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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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One is coming, sure. It's taking a long time to come and it's only single server though, this is the problem we're debating here.


GW2 may not have an LFD tool, however it may have something else in place which actually works out better.


For the xserver debate, didn't BW say it will initially be same server only then they will revisit after a certain amount of time to determine if xserver will be more beneficial?


GW2, to the best of my knowledge, will not have any form of automated grouping mechanism at launch for their 'dungeons' or whatever they are calling them. Thus, you will have to manually form groups to complete these 'dungeons'.

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For the xserver debate, didn't BW say it will initially be same server only then they will revisit after a certain amount of time to determine if xserver will be more beneficial?


GW2, to the best of my knowledge, will not have any form of automated grouping mechanism at launch for their 'dungeons' or whatever they are calling them. Thus, you will have to manually form groups to complete these 'dungeons'.


But they may be taking a different approach to it, I haven't looked into it. I would presume it was better than simply spamming chat channels for a group.


Problem with waiting to see if they need Cross Server, is that people are unsubbing and there are servers which are now suffering for it, and in turn those people on those servers will not benefit from a single-server LFD tool. I hate to be a doomsayer but there is a possibility that the game could lose a good amount of Subs before it's brought in.

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Yes, and there are cars out now that are completely electric...should I expect every car to be? No, that takes time. (I really hate the car analogy...lol)


And again, I'm not against the tool but NO MMO in history has ever launched with one...including every new release MMO this year thus far.


One is coming to SWTOR in time.


True, no MMO launched with a fully functional lfg tool, however, SWTOR was not developed in a vacuum, though it increasingly feels that way.


We are, what, 3.5 months (fixed for being bad at math in the am) post launch now? We have heard nothing from BW regarding a functional LFG system other than they are working on a single server system. My assumption at this point is that it will be as useless as the system that was implemented during BC in WoW.


I gave up on grouping for heroic quests and flash points while leveling because it just wasn't worth idling to monitor chat and the existing lfg tool. Because of the lack of a LFG tool I had to say goodbye to gaming friends and guildies of 7 years who moved over from WoW. I just can't justify paying for a game where I'm skipping so much content and feeling frustrated every time I log off.

Edited by Gardoch
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Take a look how many topics there are about how nice LFD really is....NOT




Why would we want that? Because you rather push a button and wait till que pops?

And after that? Push another button to wait for a que?


Nice game isnt it?




Please read previous posts in this thread to make sure you're not just repeating an unhelpful comment someone else made, thanks!

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Please read previous posts in this thread to make sure you're not just repeating an unhelpful comment someone else made, thanks!


news flash: people mostly go to game forums to complain.


We are, what, 5 months post launch now?
3.5 months post launch.
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Take a look how many topics there are about how nice LFD really is....NOT




Why would we want that? Because you rather push a button and wait till que pops?

And after that? Push another button to wait for a que?


Nice game isnt it?




Blizz is smart enough not to get too excited about what some complainers on thier forums say, but rather looks at the data for thier game. And this shows them thier cross server tool is a success and so much so, they are expanding it in thier next expansion. Bioware does not need to accept what the majority in this thread wants, but rather consider what the posts say in conjunction with what thier own player data shows. :cool:

Edited by Valkirus
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Blizz is smart enough not to get too excited about some complainers on thier forums say, but rather looks at the data for thier game.


LOL, blizzard was smart enough put the console features in at what would have been the end of their game's relevancy with genuine mmo players who didn't need Vern Troyer or Mr T to tell them how cool it was. They lassoed more of the console playing demographic to compensate the otherwise drop in subscription base. They churned subs, they didn't retain their numbers from day one. To their credit, the plan worked perfectly. Don't think for a second that people who played WoW through vanilla are satisfied with WoW in its current state.


I can't find the quote, but blizzards devs said themselves that they needed to either make dungeons soo easy they didn't require teamwork, or find a way to get people to communicate as a result of LFD. If someone could help me find that quote I'd appreciate it. WoW devs are not infallable. They have made lots of mistakes and have admitted to them. Other game developers only copy the design and pay no attention to the original designers grievances with their own product. Its other developers being soo dumb that makes blizzard the smartest kid in the classroom.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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LOL, blizzard was smart enough put the console features in at what would have been the end of their game's relevancy with genuine mmo players who didn't need Vern Troyer or Mr T to tell them how cool it was. They lassoed more of the console playing demographic to compensate the otherwise drop in subscription base. They churned subs, they didn't retain their numbers from day one. To their credit, the plan worked perfectly. Don't think for a second that people who played WoW through vanilla are satisfied with WoW in its current state.


I can't find the quote, but blizzards devs said themselves that they needed to either make dungeons soo easy they didn't require teamwork, or find a way to get people to communicate as a result of LFD. If someone could help me find that quote I'd appreciate it. WoW devs are not infallable. They have made lots of mistakes and have admitted to them. Other game developers only copy the design and pay no attention to the original designers grievances with their own product. Its other developers being soo dumb that makes blizzard the smartest kid in the classroom.


I'd also be interested if you could find that quote, since I've never seen the Blizz Dev's speak of the LFD in anything other that positive comments.

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Cross Server PvP is dull, boring and stagnat. Give me same server rivalries and trash talk all day over fighting "Joe Jedi" from the Tie Fighter server that Ill never get to fight again.


Hell I remember then names of certain PvP Rivals that I had in DAoC from 2003 lol.....it really adds another layer to PvP that Cross Server just does not provide

I've said this exact same thing. Be it PvE or PvP when it's the same server players get a reputation. When it's a known skilled player there's a moral and confidence boost to the team. That person generally takes the reigns and lead the team to success. No one can deny this.


There are various forms of policing and believe it or not BioWare is also cracking down. I've experienced it with AFKers in warzones and 2hrs after I submitted my ticket and e-mail with screenshots a GM was confirming with me the character and I never saw that player in a warzone again and haven't been seeing afkers either. This is but one example.


The sad thing is I believe players like some of those in the forums will deliberately not use any LFG that is not cross server in an attempt to validate that it doesn't work.

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LOL, blizzard was smart enough put the console features in at what would have been the end of their game's relevancy with genuine mmo players who didn't need Vern Troyer or Mr T to tell them how cool it was. They lassoed more of the console playing demographic to compensate the otherwise drop in subscription base. They churned subs, they didn't retain their numbers from day one. To their credit, the plan worked perfectly. Don't think for a second that people who played WoW through vanilla are satisfied with WoW in its current state.


I can't find the quote, but blizzards devs said themselves that they needed to either make dungeons soo easy they didn't require teamwork, or find a way to get people to communicate as a result of LFD. If someone could help me find that quote I'd appreciate it. WoW devs are not infallable. They have made lots of mistakes and have admitted to them. Other game developers only copy the design and pay no attention to the original designers grievances with their own product. Its other developers being soo dumb that makes blizzard the smartest kid in the classroom.


They certainly are not infallable, but they certainly are a smart team too. You cannot argue with success. Have they made mistakes? Of course. But the LFD tool is not one of them. Have they had to refine it and continue to do so? Yep. :cool:

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You just directly contradicted yourself. I played FFXI for years, and the very design of the game didn't need an LFG, as it simply didn't have dungeons or instances. It had mission based encounters that only needed to be done once per character (Promies, CoP progression up to Al'Taieu and unlocking Sky through RoZ mission storylines).


SWTOR has already commited itself to using instances instead of the same as FFXI's excellent storyline progression, so it needs an LFG. There isn't an option for Bioware here. They have commited to their playstyle, and need to put in the QoL features to reflect it, as, like with other games, it dies. Say what you will about WoW but it's dungeon and raid systems are fantastic. The players are the issue.


Either way, I tend not to make "do this or I quit" threads or posts on gaming forums, as I am a gamer, not a whiner. Games are for fun, I play them till I stop having fun, then move on to the next one. In my day, we were happy just holding right and pressing A as a little 8 bit plumber jumped on turtles and collected coins for points and nothing more.


Nowadays, we aren't happy unless our game of choice massages our soft bits while we play, and works towards curing leprosy. God forbid we would remember that games are about fun in the end... the modern "gamer" really has begun to sicken me.



Not quite true lol

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I've said this exact same thing. Be it PvE or PvP when it's the same server players get a reputation. When it's a known skilled player there's a moral and confidence boost to the team. That person generally takes the reigns and lead the team to success. No one can deny this.


There are various forms of policing and believe it or not BioWare is also cracking down. I've experienced it with AFKers in warzones and 2hrs after I submitted my ticket and e-mail with screenshots a GM was confirming with me the character and I never saw that player in a warzone again and haven't been seeing afkers either. This is but one example.


The sad thing is I believe players like some of those in the forums will deliberately not use any LFG that is not cross server in an attempt to validate that it doesn't work.


I will use it..but I am not optimistic it will work well on my server. If I am wrong and it does..then cool. Time proves all things. I am not going to unsub just because we donot have one now. But when my sub runs out this July and I am still having major issues finding grps for Flashpoints and with no light at the end of the tunnel for doing Operations, then I will reconsider serously not resubbing.

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All I hear and see is yakity yak yak, blah blah blah. give me the LFG tool. Community ha. I want to run FP and not have to stand around waiting with my little LFG icon and yelling in general chat. That is not fun to me. How can you have community if you are so turned off by the current system that you do not even run any FP. GIVE ME THE LFG TOOL!!!!!!
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I've said this exact same thing. Be it PvE or PvP when it's the same server players get a reputation. When it's a known skilled player there's a moral and confidence boost to the team. That person generally takes the reigns and lead the team to success. No one can deny this.


There are various forms of policing and believe it or not BioWare is also cracking down. I've experienced it with AFKers in warzones and 2hrs after I submitted my ticket and e-mail with screenshots a GM was confirming with me the character and I never saw that player in a warzone again and haven't been seeing afkers either. This is but one example.


The sad thing is I believe players like some of those in the forums will deliberately not use any LFG that is not cross server in an attempt to validate that it doesn't work.


So is it just a big fish little pond scenario that leads to you not wanting an automated LFG that ports to the instance?


That's great for the big fish players on a server. However, it really sucks for us little fish. I don't pay attention to the community beyond my rather small circle of friends and guild. The LFD/LFR in WoW allowed me to accomplish a lot more and to be more efficient with my time in that game. In SWTOR without such a system, I finally had to decide to leave the game due to the fact that I wasn't getting groups.

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I will use it..but I am not optimistic it will work well on my server. If I am wrong and it does..then cool. Time proves all things. I am not going to unsub just because we donot have one now. But when my sub runs out this July and I am still having major issues finding grps for Flashpoints and with no light at the end of the tunnel for doing Operations, then I will reconsider serously not resubbing.

And you are one of the more open minded people. The sad thing is people are looking for a bandage for a bigger injury. Server mergers don't need to happen, transfers don't need to happen, cross server don't need to happen. What we need to do is have one virtual server where we ALL can interact with each other.


Our characters will share ONE legacy. ONE GTN, ONE Playerbase. The faction imbalance will not be out of wack. Players to play with or hop over to a less populated shard to be alone.


THIS is what needs to be done.

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We're being spoon fed to the point where we expect Blizzard to fix problems, not work it out with players.


- Heroics are too hard?! Time to make them easier in LK (I still want to know how hard they were in BC)

- Stats on gears are too complicated to understand?! Lets axe half of them...

- Tanking is too hard to pickup for the average player? Lets increase the TPS and make bear swipe all around him/her!

- It takes too much time to get a group together to run a dungeon? Incoming cross-server LFG

- It takes too long to level an alt character? Incoming heirlooms...

- Looting for LFR makes a lot of people "argst"?! Incoming new loot system

- Not enough tanks/healers in LFG?! Incoming incentives!


We now look at blizzard to fix problems among players, and not fixing problems among players ourselves. But the question probably is, is all those changes for the better?

Hmm... I never looked at it like this before.

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And you are one of the more open minded people. The sad thing is people are looking for a bandage for a bigger injury. Server mergers don't need to happen, transfers don't need to happen, cross server don't need to happen. What we need to do is have one virtual server where we ALL can interact with each other.


Our characters will share ONE legacy. ONE GTN, ONE Playerbase. The faction imbalance will not be out of wack. Players to play with or hop over to a less populated shard to be alone.


THIS is what needs to be done.


And as great as that idea is, it's not economical. The amount of money involved in working on that, BW would never go for it.

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And by implementing a x-server tool which the entire community does not what but only the vocal community who spend more time whining on a forum then playing the game should get their feelings on the game put to use makes for a bad game.


Unless you think a healthy community who gets all they want like free loot from x-server instances and raids etc which is one of the other reasons WoW bled a lot of extra subscriptions from some of their most influential subscribers such as the hard core players because the game started to cave into player requests.


You must be on a thriving server!

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And as great as that idea is, it's not economical. The amount of money involved in working on that, BW would never go for it.

How so? In my estimation there wouldn't be much additional cost.


You'd prob need dedicated servers for chat but the rest of things would operate similar to cross server flashpoints and warzones. Players would temporarily hop over to a server as one would a flashpoint/warzone. Players from various servers would share the general chat with everyone else in that flashpoint/warzone. The biggest hurdle I can see is the GTN and future guild banks.


Note the original characters would still reside on the server it was created on.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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How so? In my estimation there wouldn't be much additional cost.


You'd prob need dedicated servers for chat but the rest of things would operate similar to cross server flashpoints and warzones. Players would temporarily hop over to a server as one would a flashpoint/warzone. Players from various servers would share the general chat with everyone else in that flashpoint/warzone. The biggest hurdle I can see is the GTN and future guild banks.


Note the original characters would still reside on the server it was created on.


Well the cost of buying the new equipment for setting it all up, not to mention the staff hours.


However if they were still using the original servers as part of it, that at least wouldn't be a waste.

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"""CROSS""" server LFG... No! Please don't.



Same server LFG, that would be nice. That way you could be on a planet doing dailies rather than sitting on the fleet trying to find a group / build a group.


Bioware, keep these sorts of tools within the servers, please.


But hanging out on the fleet all day builds communities!

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