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PvP can be tough!


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For people that are new to MMO based PvP or just new to this game in general. The only MMO I ever played seriously and PvP'd in was SWG. I would say I was an average, perhaps just above average PvP'er in SWG.


I didn't start PvP'ing until my first character was about level 40(Jedi Sentinel) and to say I had(have) no idea what I was(am) doing would be a big under statement. Like I said I'm not a huge MMO player and haven't played one seriously in well over 5 years, needless to say I'm a clicker :D Just from watching gameplay you can see how(unless very, very familar with clicking) clickers don't really stand much of a chance against someone who is experienced with a gaming mouse/keyboard. It much be somewhat comical for an experienced PvP'er to look and see me run at a guy and stand still while using my abilities. If someone is kiting me, god help me! lol


So lets say some day down the road I actually become at least average in PvP. Then comes maybe the most confusing aspect with is commendations and armor. To my knowledge there is no in-game knowledge base to how this system works. I've looked through the datapad and haven't found anything. Reading some of these posts of the PvP forums can be somewhat head spinning with different abbreviations and PvP jargon.


To sum it up, as a player with little PvP experience the PvP aspect of this can very frustrating at times. I play the game with my younger brother who feels the same way. Heck our first few PvP matches we were completely lost. Should I try to kill people? Heal? What the heck is hutt ball? To add to the frustrations you have team members who aren't exactly being constructive in chat. I could see how this would be a lot to grasp for someone new to PvP in this game.


What are your experiences as new players?


To the more experienced, are there any beginners guides to PvP. Frankly I would love to read up to understand the commendation system. I just buy things with WZ comms and assume that sometime after 50 the other things, like champion, battle master, etc come into play?

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Just keep trying. Learn your class in and out. Learn who are the easy targets for you and who are people you should try to avoid. Remember, all three WZ's are objective based thus, you'll not only learn more but you'll also garner respect from your team mates if they see you out there running to the ball, or guarding that node. Like I said at the beginning, just keep trying, you'll gain experience the more you play. Oh and don't worry about being a clicker. I'm a clicker with keybinds so I have the best of both worlds. :cool:
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Ive been here since Dec 20th, I have 2 Lvl 50's and a few level 15-25's


I had a Terrible computer until like Mid February so I just couldnt pvp at all.


Tonite was my 1st time ever PVPing, with my Sith Assassin (Deception spec)


Wow did I have a hard time. I think i was pulling like 50k Damage per Warzone, I topped at 100k in one. i had No idea what i was doing, just running around hitting people and trying to watch what everyone else was doing.


I Admit I had fun though, but yes it was tough and frustrating being called a Nub and a few other words.

Edited by Jamox
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Yep, everybody goes through it. I remember my first match here on my lvl 18 Jedi Shadow...wow was I terrible. I use to be a clicker and keyboard turner and didn't want to change, but man let me tell you...when you do change it you will never ever ever want to go back and you will automatically become tons better at PVP because of your mobility and ability to launch skills much faster.



Really, another great way to improve skills is to watch good PVP'er's videos on youtube. It helped me a ton in rotation and general tactics. Not to mention if you are brand new it gives you an idea of how to do the objectives properly in the WZ's.

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Do you have to have the gaming mouse/keyboard to do it? Is there some hints and tips to learn to not be a clicker? lol


I'm personally using a $20 wireless mouse/keyboard by logitech lol

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Do you have to have the gaming mouse/keyboard to do it? Is there some hints and tips to learn to not be a clicker? lol


I'm personally using a $20 wireless mouse/keyboard by logitech lol


Not at all, I am using a plain ol' mouse and keyboard lol.


I would start out by keybinding your most used moves and just focus on getting those down, adding in a couple moves here or there as you get use to it. That's what I did, for a while I was a hybrid until I got everything down well. Practice doing it while solo PVE'ing too. For mouse turning, well you kind of just have to do it. There isn't much of a way to ease into it lol.

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If you want to break the habit of clicking, start out small. Keybind the abilities you use the most and learn them, eventually start adding a few more binds. It's mostly just muscle memory anyway. Practice on easy PvE targets on some planet that you outlevel.


Once you have your typical rotation down, try to do it while moving(assuming you move for instants and only stop for channeled/cast abilities).


Eventually, you'll look back and wonder how you ever got by before.

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Do you have to have the gaming mouse/keyboard to do it? Is there some hints and tips to learn to not be a clicker? lol


I'm personally using a $20 wireless mouse/keyboard by logitech lol


Also if you're using Arrow keys to move, you'll need to switch to WASD or ESDF to move. I personally use ESDF because it feels more natural to have my index finger on the F key with the nubbin on it. E= Forward D = Backward S= Strafe Left F = Strafe Right. Turn with your mouse. Only bind a few abilities until you get used to it. It might be nervewracking and frustrating at first, but eventually you'll have all of your abilities memorized.

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I started PVP in Rift and I generally got the !*#? kicked out of me every time.


These are the main things that helped me improve.


Keybinds: Set up keybinds that allow you to be mobile. For me, I mapped my Q,E,R buttons and made A,D strafing buttons. Turning I only do with the mouse. This helped me reach those buttons quickly while on the move. Macros truly help mobility, especially for melee, and I think they ought to be in this game, but there are many differing opinions on this. A gaming mouse would allow macros, but I don't have one (nor the keyboard), and frankly, I hold my own just fine without them.


Know your class and its advantages/disadvantages: If you are range, stay the hell back and let melee do their job. Knowing my classes, as well as learning the mechanics of the game (ie., capture the flag, domination, etc.), made a huge difference for me.


Rotations: Honestly, I don't use rotations in PVP nearly the same as in PVE, but learning them, and doing a little min-maxing really helped me learn what was worth using, and what to use first.


Roll a Bounty Hunter: Instant gratification. I topped leader boards every time with my merc starting with the very first WZ. So unfair. The epitome of running around and button-mashing random high damage skills. BH is the PVP spec for the completely inexperienced PVP'er, in my opinion. I actually stopped PVP'ing with him because I was starting to feel guilty.

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The single best advice I can give is to not get in the habit of whining and complaining about what people can do in warzones, what classes are overpowered, and all of that.


It does nothing but hinder you from playing well. Instead of seeking and finding the solution, some find it easier to complain and hope the game solves it for them through nerfs. Particularly in this game, there isn't anything insurmountable about any of the available classes or specs at the moment.


I can't recall a single pvper in any game I've played that performed well, that spent a lot of time complaining about classes, abilities, what they do and don't have, etc. Just figure out what works for you and then do it.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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Do you have to have the gaming mouse/keyboard to do it? Is there some hints and tips to learn to not be a clicker? lol


I'm personally using a $20 wireless mouse/keyboard by logitech lol


I use a Logitech wireless trackball mouse myself. You could get the fancy Naga mouse, and that would if you thought using the keyboard is too tough.




Check out that link for some ideas on how to setup your keybinds on your keyboard. You dont have to copy it exactly. Everyone uses a different keybind setup. It's all about what feels natural/second nature to you. Just use it for ideas if you want.


It is crazy tough to just change up all your keybinds on a character you've played without them. It might be easier to roll a new toon, and setup your keybinds one ability at a time, as you learn them. So that each time you learn a new ability, you bind it to a key like Q or R or whatever, and then go kill some trash mobs. Then you start learning it's placement in a step by step fashion.


Doing it that way really helped me.


PS - I'm in awe at the type of responses in this thread(at least so far). I finished reading the OP and thought 'oh no, the trolls are gonna come out and flame this poor guy'. But most everyone has been very constructive and very nice. Bravo SWToR community :D

Edited by FourTwent
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