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The Darkside of MMOs and why SWTOR escapes it.


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This is the type of player I don't understand in mmo communities , you think that your opinion is the only valid one. That vo, and story is "dumb", quite the contrary bro. I've been playing mmo's since ultima, and everything in between. I've never had more than one capped toon....never. I have 2 in Swtor, and planning on many more. Why? Story. That's why. I'm more compelled to play this game than I ever have another mmo. I don't have multiple char's stuck in limbo during the lvling process like wow. I could never make myself endure that journey more than once.


Mmo's to me HAVE to have story now, and not some tacked on crap like gw2, but good story. It's a must now because of Swtor....if I ever even play another mmo. I also disagree with subscription models being dead. Let me pay the 15 a month for a game to issue content on a regular basis, instead of f2p where u get an expansion every 2 years bc the developer doesn't have the revenue to give me what I want. Guild wars is the only free mmo I've ever played....and all indications point to 2 being the same, I want no part of it. But hey, if gw2 coming out means ppl like you leaving....I'm all for it.


It's amazing how everyone in the world has played UO since launch and every game in between.

Even more impressive is the fact that stating this implies superior knowledge of all things, and gives greater importance to any points that are to be given.

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A short wake up call:


I just can't believe the attitude some people have. The guy is writing his opinions and in no way being negative at a personal level, and here we come across morons who call it a fail. Do you really want to throw civility out the window? Two can play that game. I'll understand criticisms that the game sucks but treating another person like a low level piece of nothing is just unacceptable and unforgivable...He says he will forgive the OP..."I forgive thee for thy transgression lowly peasent." Well who the hell do you think you are?



Now the actual opinion:


To the OP. The points you made about the community are valid, for now. Eventually things may change for the worse. Oh and my advice, only read, care about, and reply to the posts that talk about community cause your OP talked about community, don't let anyone change the subject by saying how this game sucks and that mechanic is a fail. That's another topic entirely.



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I just can't believe the attitude some people have. The guy is writing his opinions and in no way being negative at a personal level, and here we come across morons who call it a fail. Do you really want to throw civility out the window? Two can play that game. I'll understand criticisms that the game sucks but treating another person like a low level piece of nothing is just unacceptable and unforgivable...He says he will forgive the OP..."I forgive thee for thy transgression lowly peasent." Well who the hell do you think you are?


What to say?




Oh look, a positive thread! Time to skip the comments.


LOL. Excellent. So true. :D

Edited by Moonheart_S
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A short wake up call:


I just can't believe the attitude some people have. The guy is writing his opinions and in no way being negative at a personal level, and here we come across morons who call it a fail.


Wake up call, did you read the same post as me? OP basically says people further along in the game than him are "elitists" only to become the classic definition of elitist by talking about how good he is.


This is how many people argue today. They throw out an accusation but it might as well be an announcment to the behavior the accuser is going to imediately engage in.

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A short wake up call:


I just can't believe the attitude some people have. The guy is writing his opinions and in no way being negative at a personal level, and here we come across morons who call it a fail. Do you really want to throw civility out the window? Two can play that game. I'll understand criticisms that the game sucks but treating another person like a low level piece of nothing is just unacceptable and unforgivable...He says he will forgive the OP..."I forgive thee for thy transgression lowly peasent." Well who the hell do you think you are?



Now the actual opinion:


To the OP. The points you made about the community are valid, for now. Eventually things may change for the worse. Oh and my advice, only read, care about, and reply to the posts that talk about community cause your OP talked about community, don't let anyone change the subject by saying how this game sucks and that mechanic is a fail. That's another topic entirely.




Yes calling people names (elitists) is very civil.


Now there is a reason why rated WZ are coming and it is because people want to have fun with people that can play at their level and not babysitting lazy players that are just ending up riding their coat tails.


I suspect that the OP feeling was hurt in such a way that he needed to create this thread which won't help in the community building 1 bit.

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No, I am just stating my argument that a person's skill isn't or shouldn't be determined by the gear they wear. When I was playing huttball last night, I got hounded because I carry the ball and only having 12K HP but yet I scored twice and even made an assist on another score [Got stopped by the fire so I had to pass to the guy on the other side]


I am not saying I am a better player, I am just saying that I am not going to allow the armor I wear dictate how good I am. Because I am sure that there are PLENTY of players who have all out BM everything but are not that skilled. They just spammed Warzones to get the bags/commendations. Then there are those who are VERY skilled, but they just do not have the gear.


I'm all in favor of everyone having fun, but Armor does limit you and there is no getting around it. If you have a level 50 starter PvP set then the difference is still there but not so bad. If you are wearing level 40 PvP armor you will be crushed by an equally skilled player in BM gear.


But, if you like to PvP, I don't understand how you could possibly reach 50 without being able to instantly get a good bit of level 50 PvP gear upon turning 50? I know I did on both my 50s.


This is a game, but a competitive game, especially in PvP. People don't like to lose. If they perceive that your lack of skill or gear is holding them back they will complain, some more crudely than others.


I PvP a lot on both my Republic and Empire toons. I don't rage at players but will leave a match if it is obvious that the majority of a team is clueless and won't listen to advice. (Mouse clickers or in Elitest terms Mouth Breathers ;-))


I used to play a lot of FPS games and if you think they have less elitests than MMOs you were playing different games than I have or not really playing them competitively.


Most of SWTOR you can play in single player mode, run around, explore, do quests, simple OPs, etc. But PvP is a competitive sport. If you don't try to max your skill and gear be prepared to be chided about your play.

Edited by Erasimus
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Who here has been attacked personally. He just attacked a category of people. The responses he got were personal.


So what kind of answer should be posted?


Equivalent to his? Its not a group of people that it is at fault for posting such rant.


Its him.

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But, if you like to PvP, I don't understand how you could possibly reach 50 without being able to instantly get a good bit of level 50 PvP gear upon turning 50? I know I did on both my 50s.



I had that thought as well, maybe he's hoarding bags for patch?

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But again I ask, what is it about MMO vs other genres like FPS that draws in the "Elitist" crowd?


You tell us-you're the one who was crowing about how people aren't 'creative' enough in the appearance of names of their characters and how yours is special because he's orange instead of red.

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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that people can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this, while made with good intentions, tend to draw out people who wish to be overly negative and incite flames.


We have a very diverse community on the forums and our members come from a variety of playstyles and opinions. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, we ask that those opinions be expressed in a constructive and respectful manner. In the future, please create threads that encourage constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


Thank you for your understanding!

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