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Rage PvP


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Marauder Rage PvP...





I love the 75k and 300k damage medal while chasing down a ball carrier because i get to smash everyone while killing ball carrier HAHAHA. Civil war healers die fast same with voidstar! its more burst then anni,carnage and it has some ok slows

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Rage is a lot of fun.


Yes, you get KB/CC'd at "that" moment you lose your medal-winning HULK SMASH PUNY SORCERER damage.


However, when you catch the CC-artist a few moments later, knowing his CC on CD and you choke him... you may be certain he's soiling himself at the keyboard because he KNOWS what's coming next and this time he's fresh outta CCs.




Problem is in pugs (whiich is all I do with my mara), you get focus'd down but fast once everyone knows what you are up to if that friendly healer doesn't lend a hand. If he does, you are a huge assest to your team.


Moral: PUG healers, if you see a competent Marauder on your team (one who knows how to set up HULK SMASH and actually plays to the objectives, stays on the ball-carrier, etc) then put him on focus and you're one step closer to victory.



Edited by VainEldritch
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True that, annihilation on the contrary requires a degree in Aerospace engineering to be played effectively. lolwut.


I was anni from lvl 10-50 and from lvl 1 valor to 60 valor.. I just like Rage its awesome change.and it's not for spammers and clickers.. because you have to set up force smash or it hits like a mercs first tracer missle

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My rotation = 12k dmg


Force Charge > Smash > force crush > battering assault > rupture > obliterate > smash 4k crit medium/light armor, heavy armor = 3.6k


701 Expertise.


If I may ask, why Smash before the Force Crush? Isn't that wasting Shockwave buff uptime?

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I'm doing 5.5k crits now on light armor people and I can't wait to add 20% to that number plus have short fuse for even more fury generation :D


Do yourself a favor, if you think Rage is a gimmick spec or isn't powerful, run with another mara/jugg that is rage and double up on people and watch the other team completely melt under the pressure of TWO aoe spamming a-holes that can pull off 10k worth of damage per burst between the two of them on one target, or multiples if you are lucky.


I'm a big fan of Anni but I love putting pressure on people with Rage, and it's only going to get better with 1.2, even with an increased gcd on smash and inability to spec 1 rage smashes.

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Because after Force Charge, next Smash is a automatic crit, 2k.


Sorry bad english. :p


Man u should be doing: charge--> force crush-->battering assault-->smash, and the smash will still crit...theres no point in using it before 4 shockwave charges, I have tested that and 1 battering assault is enough, after that u have 4 shockwave charges and u can throw ur 5k smash =). check the 100% crit smash buff, it takes like 10 seconds, time enough...or is it changing in 1.2 to less time?

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you guys realize he's still getting the autocrit smash from obliterate right?


I do my rotation like that too, charge in for quick smash, then set up heavy smash to finish them off. (less effective with longer gcd)

Edited by Prolyfic
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you guys realize he's still getting the autocrit smash from obliterate right?


I do my rotation like that too, charge in for quick smash, then set up heavy smash to finish them off. (less effective with longer gcd)


yes we realise this but its a dps/pressure loss and silly to do...ever epecially so after patch.

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