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Healing as smuggler at low level


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So I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if my groups have been that bad... but I'm having a hard time keeping my group up (level 18). I have my skill points in healing , but I still end up running out of energy eventually, and sometimes no matter how much I spam the tank, it's still not enough.


I use pugnacity as soon as possible, only use kolto pack when I am low on energy or need a faster heal (I don't have the skill points in it yet), use cool head when I am totally out...


Any tip? Does it get easier at higher level? I ran the second flashpoint and had one death on the last boss... then I ran the Locust heroic on Taris and we had to have two healers, because it was nuts... that was my second group too, first one had no tank and we just got destroyed.

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Until you get to 23 or so with the right talents, you're effectively spamming the same couple of skills. It is however, important to learn to manage your energy pool as the more skills you get later, the harder you'll find the energy pool to manage.


It may be your group, it may be you, but it's more likely your level.

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Try to keep your energy above 60 and you'll stay in solid regen. It's not always possible obviously. The body of your post could have just said "sucks" It gets better later.


You don't have the tools to keep up decent hps without draining all your energy at low levels. But if your group is dying, it's probably because they're standing in fire. Low level healing is terrible, but the encounters seem mostly to be balanced around it.

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Biggest thing you have to do is get the heal, cool head, pugnacity, and diagnostic scan rotations right.


Another thing at that level is your team mates need to know that although you can heal, you are not a dedicated healer with uber heals that allow them to rambo 50 mobs. This has been a misconception of sawbones, especially at the lower levels.


It's a lot better later on of course, but before you are say 35ish you are just a smug with some heals versus someone who can dedicate healing a tank non-stop.

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I understand everyone pointing out keep your energy in excess of 60% but if you read what the OP said, she was spamming and it still was not enough.

I had the exact same problem on my Sage in The Hammer. No matter how much your group avoid the AoE and you attempt to only heal priority targets its still a goddam pain! Tanks do not mitigate enough and healers dont heal enough at low level to make it as simple as non healers seem to think it is.

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I had a real rough time till level 20. What I did was just wait a level or two longer to do a flashpoint or heroic quest than I normally would, and that helped. The problem is that Diagnostic Scan sucks till level 20, at which point you get Slow-Release Medkit, which when stacked to 2 can really help you regen some energy after a big heal, and then you can just top them off with Diagnostic Scan.


It is rough, but just stick with it.

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