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Why do people lack creativity when creating their characters?


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Why is it that people lack creativity when creating their characters? I understand that the options are limited, but that isn't what I am harking at. I am talking about people seemingly going the cliche or "iconic" route when making their characters.


Why is it that that vast majority of Purebloods I see all have the bright red hue for skin color? My Pureblood has a orange-ish type huge with yellow goldish eyes and pitch black hair. However, most other people with pureblood characters ALL look the same! They all have the typical red eyes, the typical bright red skin and the typical red hair. Why is this? Like I said, there is a orange/yellowish type skin tone for purebloods and there is also a burgundy type hue that nobody seems to use. Mostly everyone who creates a Pureblood goes for the typical bright red hue. Don't get me wrong, I am not by any means complaining because it only makes my Pureblood more unique because everyone else looks the same. I am just curious as to why people go this route?


Then there is the male trooper and the ever so popular use of the 3rd Body Type. Before I stopped playing my Trooper [story bored me] I used the 2nd Body Type. He wasn't skinny, but he wasn't some human brute/krogan. He was in shape but not in an exaggerated way. Even worse than mostly everyone using the bright red hue for Purebloods, is ALMOST EVERY Trooper I see when I play as my Sith Warrior and PvP is using the 3rd Body type. Even when I was playing my trooper, it seemed like 8 out of 10 male Troopers were the 3rd Body type. Every now and then you'll see the 2nd and 4th type being using a RARELY you see the 1st. Again, why is this?


Why is this? Do people lack such creativity/imagination to the point where they just go with "whats popular"? Do they just go the iconic route and make their Troopers super buff because they are.....supposed to be super buff? Do people not choose the orange/yellow or burgundy skin hues for the Purebloods because they think that it would make them look less.....pureblood?


Again, not complaining, but just curious. Are people simply afraid to be different?


Could be because that's the way they want it, and your ideal is not their ideal. Funny that, everyone having different tastes. There is no right way or wrong way to make a character, and yours is no more unique and special than anyone else's. Game has limited features to customize as you pointed out. There are bound to be some that fit people's vision for their character more than others. It's not like anyone can go around to different people's character creation screen and take careful notes so they can avoid doing the same thing. What you are describing is probably pure coincidence.

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No matter what you do, you could be accused of not being creative.


My main is a male human bounty hunter with body-type 2, but he's decked out in the coolest Mando looking armor I could find. I guess I'm just trying to be Boba Fett (which is not wrong, and I'm fine with that).


I also have a male cyborg Jugg, body-type 3. Again, just me making my own Vader-like character.


I have a male Pureblood assassin, that I've barely played, but you'd be happy to know I went for one of the paler skin options. I also had a Chiss (that I later deleted), but went with a palest blue possible.


In the end though, none of it matters, because I make all my characters for myself. Hell, my BH's helm never comes off, so no one even knows what he looks like.

Edited by HanzoV
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I spend ages getting my character just right. Trouble is as I have ventured deeper into the dark I have become hideous. Thank goodness for the hooded cloak is all I can say. When I rest on the ship I do take off the mask for some light relief but in the field I am fast growing ever more grotesque.


I think what would be good in the game is a way to change a look to suit your play style. You can't possibly know when you start out. I have often deleted characters cus I eventually found the look that I liked.



Turn off the corruption. :)

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Why is it that people lack creativity when creating their characters? I understand that the options are limited, but that isn't what I am harking at. I am talking about people seemingly going the cliche or "iconic" route when making their characters.


Why is it that that vast majority of Purebloods I see all have the bright red hue for skin color? My Pureblood has a orange-ish type huge with yellow goldish eyes and pitch black hair. However, most other people with pureblood characters ALL look the same! They all have the typical red eyes, the typical bright red skin and the typical red hair. Why is this? Like I said, there is a orange/yellowish type skin tone for purebloods and there is also a burgundy type hue that nobody seems to use. Mostly everyone who creates a Pureblood goes for the typical bright red hue. Don't get me wrong, I am not by any means complaining because it only makes my Pureblood more unique because everyone else looks the same. I am just curious as to why people go this route?


Then there is the male trooper and the ever so popular use of the 3rd Body Type. Before I stopped playing my Trooper [story bored me] I used the 2nd Body Type. He wasn't skinny, but he wasn't some human brute/krogan. He was in shape but not in an exaggerated way. Even worse than mostly everyone using the bright red hue for Purebloods, is ALMOST EVERY Trooper I see when I play as my Sith Warrior and PvP is using the 3rd Body type. Even when I was playing my trooper, it seemed like 8 out of 10 male Troopers were the 3rd Body type. Every now and then you'll see the 2nd and 4th type being using a RARELY you see the 1st. Again, why is this?


Why is this? Do people lack such creativity/imagination to the point where they just go with "whats popular"? Do they just go the iconic route and make their Troopers super buff because they are.....supposed to be super buff? Do people not choose the orange/yellow or burgundy skin hues for the Purebloods because they think that it would make them look less.....pureblood?


Again, not complaining, but just curious. Are people simply afraid to be different?


There is nothing much you can do with creating your character in swtor, really nothing special in comparison to other games.


But honestly the game lacks so much in other areas, character creations is the least what I miss.

Edited by BobaFurz
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1: A lot of people (even Star Wars fans) aren't familiar enough with the setting to imagine a character in it. So they go with something they know. (Identification/relating to the toon they make - so playing it is more enjoyable/immersive).


2: Since a lot of people aren't familiar with the setting and whats going on, they don't want to be distracted by character image while they learn/get used to the setting/game/environment. They tend to keep similar to themselves or bland and shallow since they don't want to think about the character as much as about the setting/world.


Thats only true for 1st toons and not for players playing the game to 'ROLEPLAY'. They are typically the exact opposite 1st time through. After the 1st toon, depending on what they like they may continue to do so (if the characters don't really interest them) or stretch out and explore different characters/perspectives.

Edited by SysOpPsyche
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