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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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I wonder if Blizzard had 200.000.000$ to spend for brown-box WoW. I guess not.


In the meantime I think EA spent 50% of the money for SWTOR advertising, it's simply everywhere. Probably further 25% were the licencing cost for the Star Wars brand.


Were did the rest of the budget go? Voiceactors are good but they are not celebrities earning millions.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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They didn't listen because you are wrong; I play on three different servers one of which is a EU server if you listen to the general chat hardly anyone is interested in Pokemon or Kung fu pandas. Server transfers are coming but I see a lot of the supposed dead servers loads increase over the past few weeks and still the vast majority of servers have either have a heavy or very heavy load during the nights and weekends.



The biggest mistake BioWare made wasn't having too many servers it was posting server loads and how many people are in a area...folks tend to obsess over that more than anything.


I was not wrong. Those players bailed out and went back to WoW went it became clear Warcraft was not shutting down the day after SWTOR's launch. Those players are now crowing that Guild Wars 2 will be the new great MMO and are talking about bailing Warcraft for it. They aren't going back to Warcraft after every MMO launch because it's fun. They go back so if a Warcraft killer does show up, they can be on the bandwagon and say "I joined the launch of the game that killed Warcraft!"


SWTOR is a solid game for Bioware's first step into the MMO genre and if more people would play it without expecting the WoW Killer fantasy, they might be more willing to stay. Best we can hope for is that the kids playing The Clone Wars MMO get to 13 and are ready to join The Old Republic.

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If Blizzard "gets it"


Why are they desperately scrambling to plug holes in their sinking IP?

Why every time I log in I'm bored to tears?

Why dose it not leave me with a feeling of satisfaction that TOR gives me?


Why does everyone I know feel the exact same way????


Because after 8 years (or whatever it is) people are getting burned out. You can only do something for so long before it gets old. People were/are bored with Swtor after 3 months.

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Hey nubsauce...it was launched with MUCH MORE, SWG, WoW, CoH, LotR, AoC all were months of headaches at launch, other than a few bugs that were blown out of porportion by the vocal e-tard minority, TOR's lauch is now the benchmark. Only Rift can even compare to launch success.


Launch is over. It's about the game now and out in the world compared to the others. Still, I've always been of the mind that you can't compare the launch of one MMO to another because they launch at different points in time.


TOR was never competing with WoW at launch. From the moment it was conceived, it was competing with WoW now. The only way to accurately compare the launches of both to each other is if they both launched at relatively the same time.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Launch is over. It's about the game now and out in the world compared to the others. Still, I've always been of the mind that you can't compare the launch of one MMO to another because they launch at different points in time.


TOR was never competing with WoW at launch. From the moment it was conceived, it was competing with WoW now. The only way to accurately compare the launches of both to each other is if they both launched at relatively the same time.


Poster was talking launches, i just replied.


To the highlighted, no MMO will ever be launched with 8 years worth of content and x-pac's. If thats what the new players / WoW lifers are expecting from any New MMO, then thier in for a helluva shock.

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Poster was talking launches, i just replied.


To the highlighted, no MMO will ever be launched with 8 years worth of content and x-pac's. If thats what the new players / WoW lifers are expecting from any New MMO, then thier in for a helluva shock.


I don't think they are expecting the content, but rather the features.


Personally, I despise WoW and the damage it's done to this industry.

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Comparing this and WOW and launch is wrong on a few levels. Blizzard did not spend 10's of millions on launch. Neither did they have the technology we have now. Which lets be honest all computers are much faster and we have very fast broadband world wide. When WOW launched that was not the case.


Played WOW since June 2006 and still play it. Once Diablo 3 is out i will cancel subscription to SWTOR not WOW as i get more out of WOW even today. Blizzard created a beast in WOW and generated an income that no MMO will ever do again in my opinion.


As someone previously stated that WOW will got F2P by 2014 he/she might be right as from the grapevine Blizzard wants to launch their new MMO around that time. SWTOR will not kill WOW.


Blizzard will.

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I don't think they are expecting the content, but rather the features.


Personally, I despise WoW and the damage it's done to this industry.


damage?...it was an amazing mmo that yes, had growing pains...but innovated the mmo experience...those numbers don't lie.


what's hilarious is Bioware devs focusing more on making TOR so different from WoW...when indeed, the concepts laid out in WoW was exactly what the community WANTED from the game. Blizzard hit a homerun by allowing addons and an open API...it allowed players to customize parts of the game that they wanted...and then a team for Blizzard simply incorporated those open-sourced add-ons into the main game...namely how threat was tracked, auction house addon's, ingame notification, hell...even the way you run to quests.


Instead of trying to separate TOR from WoW by means of developing a lame legacy system that is pure fluff...incorporate what the community actual wants, and expects from an mmo of this caliber...oh wait...they are slowly doing that ANYWAY...problem is...it's too late.

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Blizz must not get it somewhere as the reports out of testing of PandaCon 3000 thats being released as an expansion is horror and sadness. No customization of class builds, same ol same ol with everything etc etc. Oh and Pokemon WoW style.
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Blizz must not get it somewhere as the reports out of testing of PandaCon 3000 thats being released as an expansion is horror and sadness. No customization of class builds, same ol same ol with everything etc etc. Oh and Pokemon WoW style.


SO i see your on the MOP Beta then.

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I was not wrong. Those players bailed out and went back to WoW went it became clear Warcraft was not shutting down the day after SWTOR's launch. Those players are now crowing that Guild Wars 2 will be the new great MMO and are talking about bailing Warcraft for it. They aren't going back to Warcraft after every MMO launch because it's fun. They go back so if a Warcraft killer does show up, they can be on the bandwagon and say "I joined the launch of the game that killed Warcraft!"


So how many are "those players??"


SWTOR still has the 1.7 million it had in January all the denial in the world isn't changing the hard numbers that BioWare gave to their investors and Daniel Erickson just said that there may be something worthy of an announcement about subscriptions soon, which basically means another sub jump.


Those players crowing that GW2 is going to be God will be crying that it's too Facebookish in one month after release mark my word; there is only so many frost worms you can stomp and so many ears of corn you can gather for the sad farmer.



SWTOR is a solid game for Bioware's first step into the MMO genre and if more people would play it without expecting the WoW Killer fantasy, they might be more willing to stay. Best we can hope for is that the kids playing The Clone Wars MMO get to 13 and are ready to join The Old Republic.


Now you are just being silly...waiting for the clone wars kids? Really? I really hope you are not this pessimistic about your personal life. close to 2 million subs and growing is not a failure.

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I genuinely adore both games. I have, literally yesterday found myself doing a full reinstall of WoW. Nearly 6 hours later I was back.


WoW will always hold a special place in my heart, a bit like a first love. It was my first MMO and some of my most memorable gaming moments ever occured in the WoW universe.


I stopped playing WoW when my first son was born for obvious reasons and with not playing it opened up opportunites to play other games.


Two years later here we are with SWTOR. I was and am genuinely excited for it. The visuals are spectacular on ultra for an MMO and the whole sci fi thing is done exceptionally well as only Bioware can do. I am still subbed and I am still running my 32 Jedi Con.


There is no denying though that the game imo really does feel like a sinlge player game with chat. This does not kill it for me, however for me the reason I like MMO's is for the social, grouping/ raiding. Outside a few 2+ and 4+ man quests, I do not get this fix from SWTOR.


On returning to WoW yesterday, I instantly felt at home. No, I am not a fanboi...I do however have the utmost repesct for Blizzard as a developer as I do Bioware. WoW for me though is just so...i dunno....polished. yes, after 7 years so it should be and it is what it is.


Groups are found literally in seconds (Im heals so...), my guild has over 200 active members, the population is high all the time in game, the graphics are wonderful and stylised that still hold up to current gen coding. But it is in the GAMEPLAY that WoW excels and this is why it is and may always be the MMO all others are judged by. WoW is not just a game. It is an empire that Blizzard has built themselves on.


I do not support the SWTOR vs WoW arguments, but the reality is these will always be. If it is not SWTOR, it will be and has been Rift. If not Rift, then The Secret World. If not that then GW2. Whether you like it or not, World of Warcraft is the best MMO ever made and still being made. Replace the fanasty theme with sci fi. Replace Orcs with aliens. replace friggin Pandas with eskomo's...it doesn't matter about the theme...it is the gameplay, balance, social network, coding, polish...everything in the engine room under the visulas that make WoW what it is.


SWTOR is brilliant. It really is. Bioware will nurture it and make it a very solid contender in the MMO world over the coming years. It is just a baby right now and I am genuinely excitied for the game itself and it dedicated players.


May we all enjoy both games for what they are. As it stands now for me WoW is the best MMO.


May I add, I am 42 years old, not 12.


May the force and 25 man raids be with you all.

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Blizz must not get it somewhere as the reports out of testing of PandaCon 3000 thats being released as an expansion is horror and sadness. No customization of class builds, same ol same ol with everything etc etc. Oh and Pokemon WoW style.


Really? Because I frequent the forums and everyone is either loving the new expansion or hating the fact that they did not receive their Beta invite to see the new expansion.


But please, tell me more of these alleged "disappointed threads". They must be so numerous that no one has never even seen them in one place....

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Really? Because I frequent the forums and everyone is either loving the new expansion or hating the fact that they did not receive their Beta invite to see the new expansion.


But please, tell me more of these alleged "disappointed threads". They must be so numerous that no one has never even seen them in one place....


Thats why i asked the person if they had were on Beta. Obvious they are not as from what i have been told what new content that has been Beta tested is very good.

Edited by thegimble
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damage?...it was an amazing mmo that yes, had growing pains...but innovated the mmo experience...those numbers don't lie.


what's hilarious is Bioware devs focusing more on making TOR so different from WoW...when indeed, the concepts laid out in WoW was exactly what the community WANTED from the game. Blizzard hit a homerun by allowing addons and an open API...it allowed players to customize parts of the game that they wanted...and then a team for Blizzard simply incorporated those open-sourced add-ons into the main game...namely how threat was tracked, auction house addon's, ingame notification, hell...even the way you run to quests.


Instead of trying to separate TOR from WoW by means of developing a lame legacy system that is pure fluff...incorporate what the community actual wants, and expects from an mmo of this caliber...oh wait...they are slowly doing that ANYWAY...problem is...it's too late.


It's success is precisely why it damaged the industry. Now almost every Joe Schmuck MMO developer since has been trying to copy the "magic formula" and it's horribly stifled any further innovation within the industry.

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So how many are "those players??"


SWTOR still has the 1.7 million it had in January all the denial in the world isn't changing the hard numbers that BioWare gave to their investors and Daniel Erickson just said that there may be something worthy of an announcement about subscriptions soon, which basically means another sub jump.


Those players crowing that GW2 is going to be God will be crying that it's too Facebookish in one month after release mark my word; there is only so many frost worms you can stomp and so many ears of corn you can gather for the sad farmer.





Now you are just being silly...waiting for the clone wars kids? Really? I really hope you are not this pessimistic about your personal life. close to 2 million subs and growing is not a failure.


Those kids are the only ones who haven't been tainted by the WoW Killer cult. They love Clone Wars and pretty soon they will grow up and want to experience a more dark tone of a game. We need to get them now before they either look to Warcraft or sucked into Call of Duty.


And we do need them now more than ever, because apparently the whole Mass Effect 3 debacle has people saying they will never play SWTOR because Bioware's name is attached to it.


Which is very childish, in my opinion. This is a great game and I'm pretty sure it wasn't made by the Mass Effect team. So there is no terrible ending here.


Well there is

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Really? Because I frequent the forums and everyone is either loving the new expansion or hating the fact that they did not receive their Beta invite to see the new expansion.


But please, tell me more of these alleged "disappointed threads". They must be so numerous that no one has never even seen them in one place....



All the disappointed threads are because people say blizzard owes them day 1 beta access, despite that they never said anyone would get day 1 access.


Other than that,


Red Panda > *

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It's success is precisely why it damaged the industry. Now almost every Joe Schmuck MMO developer since has been trying to copy the "magic formula" and it's horribly stifled any further innovation within the industry.


But is that more to do with laziness on the part of WOW's competition. Instead of developing original ideas most games now are versions of clones. Its getting like the car industry most look and play the same.


No real game of any originality has been developed for 10 years or more. Deus EX for me was the most innovative game though its copied its never been surpassed for gameplay.

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Some of you need to separate comparisons of theme and graphics and story from core features and functionality.


Fine, you don't like the cartoon look or the fantasy setting or whatever in WoW.


But in looking at 2012 MMO features we find:


WoW has an easy grouping tool for dungeons and raids, has the ability to move characters from server to server and even change factions (paid), has the ability to allow multiple specs, has in-game human readable combat logs, has an API and robust add-on community, has web APIs for fan sites along with a web-based character viewer (Armory), has macros, has a test system that provides players the ability to copy their characters from live servers, has an ability to create, manage and communicate with friends across servers, and on and on.


SWTOR has a huge marketing budget that gets its name up on signs everywhere and on banner adds all over the web and even gets on a prime time TV but still doesn't have any of the features above that WoW and many other MMOs all have TODAY.


I really want SWTOR to succeed. I am also tired of WoW along with the whole fantasy setting for an MMO. But playing SWTOR from a features perspective is like driving a car with only an AM radio, manual windows, and no ABS.


Bioware really has their work cut out for them to be able to just get their product on par with others in the market, let alone being able to create something significantly better. Let's just hope the bean counters at EA start putting more money into the game and less into billboards and TV spots.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Bioware trying to emulate wow... is a vast understatement. SWtor is a wow clone through and through. Which IMO is a bad thing, I for one am spent on the wow format, I just don't understand what kind of players SWtor is trying to attract with a wow clone that is inferior to the original.


Yes it is prettier, and starwars themed but everything else is mundane, I could go on about the failed concepts and missed opportunities that are rampant through this game. However this would be unfair, because wow is also a giant turd now a days.


I don't know how many other out their are similar to me, but I want to see some innovation in my gaming, and not the kind that takes the RPG out of it. Dungeon and raid finders are fine things but makes it feel like an arcade game, where the world outside these little scenarios either doesn't exist or doesn't matter.


I started playing MMOs when interaction between players and developing your character were still evident, SWG was and remains my favorite.


So no I don't think Blizzard gets it. At least not for my entertainment dollars, and SWtor baffles me to no end.

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Bioware trying to emulate wow... is a vast understatement. SWtor is a wow clone through and through. Which IMO is a bad thing, I for one am spent on the wow format, I just don't understand what kind of players SWtor is trying to attract with a wow clone that is inferior to the original.


Yes it is prettier, and starwars themed but everything else is mundane, I could go on about the failed concepts and missed opportunities that are rampant through this game. However this would be unfair, because wow is also a giant turd now a days.


I don't know how many other out their are similar to me, but I want to see some innovation in my gaming, and not the kind that takes the RPG out of it. Dungeon and raid finders are fine things but makes it feel like an arcade game, where the world outside these little scenarios either doesn't exist or doesn't matter.


I started playing MMOs when interaction between players and developing your character were still evident, SWG was and remains my favorite.


So no I don't think Blizzard gets it. At least not for my entertainment dollars, and SWtor baffles me to no end.


lol it's a format that works...there is only a few ways to do an mmo...personally...i like the ultima online / SWG approach of customization...but WoW and TOR are PvE / PvP driven...again...not a bad thing...but it's what people want to play.


success on the part of blizzard hasn't crippled the industry...and i'll admit...legacy is a diverging aspect that WoW never capitalized on...but it can't be a cornerstone...there still needs to be that bit of familiarity, especially with things as simple as ui, dual-spec, rated battlegrounds, and plethora of endgame content.

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Bioware trying to emulate wow... is a vast understatement. SWtor is a wow clone through and through. Which IMO is a bad thing, I for one am spent on the wow format, I just don't understand what kind of players SWtor is trying to attract with a wow clone that is inferior to the original.


Yes it is prettier, and starwars themed but everything else is mundane, I could go on about the failed concepts and missed opportunities that are rampant through this game. However this would be unfair, because wow is also a giant turd now a days.


I don't know how many other out their are similar to me, but I want to see some innovation in my gaming, and not the kind that takes the RPG out of it. Dungeon and raid finders are fine things but makes it feel like an arcade game, where the world outside these little scenarios either doesn't exist or doesn't matter.


I started playing MMOs when interaction between players and developing your character were still evident, SWG was and remains my favorite.


So no I don't think Blizzard gets it. At least not for my entertainment dollars, and SWtor baffles me to no end.


If you want an MMO that is nothing like Warcraft, check out The Elder Scrolls Online when it's announced in May. I'm 100% certain it will be nothing like Warcraft.


Whether or not that's a good thing remains to be seen. I don't have to tell anyone who has played an Elder Scrolls game how OP stealth is in that series.


*Shoots player in the head*


"OW! That guy shot me! Get him!"


*holds shift key*


"He's crouching! Hurry before he-dang it! He's gone."

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