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SWTOR. Too much theme park?


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What do you guys think? Cuz it just feels like.... too enclosed for me. Almost like i have no freedom whatsoever.



You don't have freedom, SWTOR is not for everyone obviously. It sucks but there are all sorts of games out there that look cool but when you start playing them a person realizes "this game isn't what I was looking for" ....




I am still enjoying it though which tells me, the game is the type I like =)

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It is what it is, don't like it, move along.


it is what it is but was marketed as something it wasn't... it's a valid thread and a valid ask. Way too much theme park and the themes aren't done particularly well at all. Where's character costumes for say the likes of Hoth... or Tatooine??


The game needs to open out a bit if it is to survive beyond a year or so. Those who fail to see it's faults and flaws will be the ones that hold this 'MMORPG' back.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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What do you guys think? Cuz it just feels like.... too enclosed for me. Almost like i have no freedom whatsoever.


The problem with a a ride is that when it comes to an end you have to get off, no matter how fun it was.


Maybe you can go again, but it's likely not as engaging the next time around.


It's actually getting less sand-boxy with 1.2 as they are pretty much giving up on RvR as a concept in SWTOR for the foreseeable future as well.

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It's not even a themepark...it's a rollercoasterride.


You get strapped into your seat and gets to enjoy the ride (or at least try to) you can't do anything...just sit there and look at the view and flail with yout arms...and occasionaly scream....when you feel for that.


When it's over you can go and stand in the line again...then get strapped in...again.


This time you know all the loops and turns....not as funny as the first time.

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You guys are testy. Im not saying i dont like the game. Just wanted opinions. Everyone calm down.


If you dislike any aspect of the game and have any ideas for improvement...... expect to be burnt at the stake for your convictions. :D

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You guys are testy. Im not saying i dont like the game. Just wanted opinions. Everyone calm down.



But, because your post is in text and it is just like many other posts made by people wanting to complain about the game, you are going to get people responding in a nagative manner to it.

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But, because your post is in text and it is just like many other posts made by people wanting to complain about the game, you are going to get people responding in a nagative manner to it.


I dont want to complain about the game. Every time someone says something slightly bad about this game and just wants to share their opinion and see what others think, they get absolutely mauled at. Its so annoying.

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I dont know about the theme park idea, but what i find it lacking is that EPIC feel. that idea comes from playing EQ, everything you did just about felt EPIC in EQ, and i find myself comparing swtor to EQ more then i should. Dont get me wrong I love SWTOR and have fun playing it, in fact it got me into PVP which i was against in EQ and EQ2.. But pve wise, i just dont have that epic feeling, Crew Skills are too easy and too quick to max out. I love my BH's story line though i feel they could have made all of the release be just Act one, and made it tougher, there by making the first expansion act 2..As far as the choice and the illusion of choice, every game has the illusion of choice no game truly is open ended, we have to eventually respond and act according to the way the devs set out for us to.


I imagine some will argue about like the operative, or sorc story line being "epic" but consider all other things and thats about the biggest thing missing is the EPIC feel in things to me, make crew skills advance slower or something lol

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People act as if themepark and sandbox are mutually exclusive but they are not.

All sandbox games have also a lot of themepark to them but sadly the opposite is not true.

There was a lot of themepark in SWG, i would dare say even more than in SWTOR.

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I dont know about the theme park idea, but what i find it lacking is that EPIC feel. that idea comes from playing EQ, everything you did just about felt EPIC in EQ, and i find myself comparing swtor to EQ more then i should. Dont get me wrong I love SWTOR and have fun playing it, in fact it got me into PVP which i was against in EQ and EQ2.. But pve wise, i just dont have that epic feeling, Crew Skills are too easy and too quick to max out. I love my BH's story line though i feel they could have made all of the release be just Act one, and made it tougher, there by making the first expansion act 2..As far as the choice and the illusion of choice, every game has the illusion of choice no game truly is open ended, we have to eventually respond and act according to the way the devs set out for us to.


I imagine some will argue about like the operative, or sorc story line being "epic" but consider all other things and thats about the biggest thing missing is the EPIC feel in things to me, make crew skills advance slower or something lol


No MMO will ever match up to the first MMO you played. I started in EQ too and nothing has compared since. Then again I do not miss running for an hour just to get to a place where I could get experience. Nor do I miss the fact it would take 72 hours to gain a hell level!


That said I love this game though it needs a lot of work to appeal long term to the various factions (PVPers, MMO players, Star Wars fans, Bioware fans and Hardcore Raiders). I really think it needed 6 more months of development to be an absolutely fantastic game.


At least Bioware is aware that the game is lacking certain MMO features and is taking steps to correct the game. Patch 1.2 is where I think the game should have launched.

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how can you say it has "too much" themepark when the entire game is a themepark?


that's like saying a glass of water is "too full" when the glass is completely full of water.


.... Im not even going to dignify the stupidity with a response.

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it is what it is but was marketed as something it wasn't... it's a valid thread and a valid ask. Way too much theme park and the themes aren't done particularly well at all. Where's character costumes for say the likes of Hoth... or Tatooine??


The game needs to open out a bit if it is to survive beyond a year or so. Those who fail to see it's faults and flaws will be the ones that hold this 'MMORPG' back.


I don't see what you mean.

Edited by Braaaiins
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