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Is it worth re-specing to Assault Specialist because of 1.2.


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I had the same thought, but I definitely am going to wait until 1.2 hits before re-specing because to do it now might not be the final product. It's all about DPS, gunnery was the mad DPS, but that is where the nerfs are hitting.


My plan is to try out my gunnery and see if I can "keep up". If it sucks then I will try assault.

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Assault is also being hit by the 10% reduction on CB damage. And the reason is that CBs has to be used to finish the cooldown on HiB. As I said in other threads the nurf of charged bolts does not effect only gunnery. :(


And that cooldown reset (Ionic Accelerator skill) is getting a 6-second "internal" cooldown now (ie. it cannot trigger more than once per 6 seconds). Overall I think gunnery is going to have more-or-less the same DPS as before and assault spec DPS is going to be reduced thanks to fewer HiBs and less ammo regeneration.

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I think I'd still take Havoc Rounds and Special Munitions from Gunnery. If you don't do that you give up quite a bit of crit chance (especially since you're not taking Field Training) plus 6% less damage on all rounds, including Incendiary, and Charged Bolts.


2 points from Parallatic Combat Stims is an easy sacrifice, at least to me. The times I'm incapacitated but live long enough after for that 1 extra ammo to be of value are extremely rare. The majority of the times that effect would proc I'm chain CCd until I'm either dead or so close it's a foregone conclusion. One on one fights where I get incapacitated and still have a chance at winning, and where ammo is actually a concern, are pretty rare. The last point is up to you.


I might take Muzzle Fluting too, just to keep the induction time on Charged Bolts at 1.5 seconds. I'll play with it once 1.2 goes live and see how it feels without that trait but I suspect I will not like a 2 second induction on Charged Bolts.

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Not a bad build but the extra point in endurance really doesn't pay off very much. I like to run with a build close to this. it gives me more chances to crit, which is always nice and I like being able to spot stealth classes early incase you were wondering why I put 2 points in nightvision scope. http://torguild.net/calculator/trooper/commando/?p=00000000000000000000203011000000000000000303320221023232231
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I played with this build a little bit last night, all in flashpoints, no pvp.


I realised that there ammo becomes a big issue because you are frequently leading with incendary round which costs you 3 ammo. Also, this isn't a way to know if HiB is free or not unless it pops out of cool down suddenly (fix this please bioware, just a little icon is all it would take). This is annoying if you don't want to use it until it is free (it costs 2 ammo) but would prefer to use FA and CB until you know that it is free; because of all this i think that this build is better:




This basically gives a little up in terms of the shield's cooldown for extra ammo in cell capacitor. Although, i haven't used reflexive shield, it just strikes me as a little useless that you have to take damage for 40 seconds before you can use the shield again. You would probably be dead by that time!

Edited by DaftMonkey
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I realised that there ammo becomes a big issue because you are frequently leading with incendary round which costs you 3 ammo. Also, this isn't a way to know if HiB is free or not unless it pops out of cool down suddenly (fix this please bioware, just a little icon is all it would take). This is annoying if you don't want to use it until it is free (it costs 2 ammo) but would prefer to use FA and CB until you know that it is free; because of all this i think that this build is better:


Why are you having to fire IR so much?


IR is what you load onto something that will take a while to destroy.


You are investing 3 ammo for a 9% buff to your damage plus about 2000 damage OVER 18 SECONDS.


If it's some trash that is going to be dead quickly then don't use it.


Just use any old attack on trash and use the ammo for an instant damage attack.







A little icon DOES appear when you proc a free HiB it's a minature Ionic Accelerator icon on your buffs section.


If you put sound on you would also realise that your character laughs at the same time to give an audio cue that you've just recieved a free HiB.

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Lol, is that what the laugh is for, i thought it just meant that i had killed someone! (my bad, sorry bioware).


IR costs 3 and for full regen i don't want to go below 8. I would prefer to go FA > CB > CB and then hit IR when i have my free HiB to try to conserve ammo a bit. Otherwise, i will have to follow IR with Hammershot everytime.

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Lol, is that what the laugh is for, i thought it just meant that i had killed someone! (my bad, sorry bioware).


IR costs 3 and for full regen i don't want to go below 8. I would prefer to go FA > CB > CB and then hit IR when i have my free HiB to try to conserve ammo a bit. Otherwise, i will have to follow IR with Hammershot everytime.




You use your gun attacks first THEN you apply the 18 second DoT and buff?


I disagree a lot and not just because you're losing 9% damage on those three attacks.




You have three ammo control abilities.


1) Recharge Cells - Reduce the 120s CD on this to 90s with Rapid Recharge


2) Reserve Powercell - Reduce the 120s CD on this by 6s every time you crit with Adrenaline Fuelled


3) Ionic Accelerator - Use IR then HiB then FA then CB then CB - if you get a free HiB then it will generate 1 ammo.



You can deliberately "overspend" then hit Recharge Cells and use the Reserve Powercell.


In fact you need to. Otherwise you are wasting your ammo control skills.

Edited by Gyronamics
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As long as you have recharge cells available then that is ok; but, if you don't your IR followed by HiB takes you to 7 remaining cells!


Ok, you can say don't use IR if you don't have recharge cells, but if you are playing Taral 5 with multiple fairly strong ops, what do you do? Just FA and CB all the time?

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As long as you have recharge cells available then that is ok; but, if you don't your IR followed by HiB takes you to 7 remaining cells!


Ok, you can say don't use IR if you don't have recharge cells, but if you are playing Taral 5 with multiple fairly strong ops, what do you do? Just FA and CB all the time?


The big plus on Assault is the burst you can have at certain times. My advise is to pick the targets you want to put pressure on and then try this.

Open with ince round


spam a couple of hammer shots to get the plasma proc on.

Then throw assault plastique followd by charged bolts and HiB if it proccs or after charged bolts use Full auto and HiB if it proccs.

Of course you could also avoid to use HiB after ince round and use the following rotation:

Ince>2 x hammer shots>Assault plastique>charged bolts>HiB>Full Auto>HiB if proccs after Ful Auto.

The hint in this rotation is that Assault plastique will blow at the same time when charged bolts and HiB hits the target. Trust me people tend to remain on target because they are used to grav spammers only. At my level i can dish 8k burst damage on a target. And of course you are not required to stay immoblie for long time as gunnery specc requires.

Of course I dont know if this will help your playstyle but give it a try and alter it as it suits you.

I hope what i wrote is clear because my mother tongue is not English. :)

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As long as you have recharge cells available then that is ok; but, if you don't your IR followed by HiB takes you to 7 remaining cells!


This math doesn't add up for me you start wtih 12 ammo and use Incendiary Rounds which takes you to 9 ammo. You then fire High Impact Bolt which costs 2 ammo but refunds 1 due to High Friction Bolts. So ultimately the math is 12 - 3 - 2 + 1 = 8. So you are still ok for regen. So then use a Hammer Shot or 2 to recover some ammo and then fall into a normal rotation. With this in mind, you should stay at 8 or above.

and grenades.

Edited by BroadStreetBully
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