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Extra character slots and how to implement them.


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EDIT:BW has announced there WILL be extra character slots added to servers but they are not giving out details yet.


The devs casually mentiond the community's intrest in extra character slots in one of their posts and it sounded like a good idea to me so i started thinking of ways to make it work.


Currently the limit on characters per server is 8 so it's enough to have one of each advance class of a faction.I think at minimum the limit should be expandable to 16 so a player can have one of every class from bolth factions. I can see the complications in letting people make 16 characters from the beginning so the extras would have to be unlocked. To prevent all the unused characters that never make it past the starting planet extra slots could be unlocked by reaching level 50 with a toon so for every for every level 50 character you have you get a extra slot up to 16 so you can have 8 from each faction or all on the same faction if thats what you prefer.


This is probably a strech but they could also expand it beond 16 by giving you extra slots for having all 50s. So if a player has 16 level 50 characters give them a 17 character spot and when that one gets to 50 add another one and so on. I beleve this would work well with the legacy system because it alows players to unlock all the races and make any class/race/faction/ combination they want without being forced to delete high level toons to make room for a new one.


I know this would severely blur the line between factions and that some people will not like neutrality among players that would result from this but i beleve adding this would fix the huge diffrence in number between factions so a player loyal to the republic sould make a few empire toons just so they can enjoy winning in pvp for a change. By alowing players to play both factions it would mix up the content they play reducing the monotony of playing the same missions in the same areas every time they play through a toon.


BW has been putting alot into their legacy system and i think adding the extra slots in this way would work well with the legacy system alowing players to make use of any future updates to character creation options and to balance the faction numbers and really ley players make any class/race/faction/ combination they want and remove the feeling of being limited to just one faction. A player having 25 level 50 toons of all difrent combinations and planning on makeing another one with a combination they have not tryed yet really puts some meaning behind the word "legacy".


Thank you for reading please post feedback and let me know that you think or if you have other ideas to improve on this.

Edited by plAtomsk
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I wholeheartedly support this idea. I really want 16 character slots because I want to eventually play all of the advanced classes, and I really don't want to switch servers and ahve to start my legacy all over again.


I think unlocking an additional character slot each time one of your characters hits 50 is a really good idea. This way you could play all 15 AC without running out of slots, and it wouldn't clutter up the servers with a ton of never played level 1s.

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I'm perfectly okay with this, in fact, I'm perfectly okay with the method that other F2P model MMOs use that unlock character slots with real cash for a one-time fee.


I'm not so comfortable paying extra per month, but unlockable in-game slots and one-time purchase slots are my vote. If not just 'free'.

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I'd even be willing to purchase more character slots. 8 is just not enough and it bugs me. What happens when new races or classes come out? What about the people whom have 8 50s right now? The goodies that come with making new characters from Legacy are lost to them.
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You can always argue "go to a new server" but that defeats every social relationship you've made on the server you chose to begin with... Have to restart your Legacy, find a new guild, make new buddies, any IRL friends you have probably won't be willing to move with you just when you wanna play your alt...


I already have 8 characters and I've deleted two to remake new ones. I didn't think I'd get hit with alt-mania but I have, and 8 slots just isn't enough.

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Currently I have 16 toons. Once of each advanced on each side... two different servers of course. Whilst I certainly am in favour of more slots per server, I doubt I am unique in having a presence on two separate servers already (Legacy unlocked on both.... lvl 11 and lvl 4 currently).


So there are many who would want to combine the two if slots where raised to 16... WITHOUT loosing all the work that has already gone into one of the two sides.


So yet again the devs would be in the position of even if they made a lot of folks happy, they know they are going to have a lot of grumbling players too (Because I really doubt they would copy all those toons over as part of adding new slots)

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generally the problem with implementing extra slots is an engineering one. especially in terms of server space and estimated server capacity.


i do support extra slots, but its not something thats really a big deal right now, for a large enough percentage of the playerbase, for this to be a real hot button issue. once they have the tech involved im sure we will get it.

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I think this is a great idea. It builds the legacy while promoting playing more characters and spending more time in the game. Personally, I don't need 16 slots because I never intend to make one of every AC. The Sage, Sorcerer, Assassin, Scoundrel, and Gunslinger just do not have my interest. I'd be more than happy to add more Troopers and Bounty Hunters to my character list, though :D
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generally the problem with implementing extra slots is an engineering one. especially in terms of server space and estimated server capacity.


i do support extra slots, but its not something thats really a big deal right now, for a large enough percentage of the playerbase, for this to be a real hot button issue. once they have the tech involved im sure we will get it.


My thoughts exactly, there are much more important things to work on so ofcourse this would be a project for the future.

Edited by plAtomsk
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Genius idea, +1, another option would be to pay using A)real money B)In game money or you could do the way I prefer, which is the reach level 50 and unlock another slot


Buying the slots makes it feel kind of cheep, i think most people would see it as the devs being greedy. Makeing people earn it would make it feel like a reward isstead of an expence.

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