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7/120 bm bags - you kidding me bro?


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The RNG is crap. It's great for some players(who will swear its just your fault for not getting bm comms), and horrible for others. I got valor 60 two months before my brother, I still need 4 bm peices he needs one.


We both do the minimum(we do our daily's every day, and our weekly's every week, but we don't pvp if we have no pvp missions)


I've now gotten more BM comms via the 1000merc comms, 1000wz comms, than I've gotten in bags.


Crap system is crap.


results-my brother ran an alt, because getting bm gear was easy

my results-I'm never going to run an alt in this game cause its a ************* boring grind


I will run an alt when I come back in a year and theres actually different things to do in endgame pvp(I don't hate bioware, I usually just start playing mmo's when they've been out for a couple years and they have lots of different things to do, this is the first i was excited enough about to play at launch)

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I bet if someone on the dev team pulled your character statistics, they'd prove you to be a tremendous exaggerator concerning how many BM bags you've opened.



Amen. It reminds me of a dev post I read about someone saying how they lost a whole bunch of stuff after a server shutdown. Then devs looked and he was lying about the whole thing.

Edited by hieroo
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76 valor ? So sense when did the higher level valor mean u will get more battlemaster gear should of logged off after u dont get bags if ur so qq about it. Dont come on here and qq about 7/120 bm bags with no proof. Why dont u grind 1000/1000 Commendations Mr 76 valor and stop complaining because if u really were 76 valor and still havent been getting commendations sense the last patch where u can buy from a merchant and full battlemaster then SIR YOU ARE A LIER.
This is truth.


It doesn't take very long at all to get 1000/1000 and just buy a token. I barely hit BM before the "Easy BM Patch", and have only reached rank 66 since then. But I've also played enough WZ's to buy 4 tokens outright from the vendor, bought my 3 BM items that only require the other comms, and have opened about 20 bags yielding 6 or 7 BM tokens. Point being: People need to stop lying on these forums.

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I am almost valor 58 I have opened 50+ champ bags not one token the drop rate is stupid low
Who cares? You're not really supposed to get tokens from Champ bags any more (1/15 chance). Ten bags will get you one big armor piece worth of commendations, and the rate will double when you hit BM.


With BM, there's no fractional tokens you get if the bag gives you nothing. So when a 1/4 chance turns into more like a 1/10, you're screwed.

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I bet if someone on the dev team pulled your character statistics, they'd prove you to be a tremendous exaggerator concerning how many BM bags you've opened.


I would gladly have them do that.


Believe me or not, I'm speaking the truth. RNG is RNG, I'm just insane unlucky.


I have a word document where I wrote it down every time I opened a bag and I'm at 7/120.


Please - if you can get a dev to clarify it, do it :)

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I'm now at 7/120 bm bags - working as intended?


I'm not even full battlemaster geared yet and I'm 76 valor.


I'm really glad this system is changing in 1.2, because it's the worst gearing system I've ever seen. It's a slap in the face everytime you do dailies, yet you get rewarded absolutely nothing.


To base getting gear on pure luck is just a joke.



How has your guys journey been with the bags?


Good experience or did you get unlucky as well?


Once I hit BM I stopped PvPing because i got my saber on the first day. I had 4 bags to open and got 3 tokens... guess I'm just lucky?

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This reminds me of why I quit. I got tired of opening up champion bag over and over and over and getting NOTHING, yet my brother opens and gets gear.


Its sad when youre Valot 52 have opened over 30 bags and got 2 items yet your brother is like valor 30 and has full champion

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This is truth.


It doesn't take very long at all to get 1000/1000 and just buy a token. I barely hit BM before the "Easy BM Patch", and have only reached rank 66 since then. But I've also played enough WZ's to buy 4 tokens outright from the vendor, bought my 3 BM items that only require the other comms, and have opened about 20 bags yielding 6 or 7 BM tokens. Point being: People need to stop lying on these forums.


Yeah I have to agree that its impossible to hit 76 valor and not have bought all the bm comms, I'm only valor 67 and so far, I'm having the worst luck with getting bm comms in bags, but I still see myself buying enough bms from the vendor to get full gear by 70 maybe 71.

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Valor 72 here... and I need one more BM Comm to complete my full set. I have everything but the boots right now with 1 comm sitting in my Currency tab.


Most I have gotten from bags but I think I have purchased 4-5 commendations using the 1000/1000 purchase from the vendor.

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This reminds me of why I quit. I got tired of opening up champion bag over and over and over and getting NOTHING, yet my brother opens and gets gear.


Its sad when youre Valot 52 have opened over 30 bags and got 2 items yet your brother is like valor 30 and has full champion


why bother posting if you quit. /wave go play something else.


champion at valor 30....really lol nice bs. last i checked u can't open a champ bag before valor 60.

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120 bags is roughly 7.5 weeks of doing every weekly, every daily every week.


The game has been out roughly 13 weeks.


So that leaves about 5 weeks to level to 50, and get 60 valor. Pre-valor rain when getting 800-1400 valor a game.



I'm sorry but two things;


I severely doubt you are 7/120 for comms. And if you are such a high valor why haven't you been grinding out 1k/1k comms? Because if all your story is true, you definitely play a **** ton.


Secondly, the fact you got 1-50 including 60 valor in less than a month, is debateble at least from my point of view. If you did, well damn dude, go outside.

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I'm 1/64 champion bags :p, most other people are about 1/30. Not to mention out of 10 normal and 6 Hardmode operations I normally only gear about 3 times in 16 Operations. Even on preassigned loot in Normal Mode. My rolls are 70% <20. RNG really hates me. My guild has screenshots of all loot I have won, it is bad.
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why bother posting if you quit. /wave go play something else.


champion at valor 30....really lol nice bs. last i checked u can't open a champ bag before valor 60.


if u gonna call bs on someone at least have the knowledge to do it right...


you need lvl 50 to open champ bags

you need valor 60 to open BM bags



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