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NO BM comms


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So, been bm for over a month now, done the dailies and weekly everytime, and havnt gotten a single BM commendation.


Whats the deal? over 30 bags and no commendations. Come on you BW idiots, if you gonna do RNG at least make it so im able to get one a week at least.

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Good news! Battlemaster comms are not important in 1.2. They are no longer required for battlemaster gear and don't get you anything special. (if you do get one, you can trade it in for a small amount of credits or some crafting materials)


Also, if you have done your dailys and weeklys all month, you assuredly have enough warzone/merc comms to buy 1 BM token. It's 1000/1000 or "4000 warzone" effectively. So you should have a token by now just using that method.


If you don't have ANY battlemaster gear, you can also buy a couple implants and an earpiece for 200/200 so that's an upgrade avenue for you too.


EDIT: Ah, I see from your signature you have unsubscribed from the game. ... I find it interesting you're worried about BM gear while telling people to unsubscribe before 1.2.

Edited by Suzina
EDIT: I Just noticed his signature
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So, been bm for over a month now, done the dailies and weekly everytime, and havnt gotten a single BM commendation.


Whats the deal? over 30 bags and no commendations. Come on you BW idiots, if you gonna do RNG at least make it so im able to get one a week at least.


Then it wouldn't be RNG if you were assured one a week.

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I've not had the best of luck with them either, but that just means that I might go on a streak some day.


I do however really wish that when developers decide to incorporate these RNG reward systems in their games, they actually give you a small modifier that stacks every time you find yourself on the losing side of the RNG. Make it continue to stack until you finally get your RNG reward, then reset it to 0.


ie 25% chance for a BM comm, every time you don't get one, you get a +5% modifier so that after 5 bags you're now sitting at a 50% chance, after 10 you'd have a 75% chance. Once you finally got a BM comm, you go back down to 25% again.

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Good news! Battlemaster comms are not important in 1.2. They are no longer required for battlemaster gear and don't get you anything special. (if you do get one, you can trade it in for a small amount of credits or some crafting materials)


Also, if you have done your dailys and weeklys all month, you assuredly have enough warzone/merc comms to buy 1 BM token. It's 1000/1000 or "4000 warzone" effectively. So you should have a token by now just using that method.


If you don't have ANY battlemaster gear, you can also buy a couple implants and an earpiece for 200/200 so that's an upgrade avenue for you too.


EDIT: Ah, I see from your signature you have unsubscribed from the game. ... I find it interesting you're worried about BM gear while telling people to unsubscribe before 1.2.


Dont forget, that come 1.2 even if you are a BM and have terrible luck with bags, your champion gear will be 2x as ineffective vs your BM geared friends!


Bravo Bioware, Bravo!

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If you did you dailies/weeklies for "over a month" you would have enough WZ commendations to buy at least a few BM commendations.



Also, why are you doing your dailies everyday when you have a huge "unsubscribe" link in your profile?

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If you did you dailies/weeklies for "over a month" you would have enough WZ commendations to buy at least a few BM commendations.



Also, why are you doing your dailies everyday when you have a huge "unsubscribe" link in your profile?


This isnt about buying the comms for wz/merc comms, this is about the terrible terrible drop rate of the current patch. This also isnt about my signature or patch 1.2. Please stick to the topic of the thread or your posts shall be reported.

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So, been bm for over a month now, done the dailies and weekly everytime, and havnt gotten a single BM commendation.


Whats the deal? over 30 bags and no commendations. Come on you BW idiots, if you gonna do RNG at least make it so im able to get one a week at least.


Month x 2 per day 2 per weekly = only 30 eh, alrighty...

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This isnt about buying the comms for wz/merc comms, this is about the terrible terrible drop rate of the current patch. This also isnt about my signature or patch 1.2. Please stick to the topic of the thread or your posts shall be reported.


But you're raging against a system (RNG for BM comms) that is being fixed with the change in 1.2, which your sig even more heavily rages against. Yes the RNG is a broken and lame system -- that's why it's changing in 1.2 to everything being purchasable for comms and no more RNG issues. The solution has already been conceived, developed, and will be implemented in the near-future. So patch 1.2 is COMPLETELY on topic to your post, and your sig is fair game for commentary in light of that.

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This isnt about buying the comms for wz/merc comms, this is about the terrible terrible drop rate of the current patch. This also isnt about my signature or patch 1.2. Please stick to the topic of the thread or your posts shall be reported.


Sticking to the topic: you're lying.

You either have been doing dailies+weeklies and have WZ/merc comms to exchange for enough BM comms to get at least a few pieces of gear or you "havnt gotten a single BM commendation", but not both at the same time.

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If you people would re-read the thread, i only mention that ive not recieved any BM tokens from bags. With the current broken *** system i have to farm warzones for 1k/1k trade in for a single BM token. If they didnt have this system i wouldnt have ANY tokens, let alone the 0 that ive recieved from bag.s
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If you people would re-read the thread, i only mention that ive not recieved any BM tokens from bags. With the current broken *** system i have to farm warzones for 1k/1k trade in for a single BM token. If they didnt have this system i wouldnt have ANY tokens, let alone the 0 that ive recieved from bag.s


OH they are reading and and pointing out your either FOS or RNG is RNG...


Dont worry gear in 1.2 is easier for you cupcake so rejoice!

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If you people would re-read the thread, i only mention that ive not recieved any BM tokens from bags. With the current broken *** system i have to farm warzones for 1k/1k trade in for a single BM token. If they didnt have this system i wouldnt have ANY tokens, let alone the 0 that ive recieved from bag.s


I feel your pain, I just hit 70 and have 1 BM armour piece.

I only got the weapon , offhand and implants , earpiece from saving yet I see guys 61-62 in close to full BM.

Your not the only one mate.

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If you did you dailies/weeklies for "over a month" you would have enough WZ commendations to buy at least a few BM commendations.



Also, why are you doing your dailies everyday when you have a huge "unsubscribe" link in your profile?


This is incorrect.


I'm rank 74 and am still missing 4 BM pieces. Granted I don't do dailies every single day. But i do most days and always get weekly done.


The RNG system is really screwed up.

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If you people would re-read the thread, i only mention that ive not recieved any BM tokens from bags. With the current broken *** system i have to farm warzones for 1k/1k trade in for a single BM token. If they didnt have this system i wouldnt have ANY tokens, let alone the 0 that ive recieved from bag.s


you are the one who needs to reread what someone said about your boycott and how stupid it is. you are complaining about the RNG mister and they are fixing this in 1.2.... but you are telling people to unsubscribe because of a problem that IS being fixed ... in the patch you are telling people to boycott,


to me it seems you are so mad at the RNG you want others to have to neever get the chance of buying BM gear with WZ tokens if you are telling them not ot play after it has been fixed. Somethjing is relaly wrong with your signature

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Valour rank 72 now here...

have mainhand and offhand saber, and BM chest, thats all...


most my commendations ive had to buy with 1k/1k, i have no idea how many boxes ive opened now but ive got 2 companions in champ gear too now :)

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i stole the OP's luck... :D


i'm got 13 BM tokens and of those, only 2 were from 1000/1000 comms


valor 70 doing dailies when i could and all the weeklies for the last 4 weeks...


i stopped counting how many bags i opened, but it's probably around 30-50 range...


so 25% RNG is working for me...

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Valour 62 and I've full BM barring the Rifle, Gloves and Helm.


I also have three BM comms in my Inventory, as I am unsure what to upgrade next :0)


I think in total, I am something like 11 for 23 (plus I've "bought" two BM Comms).

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