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30 Days, 11 Hours, 55 Minutes wasted on a valor 80 Sage - Rated WZ


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Funny seeing the fotm sorc/sages think marauders got buffed and roll them. Had 6 marauders in a game last night: none used deadly throw, no predation at start of huttball, all were anni spec and highest healing was 6000, highest dps was partial bm geared and did 72000 focusing kills instead of objs.


Hint: pvp spec nerfed, worthless spec buffed to just be shty, gimmicky spec that you should have rolled jug for is still gimmicky and easy to counter. Guess the fotm crowd only looks at patch notes and missed out on understanding that tanksins in dps gear are much better off than mara/sents.

Edited by Moosestick
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Sounds to me another noob player crying about losing his OP instant cast powers, Deal with it and move on, Everything is about PVP, LOL,, You better wake up realize that its just a video game and it will change accordingly to meet new updates, haha
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As far as Sent/Mara being op... They are. Without a doubt in my mind its just people do not know how to play them. There is only 1 good mara on my server and he does not die in any duels or in WZ's.


And as for Sage/Sorc i also have around 30 days played (give or take 3 days) and i main spec heals. These changes seem terrible. I am unstoppable when i free cast, but when i get focused it is a different story. I have to hope force speed is up and if it is, i have to hope they don't follow me or i can get out of LoS (line of sight), or else i fall over.



I do in fact believe that the hybrid spec was pretty op, Not or damage but utility. Sage/Sorc lack the burst that other classes have we have sustained dps that is decent. The only reason people see amazing numbers from us is that people of the other team group up and we have two amazing AoE moves. (Death Field and Chain lightning)


I am not personally on the PTR so i really can't Judge how the changes will effect us in real time. But reading the patch notes, does really make me doubt 1.2.

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One thing I have noticed about PvP in SWTOR is that the level of skill is fairly low across the board. Situational awareness is almost nonexistant from what I have seen. There are so many things people can do to assist their healers, but I rarely see it happen. If I am gaurding my healer (usually Rome or Cyndan) I can keep them up indefinitely even against full champ/BM geared players. Just a few things to do to help yourself and some things your teamates can do as well.


Pillar hump. Pillar hump. Pillar hump. Don't expose yourself to every dps on the other team. Use your CC effectively. Juke some heal casts. Get a tank to guard you. Tanks should also be using detaunts and cc to help peel for you. Target swapping almost never happens and is agreat tactic to use against the other team.


I think you will see some extremely skilled rated groups destroying other groups by playing smart and using all of the things I listed above.

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A group of us from my guild have watched at least 20 PVP matches on the test server on Twitch over the course of the past week (thus 1.2 in action).


Of course people WILL adjust but I felt like I was watching the spawn room all the time. It just seemed like people were dying a whole lot more.


In one Novare Coast match I watched, the victory screen showed that not one person died less than 9 times, and each team had healers (who posted pretty low numbers it seemed). People were even commenting about the increased deaths during the matches.


This has also been confirmed by a sister guild who went over to the test server and PVPs a lot there. They just feel like that everyone is dying a lot more.


My point: when healers are nerfed YOU are nerfed. People talk about how OPd they think healers are because they can't kill them but conveniently forget that they also benefit when their healers heal them.


See you in the spawn room.

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No, but the whiners want you to believe that its the end of the class and they have become completely unusable. They want you to believe that the class has no redeeming qualities now and that bioware needs to buff them to stupidly powerful proportions. People who complain like this hate the fact that their class gets brought down to Earth.
You don't seem to know anything about Sorcs so let me educate you here. Taking away their only burst IS a big hit on PvP. Was it hard to understand? Now they pretty much have to use only dots or the badly designed lightning tree.


Now if you don't know how important burst in PvP is, then you pretty much should stay quiet as it shows how little you know about PvP overall.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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How are all the "sage are too OP and and I can't kill them with my class" posts any different than the "you killed my sage and now they are useless posts"?


I mean really?


Go look through ALL the class forums and every single one has multiple "you made my class suck and everybody else class too OP" threads.


Don't get me wrong, having a class knocked down a notch is no fun when it is your class but realize that it will happen to everyone at some point.


Honestly, the people that complain do so from the stand point of their limited perspective of the game (now I don't mean they suck or anything, just that they see data from their perspective and maybe the perspective of some of their friends).


Bioware on the other hand collect data from all classes, all builds, all gear types, all skill level players and make changes based on that.


Not a l2p post either, just want every body to take a step back and try to see things on the larger scale, not just from their classes corner of the world.:D

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What nerf ? sorc were buffed imo, i play one and have about the same stats as you. Thing is hybrid is not dead , lightining is still the best dps tree if you know how to use and you gonna get a buff to your main dps skill on madness, the only real nerf was for healers but its not that bad. Good players will excel even more , the baddies are gonna cry like OP and roll a mara, however until they hit 50 with their maras they will be nerfd.
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What nerf ? sorc were buffed imo, i play one and have about the same stats as you. Thing is hybrid is not dead , lightining is still the best dps tree if you know how to use and you gonna get a buff to your main dps skill on madness, the only real nerf was for healers but its not that bad. Good players will excel even more , the baddies are gonna cry like OP and roll a mara, however until they hit 50 with their maras they will be nerfd.


only a very small amount know how to use a sorc healer so nerfing it is a bad idea to what i have been saying its the most played class in the game and most ppl arnt going to reroll

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When the sorc is completely ignored and left alone? Yeah. Otherwise, Sorc healers are by far the easiest to kill and shut down out of the healing classes. They are the squishiest and easiest to interrupt. Any polished BM geared premade will destroy a heal sorc in less than 10 seconds as soon as they enter the combat area. Bodyguard might save them a bit longer, but our strength in the middle of a big fight pales in comparison to a trooper. My heal merc tanks like a beast, my sorc melts like butter.


Whatever survivability we did have, which was slim under pressue, is gone. Not to mention dps, which was crap anyway, is now even worse. Just because you see big numbers from a sorcs aoe's doesn't mean they are actually killing anyone.



What everyone fails to mention is that 1 healer by himself isn't the problem, it's when groups stack like 3 of you that it becomes over-powered. So yes by yourself you're not OP, but when there are multiple healers stacked (which all rated groups will have at least 2 heals), that is when it's un-managable.

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Here is what I don't understand... the staple heal in a sages rotation is NOT Deliverance, it is Healing Trance. Healing Trance hasn't been nerfed, in fact with the changes to expertise it will actually be more effective than previously. Deliverance simply made it impossible for 2-3 players to kill a well played sage because our healing rotation was too easy. Shield, Rejuv, HT, Rejuv, Deliverance x2 made me pretty much unstoppable, and in games like Alderraan I could hold a cap by myself against 3-4 other players for at least 20-30 seconds while help arrived. As for those of you claiming that a well organized team can interrupt you, well that has always been the case, and nothing with the timing nerf changes that.


Yes, Deliverance is a slower cast now, and it should be. Yes, we have lost a little bit of burst heal potential, but the overall healing efficiency gain should make up for it. What this change means is simply we can no longer use a 4 button rotation infinitely to prevent players from killing us when their interrupts are not available. And for those who complain about us getting stunlocked and dying easily to stealthers, all I can say is learn how to use resiliency properly and this won't be a problem. Will I die easily to a well comprised group in 1.2? Most likely, yes. But this is no different than now, it is just that now noobs will need to find a better rotation to augment the change (which, by the way, the PTS forums have already developed 2 different rotations that work almost as well).


Edit: And if I am guarded... good luck killing me. If I am guarded and a second healer is present that knows what he is doing... your whole team would have a hard time bringing me down.

Edited by FueledToR
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Funny seeing the fotm sorc/sages think marauders got buffed and roll them. Had 6 marauders in a game last night: none used deadly throw, no predation at start of huttball, all were anni spec and highest healing was 6000, highest dps was partial bm geared and did 72000 focusing kills instead of objs.


Hint: pvp spec nerfed, worthless spec buffed to just be shty, gimmicky spec that you should have rolled jug for is still gimmicky and easy to counter. Guess the fotm crowd only looks at patch notes and missed out on understanding that tanksins in dps gear are much better off than mara/sents.


Focus spec for sentinel is getting a massive buff next patch in the way of 30% more damage, 50% damage reduction on cloak, more centering generation, easier singularity stacking - it's all just incredible buffs. Prepatch I would agree a guardian simply does it better, not afterwards. Also, watchman is junk against a good healer. Sure I can faceroll a bad healer as watchman, but I've never died 1v1 to an anni on any of my healers - and I can still toss the occasional heal on friendlies while doing it, assuming a guard and or taunts I can shrug him off easily. Whereas sweep spec's ability to simply drop large hits, especially aoe which I can't as easily heal through? I don't want to fight rage marauders post patch.

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the hybrid spec is the main problem. instead they nerf the spells and now a pure balance spec is totaly useless. they ruined dps spec on sage/sorc and the only way to play them is hybrid or healer spec. i'm sure they will make changes on this class but till then i am enjoying my new guardian vigilance
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Changing the extra attack on Atrai (sp?) to weapon instead of force is a huge nerf. Changing the damage reduction from 100% with talents to 50% base is a huge nerf. Sents and Maras are not the end all be all of classes, Tank sins, and ops/scoudrels will beat any equally skilled mara/sent pretty much every-time.
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