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What's Wrong With My System? Low FPS


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Hi all - I'm getting low FPS (9-15) on my system and I'm trying to figure out why. Here are my specs:


Processor: AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 Dual Core 2.6 GHz

Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra 1 GHz memory

RAM: 3 GHz Single Channel DDR

> 2 Chips: 1 GB Samsung PC3200

> 2 Chips: 512 MB Patriot PC3200


I've updated my GPU and RealTek audio drivers, BOIS, and Directx. I've DeFragged, Scan Disked, and closed down unnecessary programs. Still no luck - I suspect it may be the mis-matched RAM but I don't want to invest in better RAM if the rest of the system is insufficient. Can anyone help?


Thank you!

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Hi all - I'm getting low FPS (9-15) on my system and I'm trying to figure out why. Here are my specs:


Processor: AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 Dual Core 2.6 GHz

Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra 1 GHz memory

RAM: 3 GHz Single Channel DDR

> 2 Chips: 1 GB Samsung PC3200

> 2 Chips: 512 MB Patriot PC3200


I've updated my GPU and RealTek audio drivers, BOIS, and Directx. I've DeFragged, Scan Disked, and closed down unnecessary programs. Still no luck - I suspect it may be the mis-matched RAM but I don't want to invest in better RAM if the rest of the system is insufficient. Can anyone help?


Thank you!


The video card is a problem, a major one really.


What sort of bus speed does your mother board bridges have? I bet its bottlenecked there.


Your CPU is also slower than the single core version of that chip from AMD so...well there thats about all I can say on that.


If your not using 64bit OS its likely not taking proper advantage of your 3 Gigs which if you have Windows 7 is barely enough to run it properly since Windows is a bit of a hog. Plus you are mix and matching ram bars sizes. While you can do it..its not exactly optimal to do it. You should of just bought 4 bars of the same thing to have 4 gigs of memory.


Make sure shadows are off (they're a hog AND ugly), turn anti aliasing off, make sure all your other settings are on low as well. And also make sure Bloom is off.

Edited by Kindara
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Most likely the video card, as said before. But also will be the motherboard.


If you're using a Video Card like that, your motherboard probably only has PCI express 1.0. So even if you do buy a new video card, there still will be bottlenecking. Also, you probably have a low Power Supply, so upgrading the video card wont really work by itself. You may need more power for a modern card.

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This is going to sound cruel, but that whole PC needs to be replaced to play a game like SWTOR.


The processor socket type on your motherboard is about 8 years old, and there are no viable processor upgrades for that socket (haven't been for almost 2 years now).


The graphics card type was brand new in 2006.


3g RAM is below the threshold of what most games require to coexist peacefully with Windows 7.



That said, it's still a good pc for mid to older games and for everything else - but you pretty much have to start over here.


EDIT: I used to own a pair of 8800's and they were outdated by 2009, required me to upgrade to the GTX210's, and I also used to have 3 different 939 socket gaming pc's in the house. I speak from experience.

Edited by SashiRomanenko
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Are you sure I'm at minimum specs? I've checked Sprigum's post here:




It looks like I'm at least above absolute minimum aren't I? My Processor is better than the Toledo 4800+ and my GPU is above the "Medium Performance Milestone" at 1080p.




Go there, and put Star Wars: The Old Republic in the search field.

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Hi all - I'm getting low FPS (9-15) on my system and I'm trying to figure out why. Here are my specs:


Processor: AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 Dual Core 2.6 GHz

Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra 1 GHz memory

RAM: 3 GHz Single Channel DDR

> 2 Chips: 1 GB Samsung PC3200

> 2 Chips: 512 MB Patriot PC3200


I've updated my GPU and RealTek audio drivers, BOIS, and Directx. I've DeFragged, Scan Disked, and closed down unnecessary programs. Still no luck - I suspect it may be the mis-matched RAM but I don't want to invest in better RAM if the rest of the system is insufficient. Can anyone help?


Thank you!


The Graphics Card would be the first thing I'd change there. What's your Operating System?

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Hi all - I'm getting low FPS (9-15) on my system and I'm trying to figure out why. Here are my specs:


Processor: AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 Dual Core 2.6 GHz

Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra 1 GHz memory

RAM: 3 GHz Single Channel DDR

> 2 Chips: 1 GB Samsung PC3200

> 2 Chips: 512 MB Patriot PC3200


I've updated my GPU and RealTek audio drivers, BOIS, and Directx. I've DeFragged, Scan Disked, and closed down unnecessary programs. Still no luck - I suspect it may be the mis-matched RAM but I don't want to invest in better RAM if the rest of the system is insufficient. Can anyone help?


Thank you!


different types of ram.. single channel mode... unsure about gfx but doesn't look like a GTX.. minimum processor is this a test?

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Are you sure I'm at minimum specs? I've checked Sprigum's post here:




It looks like I'm at least above absolute minimum aren't I? My Processor is better than the Toledo 4800+ and my GPU is above the "Medium Performance Milestone" at 1080p.


Yes I am sure. Look at the recommended specs for the game. Anything below that is min specs. You can expect to play the game, but will need to have the settings low and expect some slowdowns in situations were other players are close by, etc. Makes no difference what the techincal specs for your system is and what they should be able to play TOR at. The truth is..you need to have a system at the recommended specs to play it well.

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I'm running Widows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit version. Ack! I was wishing I didn't have to replace!


IMO upgrade to 4 gig of ram and dual channel them would be first thing.


Seen probs with swtor on a 8600 GT with similar specs to your upgrades ram to 4 gig up from 2 and all was golden. even has max graphic settings but with shadows turned off.


Game looks very different to mine however even with same settings.. 460GTX just looks so much cleanr and sharper

Edited by corbanite
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IMO upgrade to 4 gig of ram and dual channel them would be first thing.


Seen probs with swtor on a 8600 GT with similar specs to your upgrades ram to 4 gig up from 2 and all was golden. even has max graphic settings but with shadows turned off.


Game looks very different to mine however even with same settings.. 460GTX just looks so much cleanr and sharper


He allready has 3 GB of ram. Going to 4 I donot think will help him that much..if any. 2 to 4 however is a nice upgrade.

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Hi all - I'm getting low FPS (9-15) on my system and I'm trying to figure out why. Here are my specs:


Processor: AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 Dual Core 2.6 GHz

Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra 1 GHz memory

RAM: 3 GHz Single Channel DDR

> 2 Chips: 1 GB Samsung PC3200

> 2 Chips: 512 MB Patriot PC3200


I've updated my GPU and RealTek audio drivers, BOIS, and Directx. I've DeFragged, Scan Disked, and closed down unnecessary programs. Still no luck - I suspect it may be the mis-matched RAM but I don't want to invest in better RAM if the rest of the system is insufficient. Can anyone help?


Thank you!



•AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better

•Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or better

Operating System: •Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later



•Windows XP: 1.5GB RAM

•Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB RAM


Note: PCs using a built-in graphical chipset are recommended to have 2GB of RAM.


Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3.0 or better. Examples include:

•ATI X1800 or better

•nVidia 7800 or better

•Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better

DVD-ROM drive – 8x speed or better (required for installation from physical editions only) Internet connection required to play.

Those are the system requirements you exceed the minimum in video and CPU try turning off graphic effects until you get accpetable frames.

With that said the engine is absloutely horribly optimized . I have a massive gaming system and i get what i consider bad frame rate for my system specs. its very evident in PVP and the fleet. also the chia pet foliage as it pops out of the ground in a 30 yard diameter.

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Thanks everyone for the input - I was pretty stumped there for a while. I think I'll try upgrading the RAM and see if that show any improvement. I'm kinda sunk in this system already, might as well see if I can push her a bit farther!


I would'nt. :cool:

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BTW, even at absolute minimum settings (everything at low, everything turned off) in the middle of nowhere, staring up at the sky, I was still getting no better that 15 fps. Totally unplayable - bleh!


It's playable, it's not bearable. Min specs are min specs to just run the game. Not to run it well.

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BTW, even at absolute minimum settings (everything at low, everything turned off) in the middle of nowhere, staring up at the sky, I was still getting no better that 15 fps. Totally unplayable - bleh!


TOR is known to be very CPU intensive..reason for the recommended CPU to be a quad core one. If you was to upgrade at all..I would do the ram and a new Video card. But with the video card you will be limited to your Power Supply. Best upgrade would be a new system with the recommended specs. IMO. Also..what resolution are you running at? 1440 x 990 for a 19" widescreen monitor?

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I'm running 1680x1050 resolution on a 21 inch widescreen monitor. I tried lowering the resolution but that didn't seem to do me any good.


I read on some forums online that if I try to push my GPU any higher than the GeForce 8800 Ultra, then I'll just be bottle-necked at my processor. :-(

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One thing no one has mentioned that made a big difference for me was downloading the DirectX9 library update (something like that, might need to search the forums for posts with dx9) but I gained around 10 fps from that.


A few other tricks I have had good luck with:


Run in Windowed Mode... I know it sounds counterintuitive but I swear it improved my FPS.


Run Memory Cleaner or a similar program to wipe your memory from time to time while playing. (Running in Windowed Mode helps with this)


Shutdown all unnecessary processes.


This one gets me... run in High Detail Graphics mode... it appears as though the Low Detail Graphics have a memory leak or some other issue that causes it to run worse with Low Detail than with High Detail.


Make sure Shadows and all other graphic tweaks are turned off or on low.


I have an old AMD 9600 Quad Core, 3gb of ram and a 550ti (upgraded from an ATI 5570, but was getting 5-25ish FPS and I know it was worse than an 8800) and I tend to get from 20-60 FPS most times, generally pretty steady in the 30-40 FPS range. The VC made a big difference IMO and I know it's bottlenecked by the processor, but I couldn't afford a new system, had to take the minor upgrade in performance.


Hope some of those things will help you.

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