. run it back to your teams endzone and run around typing "I dont know how to play... I dont know how to play" until their friends get to your endzone.. kill their friend who puts up no resistance what so ever.. they get the ball and score...




I applaud those who use strategy to play.. but more and more guilds are using the example above WITH THE EXCEPTION that now they just dont go announcing that they are morons.. youll just be 2 min into a game trying to figure out how you just lost 6 to nothing..

Edited by iamxtreme
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Because I find the game dam fun!!!!


I love the game, after playing WOW for 7yrs SWTOR is refreshing to play.

I love leveling in SWTOR

I love the PVP

I LOVE LIGHTSABERS... come on they are so dam cool. I have always wanted to play a space SiFi MMO game that was like wow and this is perfect for me.


I really don't care if people hate this game and want to ***** about everything, it doesn't effect me at all, if you don't like the game is not for you move on.


That's just how I feel.

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I see no reason to stop playing. I'm the kind of player that wants to experience everything in a game, and if you run out of things to do just try another game, and come back when more content is added. You don't have to keep paying your subscription, you know ;)
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I see no reason to stop playing. I'm the kind of player that wants to experience everything in a game, and if you run out of things to do just try another game, and come back when more content is added. You don't have to keep paying your subscription, you know ;)


Thats very true.. and im thinking I will do just that.. just having my characters stock up on what I can.. I will wait till the next patch.. play it.. and go cold for a bit.. even SWG wasnt great when it started..

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Nope, my expires on 4.20 and not gonna pay for a game that is for all intense and purposes failing.


Population has taken a nose dive and the more I read about 1.2, the more it is not what they said they would do. More and more features are, "We'll get to that in a later patch.".


I'm voting with my wallet.

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keeping sub


my guild of 12 will be keeping our subs...just got into the ops hard modes...plenty of content updates on the horizon it seems...pvp is fun (huttball is fun admit it)...rolling 3 alts for the story...and oh yeah the main reason i will be keeping my sub and i am sure my guildmates will as well for the forseeable future:


its a STAR WARS mmo!

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And I remember the good ol' days with massive PvP that gave you...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. People fought each other for the sheer challenge.


That motive is now extinct...

I feel you there. I laugh when people say that they got the best PvP gear and so they have no reason to PvP. IMO when you have the best gear is when it is truly time to start PvPing.


They complain that everyone have Battle Master gear but if everyone has equivalent gear then the encounter is about skill and not gear.

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