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How to decide which Cell to use?


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They made it pretty easy for us, so we don't have to use our brains. As stated above, each try has a dedicated Ammo type. Not only does this make it a no brainer on which ammo to use per skill tree, it also discourages hybrid builds because most of the abilities you learn in your skill trees require the tree specific ammo type.
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If you're healing: Combat-Support Cell.

If you're Gunnery: Armor-piercing Cell.

If you're Assault Specialist: Plasma Cell.


My main toon is spec'd gunnery and I've been using the Plasma Cell. I've not been satisfied with my max damage and total damage; I'll have to try Armor piercing.



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I guess I should redistibute my points I have them spread across all three columns. I choose what would help my charactor at the time not looking towards an end build. Does it really benefit to but all your points in one column.

My orignal post was looking for a key to enemys and which damge cell would be most useful against them.

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I guess I should redistibute my points I have them spread across all three columns. I choose what would help my charactor at the time not looking towards an end build. Does it really benefit to but all your points in one column.

My orignal post was looking for a key to enemys and which damge cell would be most useful against them.


I'm a noob so take this with a grain of salt, but if you are DPS then you really want the Demo round, and I don't think you can get that if you get many skills outside of the Gunnery tree.

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you have room for 10 'extra' points that can be spent into other trees if you go all the way to the capstone.


if you're combat medic, gunnery, or assault, trust me: they're worth having.



you can go a bit into combat medic for extra crit, alacrity, and recharge cells ammo for gunnery with a little more alacrity from assault (or simply more gunnery)


assault and combat medic both benefit from investing into gunnery with the boost to aim from ironsides, damage/healing from havoc rounds, and the bonus from special munitions.

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