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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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I don't have to speak for myself. The evidence I.E. people begging to not have LFD in every mmo forum speaks for itself. Green Day is popular but I don't have to conceed it as "the right way to sound" for every rock/punk punkrock band in the future. Rest assured theres a market in rock/punk punkrock to be had for people who don't want it all to sound like Green Day.


You say that a ton of people are enjoying LFD in WOW. I'll say that a ton of people have bailed on WoW since its strayed as far as it has from the game it used to be, at ton. WoW has retained sub numbers, not subs. There are very few people that I know personally who started playing WoW at release or early vanilla that still play today. Most will say the same thing that its a commercial piece of garbage compared to what it was when it came out. WoW used to be a Fugazi of video games, today its a Green Day instead.


You are still speaking from your experence. I know and still play with several friends who like me, have played WoW from the start in Vanilla and they love the new LFR cross server system. I am not saying your experence is false, but nether is mine. I am not sure I would have kept up my sub for WoW if they had not added the LFG tool. More than likely I would have cancelled it a long time ago.

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It's on par or better than the ones I've seen in tor...


it's a hell of a lot better than some of the ones I ran into in RIFT.


What server do you play? I've seen very few unpleasentries between people in this game so far.

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Blizz is smart enough not to get too excited about what some complainers on thier forums say, but rather looks at the data for thier game. And this shows them thier cross server tool is a success and so much so, they are expanding it in thier next expansion. Bioware does not need to accept what the majority in this thread wants, but rather consider what the posts say in conjunction with what thier own player data shows. :cool:


They are expanding it to Fix the FAIL SYSTEM that it is. Too many complaints, thefts, afk's and the like. Now there is only the auto roll and the winner gets ... maybe an item they can use, maybe some currency, or ... Nothing, lol.

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Yes, and WoW is such a STELLAR example of a good community....


Aside from that, it's an understood issue by developers, Blizzard included, that it screws too much with loot tables and economy.


Hehe. Then why would they be expanding it in thier next expansion to inc all 3 new raids? They are making some changes to the roll system to make it less drama centered which is a good change. It has been so successful they are not going to bandon it and instead are working to make it better.

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The big issue is the breaking down of the server loot table and the economy. It's a well-documented, understood serious side effect of cross server PvE LFG tools.


Cross-server PvP? Fine.


Cross-server PvE? Hell no.

Edited by Noviru
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I see you refuse to acknowledge the earlier proof I had, but you may have been to afraid.


Here's a news flash for you. WoW's LFG is so FAIL that they are totally revamping it to try to fix their blunder. Perhaps you want SWTOR to copy this FAIL System so you can , have your way with the flaws.


Your "people want it" is no better than "cows want to fly", no proof or any true empirical data to back up either.Sorry, doesn't cut it with me, after the rude treatment you all have given I can only assume you Need it to abuse it.


Gotcha. Blizzard introduced a incredibly popular feature that allowed a lot of people to see content they never would have before. And they're revisiting it and improving its flaws and making it better. And that's a bad thing? And why do you think Bioware's only options are to either not have it at all or have one exactly like WoW's? They can take the basic concept and modify it to fit their game.

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LFR ( raids ) only that I understand.
well, the it's a change to the loot system, not specific to cross server in general... it's an irrelevant example for this topic.


Pretty much par for the course with that guy though...

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They are expanding it to Fix the FAIL SYSTEM that it is. Too many complaints, thefts, afk's and the like. Now there is only the auto roll and the winner gets ... maybe an item they can use, maybe some currency, or ... Nothing, lol.


if a player does not win a item, they will get gold. Not nothing. And this is the same system TOR now uses in Operations? Does it suck as well?

Edited by Noviru
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You are still speaking from your experence. I know and still play with several friends who like me, have played WoW from the start in Vanilla and they love the new LFR cross server system. I am not saying your experence is false, but nether is mine. I am not sure I would have kept up my sub for WoW if they had not added the LFG tool. More than likely I would have cancelled it a long time ago.


I'm speaking from observation and I don't know many vanilla players who think WoW is great in it's current state. Most people I know who even still play WoW came in post TBC.


You're right, you would have canceled a long time ago and so would have I because the game had for all practical purposes already run its course. LFD made everything super easy and instant which kept people like me playing WoW untill it got out of hand around the end of WoTLK. At first it was great because most of us who played WoW alot and raided saw a way around the political game that we were sick of. It ended up being a case of be careful what you wish for.

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you can observe, lol how?


pff "he dont know many vanilla players"

how can a person be more clueless? ofc that_game must have like 9kk players from vanilla

who care that at that time playerbase was smaller and almost 8 years passed from that time


WoW saw most of its subscription growth in vanilla and its population has been either stagnant or in decline ever since. I think the actual TBC release is the only upward climb WoW has had in subs since vanilla. So yeah, who cares about that playerbase?

Edited by Noviru
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WoW saw most of its subscription growth in vanilla and its population has been either stagnant or in decline ever since. So yeah, who cares about that playerbase?
No, 3.53 million copies of TBC were sold in the first month. They sold nearly that many (3.3 million) copies of cata in the first 24 hours and 4.7 million copies in the fist month of release. Not bad for an expansion that wasn't even available in one of their bigger regions.


That shows that they clearly had significant growth long after TBC; calling it stagnant, or in decline is more than a little silly.

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I'm speaking from observation and I don't know many vanilla players who think WoW is great in it's current state. Most people I know who even still play WoW came in post TBC.


You're right, you would have canceled a long time ago and so would have I because the game had for all practical purposes already run its course. LFD made everything super easy and instant which kept people like me playing WoW untill it got out of hand around the end of WoTLK. At first it was great because most of us who played WoW alot and raided saw a way around the political game that we were sick of. It ended up being a case of be careful what you wish for.


The fact remains, they added the LFG tool and have expanded upon it and I have not cancelled. Those tools have helped me to enjoy the game a lot more. This is from my observations of course. The biggest mistake that Blizz has admitted to was how they did Cata. By making the content too hard. Which drove a lot of the casual player base away. So as a result of that, they are going back to the designs they had in WOTLK for 5 man heroics in MOP. So a hard working player can come home from work..sit down for a few mins and enjoy a nice successful heroic run. He feels like his sub is worth the relaxation and fun he had.

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No, 3.53 million copies of TBC were sold in the first month. They sold nearly that many (3.3 million) copies of cata in the first 24 hours and 4.7 million copies in the fist month of release. That shows that they clearly had significant growth long after TBC; calling it stagnant, or in decline is more than a little silly.


Well, if this turns into a WoW discussion it's going to get 'moderated'. But regardless, there's a difference between "number of new subcribers" and "number of copies of an expansion", since the people buying an expansion may be existing players. the 3.53 million people who bought BC may have been new subscribers, while the 4.7 million people who bought Cata could have been existing subrscribers buying an expansion (and I have no idea if that's accurate).


Anyway, I have no idea what's true. I've also heard they grew in subscribers with the launch of Wrath. But # of copies of Cataclysm <> # of new subscribers.

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Well, if this turns into a WoW discussion it's going to get 'moderated'. But regardless, there's a difference between "number of new subcribers" and "number of copies of an expansion"
I didn't say that it was.


Selling more copies of your new expansion than you did for your previous expansion means that your population hasn't stagnated. It means that you have more active players who are eager to experience your new content.


Beyond that, the number of new subscribers is well known, and shows that the game didn't start stagnating until shortly after cata was released.

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Well, if this turns into a WoW discussion it's going to get 'moderated'. But regardless, there's a difference between "number of new subcribers" and "number of copies of an expansion", since the people buying an expansion may be existing players. the 3.53 million people who bought BC may have been new subscribers, while the 4.7 million people who bought Cata could have been existing subrscribers buying an expansion (and I have no idea if that's accurate).


Anyway, I have no idea what's true. I've also heard they grew in subscribers with the launch of Wrath. But # of copies of Cataclysm <> # of new subscribers.


The reason for the references to WoW in this thread is some think thier cross server tool is not working well and others think it is. So it is staying on topic when those who think the cross server tool Blizz added was a failure and those who know it is not defends it. The same reasons why it works well and some of it's short comings is very much on topic in this thread. These posts in reference to WoW's cross server LFG tool is how it can work in TOR.

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WoW saw most of its subscription growth in vanilla and its population has been either stagnant or in decline ever since. So yeah, who cares about that playerbase?


Plateauing an order of magnitude above other MMO's sub numbers would seem to be a pretty good place. I imagine that there is a limit to every games sub numbers.


I loved TBC for it's difficulty, but I hated that I had to be in certain social circles if I ever wanted to see it. I'm all for long and difficult attunement quests to be able to enter dungeons and raids, and was upset when they went away. One does not simply walk into Mordor after all. But the implementation of LFG removed what I hated most about the BC era, and that was the rampant elitism that came with lack of LFG tools.


I was lucky back in BC and met up with some folks running Sketis dailies for a few days in a row that I eventually ended up guilding and raiding with until yesterday when I unsubbed from this game due to a lack of LFG features. They are on their third alts while I left at 38 before I couldn't take the lack of groups anymore. (Yes, I know I level slowly, and I didn't group with their 50s for the same reason I don't use cheat codes)


This idea that FPs are the sole means to meat and interact with people is, to me, a silly reason to argue against a LFG tool that will auto-group and port players. Especially when the time investment with a FP is so much greater compared to an heroic quest. Just because I healed or tanked a FP for you, doesn't mean I want to be on your friends list and begged for a group again. I know that my friends lists are actual friends and not just potential future group mates.


Fear of loot-ninjas is a problem with the loot system that gets exacerbated by cross-server lfg but it is not caused by it. It is currently happening in game based on seeing posts complaining over people rolling need for their companions.


I'll keep an eye on the game and hold out hope that there will be a functional LFG soon.

Edited by Noviru
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Hello everyone,


This is a heads up that we recently had to remove or edit numerous posts from this thread. A reminder that regardless of the topic, it is part of our Rules of Conduct that:

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At the moment the server I was playing on you couldn't get a group for a flashpoint or heroic after 5 hours of trying. When you only have 18 on at peak periods on planets and the fleet how is it viable to have a lfg tool just on your server it isn't. There is a lot of content I want to try but can't so tell me how a lfg tool for one server will fix mine.
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At the moment the server I was playing on you couldn't get a group for a flashpoint or heroic after 5 hours of trying. When you only have 18 on at peak periods on planets and the fleet how is it viable to have a lfg tool just on your server it isn't. There is a lot of content I want to try but can't so tell me how a lfg tool for one server will fix mine.


Yeah, the developers waisted a lot of time on these flashpoints and heroic quests just to not have do them in any significant volume

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The reason for the references to WoW in this thread is some think thier cross server tool is not working well and others think it is. So it is staying on topic when those who think the cross server tool Blizz added was a failure and those who know it is not defends it. The same reasons why it works well and some of it's short comings is very much on topic in this thread. These posts in reference to WoW's cross server LFG tool is how it can work in TOR.


Yeah, I get it.


Look, I'll admit the WoW LFG tool isn't perfect (and it is important to keep in mind that Blizzard implemented a different loot system for 5-man dungeons than they did for raids). Even the system WoW had BEFORE LFG is better than what SWTOR has now. On the 'old', single-server LFD tool you opened a window and pulled up a list of dungeons in your level range, and you could then add your name as someone looking for a group for that dungeon. It didn't automatically form groups, and it didn't automatically port you to the location. It didn't have any fancy loot rules. But from anywhere in the world, you could open up a window and see if anyone else was looking for a group for the same dungeon.


And that tool, which Blizzard replaced several years ago, is still much better than the LFG tool SWTOR has currently. SWTOR's one doesn't have room to type in the name of some flashpoints, much less more than one. You can't easily search for people looking for groups for the same things you are. And to make it worse, the LFG comment clears out whenever you go from fleet to ship to planet anyway. So you see some guy is looking for group - you don't know if he's looking for a flashpoint or heroic or what.


So fine, if you don't want a cross-server LFG tool, then come up with your own suggestion instead of just saying "I don't want anything WoW had!" Because whether you want to admit it or not - there is a problem. It is very hard for some people to find groups for flashpoints, whether you're at level 20 or level 50. Server population is a big part of it - but if you think Bioware is really going to merge servers anytime in the near future, then you may be dissapointed.


So for those of you who are against cross-server LFG, tell me what's your solution? Do you have a better idea than spamming the chat channel in Fleet? Do you think the existing LFG tool works fine, or just needs some tweaks? (Not having it clear out comments would be a great start). I'm not necessarily in love with the idea of cross-server LFG, but I do want to do flashpoints...

Edited by amantheil
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Yeah, I get it.


Look, I'll admit the WoW LFG tool isn't perfect (and it is important to keep in mind that Blizzard implemented a different loot system for 5-man dungeons than they did for raids). Even the system WoW had BEFORE LFG is better than what SWTOR has now. On the 'old', single-server LFD tool you opened a window and pulled up a list of dungeons in your level range, and you could then add your name as someone looking for a group for that dungeon. It didn't automatically form groups, and it didn't automatically port you to the location. It didn't have any fancy loot rules. But from anywhere in the world, you could open up a window and see if anyone else was looking for a group for the same dungeon.


And that tool is still much better than the LFG tool SWTOR has. SWTOR's one doesn't have room to type in the name of some flashpoints, you can't easily search for people looking for groups for the same things you are, and the LFG comment clears out whenever you go from fleet to ship to planet anyway.


So fine, if you don't want a cross-server LFG tool, then come up with your own suggestion instead of just saying "I don't want anything WoW had!" Because whether you want to admit it or not - there is a problem. It is very hard for some people to find groups for flashpoints, whether you're at level 20 or level 50. Server population is a big part of it - but if you think Bioware is really going to merge servers anytime in the near future, then you may be dissapointed.


So for those of you who are against cross-server LFG, tell me what's your solution? Do you have a better idea than spamming the chat channel in Fleet? Do you think the existing LFG tool works fine, or just needs some tweaks? (Not having it clear out comments would be a great start). I'm not necessarily in love with the idea of cross-server LFG, but I do want to do flashpoints...


Simple Hard Mode instances should not be Cross server

Leveling instances no problem if they are cross server if and only if servers are merged, AND the first 15 Minutes in Queue it looks for same server then after it goes cross server.

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Yeah, I get it.


Look, I'll admit the WoW LFG tool isn't perfect (and it is important to keep in mind that Blizzard implemented a different loot system for 5-man dungeons than they did for raids). Even the system WoW had BEFORE LFG is better than what SWTOR has now. On the 'old', single-server LFD tool you opened a window and pulled up a list of dungeons in your level range, and you could then add your name as someone looking for a group for that dungeon. It didn't automatically form groups, and it didn't automatically port you to the location. It didn't have any fancy loot rules. But from anywhere in the world, you could open up a window and see if anyone else was looking for a group for the same dungeon.


And that tool, which Blizzard replaced several years ago, is still much better than the LFG tool SWTOR has currently. SWTOR's one doesn't have room to type in the name of some flashpoints, much less more than one. You can't easily search for people looking for groups for the same things you are. And to make it worse, the LFG comment clears out whenever you go from fleet to ship to planet anyway. So you see some guy is looking for group - you don't know if he's looking for a flashpoint or heroic or what.


So fine, if you don't want a cross-server LFG tool, then come up with your own suggestion instead of just saying "I don't want anything WoW had!" Because whether you want to admit it or not - there is a problem. It is very hard for some people to find groups for flashpoints, whether you're at level 20 or level 50. Server population is a big part of it - but if you think Bioware is really going to merge servers anytime in the near future, then you may be dissapointed.


So for those of you who are against cross-server LFG, tell me what's your solution? Do you have a better idea than spamming the chat channel in Fleet? Do you think the existing LFG tool works fine, or just needs some tweaks? (Not having it clear out comments would be a great start). I'm not necessarily in love with the idea of cross-server LFG, but I do want to do flashpoints...


actually wow had a single server LFG that auto grouped for a most of TBC and part of LK, but it didn't teleport you, it sucked many groups never got to the dungeon before someone left

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I resubbed to see if anything changed. I have for the last weeks been looking for a esseles group and out of 100-125 ppl on w/e our main place is called do not get one whisper for weeks.


I get bored and log off.


I have unsubbed again, sadly I do not think I will be back to see whats new again. 7 years develpoment and 3 months released is more then enough time to have a lfg on standby for 1.2


Sadly this is something in the future. I waited long enough and will not waste another penny here =/

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