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What I will do in same faction voidstars ... if they go live


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When I play soccer against friends, I try to win and we all have fun. There is no difference in PvP. If you are personally offended that someone you're competing with actually tries to win, you need to learn how to interact with people.

If they get their feelings hurt that easily, they really have no place on the internet. They'll see far worse things in general chat.

I used to play volleyball. In practice, I played against my friends. In games we played against other schools.


Noone turned out to watch the practices. The games were full of maniacal screaming middle aged parents.


Crowd pleasers come against real opponents.


That being said, if we were playing paintball, I wouldn't want to play against my friends, that stuff hurts! And it gets stuck in my hair for like a week.


I'm OK with playing huttball/volleyball against my own team for practice, /yawn. But with full contact voidstar/paintball I just wouldn't enjoy pulling the trigger, and I know my friends wouldn't either.

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I used to play volleyball. In practice, I played against my friends. In games we played against other schools.


Noone turned out to watch the practices. The games were full of maniacal screaming middle aged parents.


Crowd pleasers come against real opponents.


That being said, if we were playing paintball, I wouldn't want to play against my friends, that stuff hurts! And it gets stuck in my hair for like a week.


I'm OK with playing huttball/volleyball against my own team for practice, /yawn. But with full contact voidstar/paintball I just wouldn't enjoy pulling the trigger, and I know my friends wouldn't either.


They play the game to have fun just like most everyone, sounds like you put way to much thought into a video game...

Edited by mordredz
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Making a post about a potential issue to get a dev's attention is not drama, it's useful information.

Don't make Voidstar same-faction, because no matter how you do, you're breaking it for us.


Potential issue - we don't like same-faction pvp so we will destroy it for other people from our faction.



It wouldn't be "all day" if people like you didn't disagree with me. :p


Fix'd it for you.

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I used to play volleyball. In practice, I played against my friends. In games we played against other schools.


Noone turned out to watch the practices. The games were full of maniacal screaming middle aged parents.


Crowd pleasers come against real opponents.


That being said, if we were playing paintball, I wouldn't want to play against my friends, that stuff hurts! And it gets stuck in my hair for like a week.


I'm OK with playing huttball/volleyball against my own team for practice, /yawn. But with full contact voidstar/paintball I just wouldn't enjoy pulling the trigger, and I know my friends wouldn't either.


My guild gets into matches against each other and our sister sith guild all the time. Our number one priority is seeking each other out and beating each other down. It's a game, try to play it, lose the serious. It's all fun and games. There's no reason to be upset.

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My guild gets into matches against each other and our sister sith guild all the time. Our number one priority is seeking each other out and beating each other down. It's a game, try to play it, lose the serious. It's all fun and games. There's no reason to be upset.


My guild is the same way, but we're kinda hardcore. We don't even run raids and what not, all we do is PVP. We're "seasoned" PVPers, have been through SWG and AoC before this.


Different story for Rep guilds at large. In this game especially among the games I have played, there are a a lotta green PVPers.


I like fighting imps and getting them mad, it happens a lot lol.


I don't wanna go there with Reps. I spend a lotta time ushering newer Rep PVPers into Ilum and making them feel like part of a team.


I don't want the first thing they see from me when they hit 50 to be the wrong end of an Assault Cannon. :p

Edited by GoldSquadGirl
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My guild is the same way, but we're kinda hardcore. We don't even run raids and what not, all we do is PVP. We're "seasoned" PVPers, have been through SWG and AoC before this.


Different story for Rep guilds at large. In this game especially among the games I have played, there are a a lotta green PVPers.


I like fighting imps and getting them mad, it happens a lot lol.


I don't wanna go there with Reps. I spend a lotta time ushering newer Rep PVPers into Ilum and making them feel like part of a team.


I don't want the first thing they see from me when they hit 50 to be the wrong end of an Assault Cannon. :p


So they see you and are inspired to play better, happens to alot, this can only help guilds/players and such not to mention que times...


Its a win/win...

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Potential issue - we don't like same-faction pvp so we will destroy it for other people from our faction.

If I just wanted to destroy it ... I wouldn't make the post so Bioware has a chance to fix it. This was on the Test forums btw, and it got moved to the regular PVP forums.


I am kinda surprised, in AoC you could post constructive stuff on the testlive boards and there were lots of mature players all trying to come up with solutions. I helped fix around 30 bugs that way, they still invite me to closed beta test new Funcom games.


Funcom didn't ever arbitrarily move potentially constructive threads to the three-ring circus of the PVP boards.

Edited by GoldSquadGirl
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My guild is the same way, but we're kinda hardcore. We don't even run raids and what not, all we do is PVP. We're "seasoned" PVPers, have been through SWG and AoC before this.


Different story for Rep guilds at large. In this game especially among the games I have played, there are a a lotta green PVPers.


I like fighting imps and getting them mad, it happens a lot lol.


I don't wanna go there with Reps. I spend a lotta time ushering newer Rep PVPers into Ilum and making them feel like part of a team.


I don't want the first thing they see from me when they hit 50 to be the wrong end of an Assault Cannon. :p


How does "Being hardcore" make a difference?

If you like getting imps mad, then simply don't in vs. Rep games. Play lightheartedly. I mean, you have free will, it's not like you're automatic. You can choose when to be mean and aggressive and when to go easy on people.

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If I just wanted to destroy it ... I wouldn't make the post so Bioware has a chance to fix it. This was on the Test forums btw, and it got moved to the regular PVP forums.


I am kinda surprised, in AoC you could post constructive stuff on the testlive boards and there were lots of mature players all trying to come up with solutions. I helped fix around 30 bugs that way, they still invite me to closed beta test new Funcom games.


Funcom didn't ever arbitrarily move potentially constructive threads to the three-ring circus of the PVP boards.


The problem is that people don't agree it's a problem. I'm sure if they did, they would give solutions, but I'm not one to try to fix something that isn't broke.


I'm looking forward to having more warzones I can play my guildies in on their mains :p

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Then quit, something other than huttball all the time would be nice, more options and then some...


Senseless post is senseless...


Play Republic if you dont want soo much hutball? ;)


The problem is after 1.2 Imps will have all advantages - even "I dont like hutball so much, why so much huttball?" will be no longer an issue.

Imps have larger population, therefore faster PvE "queues". Also faster PvP queues, because there's a larger pool for possible players.


Imagine 6 Rep players who want to play PvP (it's not prime time^^). And 12 Imps. So either the Reps play 6 vs 8 (which they will lose), or the imps play 6 vs 6 (or 8-4, 7-5 if that's possible). For the Imps it's just luck of draw if they're on the "more people" side. Reps will always be on the "fewer people" side.

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It is a roleplay issue.


She was the same way in Galaxies. I remember the "I am going to take my ball and go home" issues on Sunrunner with her.



Quit your same faction warzones. I doubt it will bother anyone else.


o rly?


I think the success we had building some awesome faction base PVP in Sunrunner speaks for itself (video link). And I wasn't even a roleplayer, though I did try to bring roleplayers in to PVP.


I don't even have a clue who you are, but you seem to know who I am so I imagine I did something right.

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Play Republic if you dont want soo much hutball? ;)


The problem is after 1.2 Imps will have all advantages - even "I dont like hutball so much, why so much huttball?" will be no longer an issue.

Imps have larger population, therefore faster PvE "queues". Also faster PvP queues, because there's a larger pool for possible players.


Imagine 6 Rep players who want to play PvP (it's not prime time^^). And 12 Imps. So either the Reps play 6 vs 8 (which they will lose), or the imps play 6 vs 6 (or 8-4, 7-5 if that's possible). For the Imps it's just luck of draw if they're on the "more people" side. Reps will always be on the "fewer people" side.


Odd there are Repub heavy servers, 5 last time i counted, reroll or stop complaining...

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The problem is that people don't agree it's a problem. I'm sure if they did, they would give solutions, but I'm not one to try to fix something that isn't broke.


I'm looking forward to having more warzones I can play my guildies in on their mains :p


Adding an opt out wasn't even my idea, it was offered by one of the people in this thread who posted something constructive.




For me I actually have a lot of fun when I go into Hutball and end up playing against other Guild Members, talk about the trash talk in Vent lol... it's a lot of fun....


On the same token I can understand the OP's feelings not wanting to fight against the same faction, especially if your into RP'ing...


I guess one answer would be to have a check box that allowed you to QUE for all or only QUE for Republic vs Empire matches..



And I agree completely with Monoth, it's a great idea, and it seems like it would be an easy thing to do, considering all the expansive content they are adding.

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I personally dont like it myself. Not reasons you mention. I think Void Star an Alderan are 2 poorly designed maps in itself. Maps are way to small for the type of match game play.


Id rather play huttball. Just my 2c

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It's a war game, training, real life militaries do it all the time, training against friendly units. Easily seen by the fact that nobody you kill actually stays dead.


From an RP perspective, playing against "friendlies" makes a lot more sense than playing against the enemy.

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Sigh. So the "genius" of Rift finally makes its pathetic way into this game, too. Hartsman is going to be famous for screwing up PvP in many, many games to come. What a genius the guy is.




Go get a degree and make a game and prove otherwise, until then back to McDonalds for ya...

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