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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is the point of rolling Republic?


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after playing both (i have a 50 sorc and 50 sage) i can safely say i dont know why anyone would want to play republic. the only reason i am is because a load of my old wow mates have started playing and thats what they play for the simple reason that the imp.'s completely outnumber us so its good 'ganking opportunities' (or in most cases just getting boned by hordes of battlemaster imps)


the abilities lack 'punch' (project vs shock. jolt vs mind snap and so on) the areas are horribly put together, the ships are ugly (personal preference there) and i saw more bugs in 20 levels of my rep. char than i saw in the whole 50 of my imp. char (and other chars)


its very obvious different teams designed the areas. 'courseyoucant' vs drumand kaas. i've never had to run so much in my life through legions of mobs, do a mission, then run all the way back only to be told to run all the way through them again. not enough taxi points, not confusing bind points and areas.. its just bad. this is the worst example but this follows with every single world i've been so. the imps just have it better. the flow is better.


the grind wasnt as well hidden on rep. side either. i dont remember having bonus missions that started 'kill 20 of x' then stage 2 'kill 45 of x' the moment you see a number like that you just think '***, i dont want to do that'. you see that so much whereas the imp. bonuses were more like 'kill 20 of x' then 'kill 5 silver x' then 'kill gold x' and done. its not nice to be told to go kill 100+ mobs (if if you'd probably end up doing that anyway.. its not nice to be told to even if it is a bonus mission. overall thats well hidden but on rep. side.. less so.)


anyway.. to answer the OP question.. the simple reason is because my friends do. if they were playing imp. side id be doing the same and id be happier i can tell you.


Paticularly the stage kill quests made me wonder as I was leveling my Bounty Hunter. On my trooper, there was just a ton of staged area quests. I have to admit it got a little annoying and felt longer than it should have whereas on my bounty hunter, it was mostly just basic kill task in an area. Staged area quests are actually pretty rare on Emp side but you get many more very quick kill quests that nett similar rewards and XP as the Repub versions. The Emp side definitely felt a whole lot less grindy just because they didn't gate everything in stages.


Also, I found Emp side had generally better quest flow throughout the area. It's all easy enough to do but Repub definitely felt a whole lot "all over the place".

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I'm very curious as to why such a faction bias occurs. To me it's very obvious more people go with the Empire. Even if you go lightside you are still working for a pretty bad dude(unless of coarse your a BH, you work for anyone who has the money.. to be honest I'm surprised they let BH and Smuggler be faction bound, both would work as non-faction locked, I digress)



Could you look deeper into it as a society thing? A lot more people go with the easy way of doing things these days, lieing, stealing, cheating, etc. You could over analyze all day. My personal opinion? Darkside/Imperials do seem to come across as much less mature/not as nice lol.


A little dissapointing, I would like the game to be a little more balanced population wise. I also think it sounds pretty stupid to play against your allies in a WZ. Like a previous player said, it just isn't the same playing your "Friends."

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You can turn off the showing of ls/ds choices. the game will not tell you till you pick the choice which is which... granted you'll know top is good bottom bad more or less but it doesn't flat out tell you if you don't want it to.


It would be more fun this way. Especially in this game where it isn't always clear as to which is light and which is dark. It all just goes back to the gear thing unfortunately. :(

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More imps to kill.

Seriously though it wasn't much of a distinction for me, I just preferred the idea of the smuggler then any other class. I have rolled a character on imp side and... it just gets old now and again being the evil guy and being evil and whatnot. I think there is a lot more diversity with the Smuggler and even perhaps the BH.

I've also tried a jedi as well and though they were fun to play you have it in the back of your mind that you have to be this fearless, noble protector and with the sith classes, there is only too much of being evil a guy can take before you get fed up.

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