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Commando Life Beyond 1.2 (keep it optimistic)

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I don't have time to "re-roll" another class. I have spent most of my in game time leveling my commando. I have been waiting for this patch to come out to decide if I wanted to keep my sub. I will give 1.2 a try once it goes live but if this nerf keeps my class from being fun to play anymore I am moving on to something else. I will not attempt to level another class in fear of being ultra nerfed.
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I don't have time to "re-roll" another class. I have spent most of my in game time leveling my commando. I have been waiting for this patch to come out to decide if I wanted to keep my sub. I will give 1.2 a try once it goes live but if this nerf keeps my class from being fun to play anymore I am moving on to something else. I will not attempt to level another class in fear of being ultra nerfed.


Hey, if you like the game you do. If not then **** you.:D

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Since we're getting nerfed hard, anyone has some recommendations on reliable Medic builds?


So many useless talents now, Field Triage, Kolto Residue, Trauma Probe, the bonuses they provide doesnt doesnt justify the amount of talent points they require(3 talent points for 1 ammo reduction every 12s?!?!?!, this shows bad planning on dev side). I end up not having enough points to hit Bacta Infusion.


Is hybrid a more reliable build now? Which means CM will swap rolls to an offheal, no longer main healer.

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Near 50% of the Reps I meet on my server play a Trooper (Level 50 Warzones only). Commandos/Mercs are maybe week on 1on1. But watch what happens when you've got 4 GravSpammers in your team/the enemy team.


You're not the only class that gets hit with the nerfbat. They do the same to Sorcs and Operatives(again).


As a Heal-Sorc myself I can feel your pain. I don't think this patch is gonna hit our damage-speccs that hard, neither for Sorcs nor for Mercs, but I don't see any reason to keep playing a healer at all after this patch, no matter if Sorc,Merc or Op.


What a luck that I got my Juggernaut up to 50 (Veng b*tches, screw Lolsmash) before the patch hits...


Have fun in "SWTOR Patch 1.2: Hail to the Marauders"

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No shame in rerolling.


The only nefs that bugged me were survivability.

What keeps bugging me is utility and the lack of it.


!.3 is too far away to wait for a change to trooper.


I love my commando he is my bread and butter and i have decided to only pve with him since Utility is almost pointless for my class in an Ops


I have re rolled a shadow and will faceroll everyone in PVP and carry the team in huttball on my back as i have been doing. Shadow tank FTW

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...I have re rolled a shadow and will faceroll everyone in PVP and carry the team in huttball on my back as i have been doing. Shadow tank FTW


unfortunately this will probably be the case for a lot of people - dropping commando to roll a jedi. I'm going to finish out my commando just to do so, then i will be rerolling a jedi of some sort. jedi are currently held on a pedestal (just like they were in swg), so until it's not the most powerful class for pvp, i will be forced to play one so i'm not automatically at a disadvantage.

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unfortunately this will probably be the case for a lot of people - dropping commando to roll a jedi. I'm going to finish out my commando just to do so, then i will be rerolling a jedi of some sort. jedi are currently held on a pedestal (just like they were in swg), so until it's not the most powerful class for pvp, i will be forced to play one so i'm not automatically at a disadvantage.


Well actually I planned golling a SW in general (2nd favorite class that I tested in Beta) but yeah....Troopers are going to be hit hard and will probably see less of them...



....but it'll be a cold day in Hell when I fully abandone my beloved Trooper...who just did it with Dorne while Aric was on the med bed next to us.....true story. :cool:

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Yeah, I won’t abandon trooper completely. I was a commando in swg, and I will be so in swtor – just not as much. I’ll still try to find a build that works for me in pvp, if it’s possible. I’m just going to have to pick a new main class to pvp with.
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Said it before, and I'll say it again..


I am still optimistic. I will make my conclusion over the weekend. If after a weekend of Ops and PvP I find the class is lacking or not as fun when compared to how it was before 1.2, I will change.


I already have a 50 Guardian, so resurrecting her won't be an issue.


I also have a 36 Sage, so finishing her won't be an issue.


However, if I do make the switch, I doubt I would ever go back. So I really hope the class isn't borked, because I'd hate to retire a character I have put so much effort into, and there is still the possibility that if I did shelve a character with that much time invested due to it no longer being enjoyable to play, well, it might not bode well for my subscription either.


TL;DR... I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Edited by Nytak
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The only thing that I see would balance commando out after 1.2 is if they gave us a vanish and force speed. The main reason we are already everyones favorite target is that we have no getaway, ridiculously easy to shut down and are a certain kill for everyone that gets close.


Its like if you were a hungry lion on the savannah, who would you rather use your energy trying to kill?


1. A bird that could easily leap up in the air and vanish

2. A superfast gazelle that could just leg out of your reach in 2 seconds

3. Another lion

4. A fat, chubby pig with a broken leg



Thanks for the laugh, i really needed that after reading the about the nerf

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Here I am, the night of the patch and unable to sleep (due to RL issues, not excitement over the patch), so I'm reading our forum and wondering what is going to transpire. I have a BM65 Commando (Mar'quis) and a BM64 Gunslinger (Umbradomina) on Prophecy of the Five, and my Commando is a blast to play.


Do I spam GR today? Only when my AOEs are on CD or ammo is an issue. Is it fun to fire off a couple of GRs, followed with a DR and a HiB finisher and watch a Sith go away? Absolutely! However, I don't view that as my commando's role in pvp.


Though I have never approached 400k damage in a WZ, my commando is consistently near the top of damage/kills. Why? Because I make judicious use of MV, HoB and Plasma Grenade, spamming HS in between to help recharge ammo. I can (pre-1.2) almost single-handedly control a door or turret in WZs... at least until the cavalry arrives to help out. I don't look for 1v1 fights... I look for a mob of Imps to AOE nuke.


The 43% nerf to GR (33% increase in activation time and 10% damage nerf) is going to be tough to swallow. However, if I can still get a smuggler buff and they've not screwed up my crit/surge relic, I may still be a happy guy.


If they have screwed it up, I can only hope I can unlock a Jawa or Ewok, and turn them into saber wielding Tasmanian Devils with great sound effects :p

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nerfs come and nerfs go... same with buffs.


i'm valor 80 with my commando and he really was an outstanding healer, so i see the necessity of a nerf.


Gunnery does ok burst damage, but was far away from being too good.. just because he has such a huge weakness against interrupts and has extreme lacks in mobility.

The biggest issue though for me is, that gunnery is too easy and too boring. you can't really excel with superior skills. i have a valor rank 62 guardian and the things you can do are countless. just switching your guard to who's being attacked and taunt the highest dd could keeps you busier than playing 2 gunnerys at the same time.


i'm currently experimenting with a special Commando spec thats very promising. i just suggest everyone to think outside the box here. dont just see the commando as either heal, gunnery or assault.

also, he got a few buffs. work your way around the nerfs and abuse the buffs.


and to say one thing; play the other classes until you damn yours on being too weak or too strong. the disparity in skill and gear is huge in this game and i seriously can't see anything thats imbalanced right now. everything has its weakness. most of the time; if the strenght is huge, the drawback is huge too.

Edited by Secured
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I thought the point of the commando class was that we were SUPPOSED to do large amounts of damage, with our weakness being that we have no real defense/survivability skills. And now the devs make our damage mediocre and still no way to stay alive? It just doesn't make sense, I am wondering what the intention was behind this change. All they said was they're trying to make commandos have a more "active rotation."


I play AS commando so this doesnt affect me as much, but I feel really bad for all the gunnery commandos out there. Now we are lunch for sents and maras with the buffs they got

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The 43% nerf to GR (33% increase in activation time and 10% damage nerf)



Theres only an increase in activation time if u dont take muzzle fluting which was already in the mix pre 1.2 just instead of reduction of heat cpst, its reduction of cast time.


The only thing your really losing is 10% dmg top one ability, but gaining to others. This patch will only affect the baddies who only know how to use one button.

Edited by Pwnyride
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Theres only an increase in activation time if u dont take muzzle fluting which was already in the mix pre 1.2 just instead of reduction of heat cpst, its reduction of cast time.


The only thing your really losing is 10% dmg top one ability, but gaining to others. This patch will only affect the baddies who only know how to use one button.


Yep. In all honestly, a 10% nerf isn't that huge. Instead of a 3.5K crit hit, you will do 3.15K. IMO, that is a very light nerf especially considering the full auto has been set to proc more. Demotion Round does 10% more, so you might actually see some 5K crits. Gunnery has been largely unchanged and is still a very simple class to play.

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So far I have only played about 4 games and 1 was an assault spec. Assualt feels completely broken and weak for the record. Now say that I switched to gunnery and was surprised how easy it was to get huge crits on light armor targets. I dropped a 6.7k crit with only 3 grav rounds stacked. But when I target any heavy armor class I hit like a wet noodle and if any class focuses me I almost instantly die. I think they need to boost everyone's health or something because we now drop like flies.
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Gunny is broken....it is much more than a 10% reduced damage nerf...there is the cast time and more. When you consider how much is based off of grav round you find that the reduction affects many DPS areas. Those that think a medic or gunny are viable and fun in PVE or PVP are very optimistic folks indeed.


Want to feel OP...roll an imp. This game should have been called Sith of the second Empire.

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I completely agree the commando class feels broken right now. When attacking heavy armor targets i do like maybe 1k damage and 2-3k damage with my dem and hib at best. My mortar volley hits so low its terrible, about 300-700 damage a shot wich is just crap. I will deal with all the broken **** pre patch to get some dps back. I love assault spec and that spec feels completely like shooting wet noodles. I am waiting till this tuesday to see if they fix any thing and for the first time and only time I am quiting this game.
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Some of the reduced cast times are worth it for the minor decrease of damage cept for grav rounds. Why my grav rounds! Glad they added a battle rez for the Commando. it did not make sense too not have it originaly. I do love the new animation for mortars. Edited by Helltroy
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Did 3 wz's after patch 1.2 on my commando...than decided its best to retire him, before i


throw my computer out the window.



a marauder with 12k health just had me for breakfast.....im not sure he was even watching


hes keyboard while he was killing me. While i had over 4k more maxhealth (that should say


something about the gear difference) i stood no chanse whatsoever against this little


marauder baby alt ^^ ....and i dont consider myself a bad pvp'er...since pvp is what ive


mostly been doing since the start of DAOC!



GJ on balance BW! /sarcasm on

Edited by Friakin
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