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I will give you less than 6 months, Bioware.


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I have enjoyed your game and it is a lot of fun but I had enough of certain things. Here is my breakdown on a few things that have to change in order for me to come back.


1. Server/Server wide LFG/LFR tool. I am tired of sitting on the fleet and doing pretty much nothing until certain classes log in to run a FP with me. As for Ops, I joined 5 guilds and every time I am put on the backup list. I don't pay monthly to wait for a chance to experience a piece of content. I want to be able to easily form groups for FP's and Op's. This has to happen soon because staying on the fleet is getting old...fast.


2. More character slots. We need 16 character slots per server, you can change the character cap if you want but we need 16. Why? Because we should be able to play all AC's on each side. We should also be able to explore the DS/LS Male/Female sides of the story of each class. With your legacy being server bound, it only makes sense to add more character slots so people can build their legacy into something they can really enjoy.


3. Filter for PVP matches. I don't want to play Huttball...ever. I want to play the other two WZ's because I like going against the republic in that type of pvp setting. Huttball doesn't interest me at all, it's dull and boring to me. Let us queue up to certain pvp matches that we want to play, thank you.


4. Rethink your stance on "No jawa's/wookies/rodians" for future species choices. There are a lot of species to pick from in star wars and you shouldn't limit your chance to explore that opportunity. It would only make the game more interesting for the player to dive into a world with so many different races running around and not all cut-n-paste humanoids all the time. Don't limit your options!


I been enjoying your game overall, like I said but I hope you got something planned down the road.


TL;DR- Bioware, step it up.

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I have enjoyed your game and it is a lot of fun but I had enough of certain things. Here is my breakdown on a few things that have to change in order for me to come back.


1. Server/Server wide LFG/LFR tool. I am tired of sitting on the fleet and doing pretty much nothing until certain classes log in to run a FP with me. As for Ops, I joined 5 guilds and every time I am put on the backup list. I don't pay monthly to wait for a chance to experience a piece of content. I want to be able to easily form groups for FP's and Op's. This has to happen soon because staying on the fleet is getting old...fast.


2. More character slots. We need 16 character slots per server, you can change the character cap if you want but we need 16. Why? Because we should be able to play all AC's on each side. We should also be able to explore the DS/LS Male/Female sides of the story of each class. With your legacy being server bound, it only makes sense to add more character slots so people can build their legacy into something they can really enjoy.


3. Filter for PVP matches. I don't want to play Huttball...ever. I want to play the other two WZ's because I like going against the republic in that type of pvp setting. Huttball doesn't interest me at all, it's dull and boring to me. Let us queue up to certain pvp matches that we want to play, thank you.


4. Rethink your stance on "No jawa's/wookies/rodians" for future species choices. There are a lot of species to pick from in star wars and you shouldn't limit your chance to explore that opportunity. It would only make the game more interesting for the player to dive into a world with so many different races running around and not all cut-n-paste humanoids all the time. Don't limit your options!


I been enjoying your game overall, like I said but I hope you got something planned down the road.


TL;DR- Bioware, step it up.



Edited by italky
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I didn't express anger in my post at all. If I am not enjoying something, why stay around? If I didn't care then I wouldn't of posted my thoughts. Only reason I posted my thoughts is because bioware is one of the few good gaming companies out there. So I am sure they will do the right thing.
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1. Server/Server wide LFG/LFR tool. I am tired of sitting on the fleet and doing pretty much nothing until certain classes log in to run a FP with me. As for Ops, I joined 5 guilds and every time I am put on the backup list. I don't pay monthly to wait for a chance to experience a piece of content. I want to be able to easily form groups for FP's and Op's. This has to happen soon because staying on the fleet is getting old...fast.


2. More character slots. We need 16 character slots per server, you can change the character cap if you want but we need 16. Why? Because we should be able to play all AC's on each side. We should also be able to explore the DS/LS Male/Female sides of the story of each class. With your legacy being server bound, it only makes sense to add more character slots so people can build their legacy into something they can really enjoy.


TL;DR- Bioware, step it up.


Agreed, but then many agree with this. I'm not too sure they will miss just you. If you are gone then I guess you are gone. This will not be fixed in the near future, but I suspect over time these changes will be implemented. These really are hot topics and are hidden in most threads on the forums.

I feel your frustration, but like all things MMO it takes time. Why these lessons have not been learned by developers and been implemented already is truly a mystery.

There is no shame is learning from history.....if we all had to learn on our own all over again, there is a good chance this planet wouldn't be here anymore!

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Agreed, but then many agree with this. I'm not too sure they will miss just you. If you are gone then I guess you are gone. This will not be fixed in the near future, but I suspect over time these changes will be implemented. These really are hot topics and are hidden in most threads on the forums.

I feel your frustration, but like all things MMO it takes time. Why these lessons have not been learned by developers and been implemented already is truly a mystery.

There is no shame is learning from history.....if we all had to learn on our own all over again, there is a good chance this planet wouldn't be here anymore!


Finally! A post that promotes actual discussion. Yea I already subbed for 6 months so I will be playing this for a while. The things I am suggesting don't have to be put into the game "NOW" but I need bioware to take a stance on some of these issues. I know they already said they are working on some of the things I already mentioned, which is great news but I want them talking about the other things I said as well.


I can pretty much trust Bioware to go on the right path, it's clear they are taking this seriously. Just the showing of 1.2 patch, shows to me that they are committed to making this game better as time goes on. Also EVERY thread I make gets shoved in the suggestion box, so it wont ever been seen again.

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1. Server/Server wide LFG/LFR tool. I am tired of sitting on the fleet and doing pretty much nothing until certain classes log in to run a FP with me. As for Ops, I joined 5 guilds and every time I am put on the backup list. I don't pay monthly to wait for a chance to experience a piece of content. I want to be able to easily form groups for FP's and Op's. This has to happen soon because staying on the fleet is getting old...fast.


2. More character slots. We need 16 character slots per server, you can change the character cap if you want but we need 16. Why? Because we should be able to play all AC's on each side. We should also be able to explore the DS/LS Male/Female sides of the story of each class. With your legacy being server bound, it only makes sense to add more character slots so people can build their legacy into something they can really enjoy.


3. Filter for PVP matches. I don't want to play Huttball...ever. I want to play the other two WZ's because I like going against the republic in that type of pvp setting. Huttball doesn't interest me at all, it's dull and boring to me. Let us queue up to certain pvp matches that we want to play, thank you.


4. Rethink your stance on "No jawa's/wookies/rodians" for future species choices. There are a lot of species to pick from in star wars and you shouldn't limit your chance to explore that opportunity. It would only make the game more interesting for the player to dive into a world with so many different races running around and not all cut-n-paste humanoids all the time. Don't limit your options!


I been enjoying your game overall, like I said but I hope you got something planned down the road.


TL;DR- Bioware, step it up.



1. LFG is fine, but I think LFR should stay gone and away. I get there are casual players out there but with the amount of gear options out there why do you need to raid? If you dont have the time for it you shouldn't be concerned wether or not you're able to find a group that you'll just leave after the first few bosses. Otherwise, put together your own guild or work a bit harder to not be benched. It's not hard to form a raiding group. Especially not in today's MMO's. If a 40 year old drunk hillbilly can do it while bragging about how great his 22 year old wife is because she plays with him while taking breaks to take care of his 4 kids from his ex wife I'm sure you can do it as well. It's all about putting in the time. Dont wait for someone to do it for you, do it yourself.


2. As for Character slots, personally thats all taste to you, you can roll on 2 servers if you're only interested in seeing the AC M/F story line and have a main. Thats all up to you and its not neccessary to have 16 character slots.


3. This I agree with like no other...my god, please give us a damned filter. I hate Huttball it is in no way interesting to me. Its the worst PVP match I've ever seen and I get that some like it, but please give us a filter.


4. I can agree with the races, but honestly just give them time, sooner or later they will come around. Blizzard has said for 5 years NO PANDAREN...guess what an entire expansion is about to be about...honestly I think they said no so many times and got so many people going about it that they had to. I was fairly certain back in 2009 that the next expansion after Cataclysm would be The Emerald Dream...looks like I got a curveball.

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3. Filter for PVP matches. I don't want to play Huttball...ever. I want to play the other two WZ's because I like going against the republic in that type of pvp setting. Huttball doesn't interest me at all, it's dull and boring to me. Let us queue up to certain pvp matches that we want to play, thank you.


Somebody never keybound the "Throw Ball" ability... ROFL

Edited by Kommon
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I actually agree with all of your points, even though you sound a bit hostile about them.


Offering a vague ultimatum is a good way to get ignored.


That said, the first three points have been discussed quite a bit, but I don't think a lot of people are talking about new races, and I don't know why.


TONS of people want to play a Wookiee. TONS of people want to play Togruta. Jawa might be a bit much, and I personally don't care about Rodians, but I'm sure tons of people do.


My only issue with Jawas is their small size could give them LOS advantage and they would be pretty ridiculous. What classes would they be? Smuggler? Trooper? Jedi? Bounty Hunter? None of these fit!


Which is also the problem with wookiees.


Togruta are obviously the easiest next choice because of 1) the popularity of Ahsoka Tano and Shaak Ti and 2) they're already in the game with a variety of appearances and unlike Wookiees or Jawas are much more humanoid.

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Well what they need to do is something i suggested ages ago when the Queue pops up we are informed of the WarZone that we will be put in so that way we can decide to enter or not and not waste the time loading in and loading back out because like the Original Poster said he hates HuttBall, and i feel ya i hate Huttball also. it is the only WarZone i do not ever wanna play ever again and any time i do load in i leave immediately!!
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