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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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Come 1.2 this will not be true.


Beyond that some of us are not losers and will always be trying.




The players that subscribe to the "quitter" philosophy do so because they are only willing to put forth minimal effort in the first place. They would rather wait until they end up on a team that carries the game for them.


When 1.2 hits I'm going to consider those that huddle up at a turret to farm defender points afkers and will flag them accordingly. If they don't want to contribute to the wz and sit there and whine there is plenty of space on the imperial fleet for such activites.

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The players that subscribe to the "quitter" philosophy do so because they are only willing to put forth minimal effort in the first place. They would rather wait until they end up on a team that carries the game for them.


When 1.2 hits I'm going to consider those that huddle up at a turret to farm defender points afkers and will flag them accordingly. If they don't want to contribute to the wz and sit there and whine there is plenty of space on the imperial fleet for such activites.


Again, this just isn't true. These players are not "waiting for a team to carry them". They are just micromanaging the use of their time. If the game is already going to be a loss, then why cap a node? You are only adding time to a game you are going to lose anyway.


Also, OP is encouraging people to move away from nodes, to do exactly what you despise (those that huddle at a turret for defender points). OP was saying that in those situations, it is better to let them 3 cap you (Don't cap a node back).


You're not wrong for thinking that it is still possible to win, but the likelihood is low. The only thing at risk is PRIDE, which, as we know, is worthless.

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ITT a cool ethug who doesn't understand that the ends of a *GAME* should not be pixels of pretty purp lewtz gained more quickly because he gave up. The ends in this case is pvp, NOT getting loot. If it is all about getting loot for you, then, well, I'm sorry for you.


Me? I likes to keel manz. It's great if my side wins, but if they don't, I still get to keel manz, so I'm happy as a lark.... an evil lark.... with a light saber.... and a grin.


This is why games need Deathmatch mode, so people who just want to PvP have a place, and people who want to focus on Objectives to earn valor and rewards have a place as well.


This is the type of attitude that does NOT belong in Warzones. I'd take a "quitter" described in this thread over one of these "I just want to kill people" guys anyday.

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I know it's just a game but aren't you people embarrassed giving up like that? They need to make sports mandatory for kids. Did any of you see the movie 300? "The world will know.......that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed."


Scoring a goal when you are down 5-0 or preventing the 6 cap is what it's all about.

If a team outmatches you and owns two turrets all game and you finally reclaim the the 2nd turret when down to 5, be proud.

If you didn't make it past the 1st door in voidstar and manage to hold the opposing team out of the datacore even though you lost anyway then you are playing right.

Edited by richardya
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Again, this just isn't true. These players are not "waiting for a team to carry them". They are just micromanaging the use of their time. If the game is already going to be a loss, then why cap a node? You are only adding time to a game you are going to lose anyway.


Also, OP is encouraging people to move away from nodes, to do exactly what you despise (those that huddle at a turret for defender points). OP was saying that in those situations, it is better to let them 3 cap you (Don't cap a node back).


You're not wrong for thinking that it is still possible to win, but the likelihood is low. The only thing at risk is PRIDE, which, as we know, is worthless.


But the problem with this is not everyone is going to EVER be on board to effectively forfeit a match. EVER. Unless you have a full premade. I'm certain you will see this happen when rated wz come into full swing, just as you see the same happen in arena/rated bg in wow.


But you will never convince a full pug to quit just because you think it's the best way to micromanage your time. Everyone has their own idea of what wins and losses are, what is challenge worthy and what is simply not worth the effort.


In a pug scenario, you owe it to the others that are still trying to win to try your best to help them. It should never be the other way around.

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I know it's just a game but aren't you people embarrassed giving up like that? They need to make sports mandatory for kids. Did any of you see the movie 300? "The world will know that.......that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed."


Spartan's didn't have the option to requeue for Thermopylae.


If my life or account subscription depended on every Warzone I was in, yes I would obviously play every match out and pray for that 0.001% chance to overcome a large score gap (2x:x).


However, since Warzones are PvP skirmishes where you earn currency based on your rate of games completed per hour, I'll continue to advocate for quicker Warzone matches.

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


Sorry mate, I wont do that. I play the game my way, you play it yours. My way: play for the win and fun of PvP, and if the win becomes impossible I play for the fun of PvP. If they have turrets and I'm alive, they'll dang well have to fight to keep them - timer be hanged!

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However, since Warzones are PvP skirmishes where you earn currency based on your rate of games completed per hour, I'll continue to advocate for quicker Warzone matches.


I enjoy making fun of people like you in Ops chat.

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Scoring a goal when you are down 5-0 or preventing the 6 cap is what it's all about.

If a team outmatches you and owns two turrets all game and you finally reclaim the the 2nd turret when down to 5, be proud.

If you didn't make it past the 1st door in voidstar and manage to hold the opposing team out of the datacore even though you lost anyway then you are playing right.


Yes, and no. You can feel proud but you didn't change the outcome of the match whatsoever. You still lost, you got the same amount of rewards (at a lower rate of valor+comms/minute for drawing out a loss).


Looking for a consolation prize in a Warzone just to make yourself feel better for a loss is not a good enough reason to waste time (increasing the time it takes to complete a warzone by 20-40%), especially if the consolation prize is LESS VALOR, LESS COMMS. You are only punishing yourself further for the loss.

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Yes, and no. You can feel proud but you didn't change the outcome of the match whatsoever. You still lost, you got the same amount of rewards (at a lower rate of valor+comms/minute for drawing out a loss).


Looking for a consolation prize in a Warzone just to make yourself feel better for a loss is not a good enough reason to waste time (increasing the time it takes to complete a warzone by 20-40%), especially if the consolation prize is LESS VALOR, LESS COMMS. You are only punishing yourself further for the loss.


Did you ever watch the carebears show when you were younger?


Serious question, just curious..

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Since you guys seem to love analogies...


When you play chess and you get checkmated, you don't play the game out and hope your opponent forgets what he has to do to win. You lay down your king and say "gg, re?"


your analogie is wrong. i never got checkmate in alderaan before we reached 0.

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In a pug scenario, you owe it to the others that are still trying to win to try your best to help them. It should never be the other way around.


Although I don't share this viewpoint I can respect it. I just don't feel like indulging randoms with exercises of futility.

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Yes, and no. You can feel proud but you didn't change the outcome of the match whatsoever. You still lost, you got the same amount of rewards (at a lower rate of valor+comms/minute for drawing out a loss).


Looking for a consolation prize in a Warzone just to make yourself feel better for a loss is not a good enough reason to waste time (increasing the time it takes to complete a warzone by 20-40%), especially if the consolation prize is LESS VALOR, LESS COMMS. You are only punishing yourself further for the loss.


While it is true that you get less valour and less comms by increasing the time of the game, the rest of your post is pure opinion based on your personal reasons for doing Warzones.


For many people, the consolation prize has nothing to do with some valour/gear grind and everything to do with taking whatever small victory they can away from the fight.


I tend to walk the line depending on my mood. If we're down 5-0 against a stacked Huttball team, it's not unusual for me to grapple the ball carrier into a better scoring position (if they're farming us). Conversely, I'm also down with charging into a turret/door/whatever with teammates and trying to win a tough fight to gain the node, whether it's relevant to the win or not.


For the 'never stop trying crowd'... as long as your definition of trying isn't going all Leroy Jenkins into an entrenched premade over and over and over with zero variation to your approach, I'm with you. Running in and dying over and over is not trying.

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your analogie is wrong. i never got checkmate in alderaan before we reached 0.


When they have 2x your Ship's HP and have held the 2+ cap for the entire match, it is CHECKMATE. The only way your team can now win is to hold 3 for the rest of the game, although you couldn't even get a second node within the first 10 minutes. Checkmate.


Their entire raid can sit on one node for the entire remainder of the match, turtle, and win.


Any chance you think you have of overcoming this deficit is just a delusion. You have a better chance at having the opposing team disconnect than clearing 8 off a side node before they can graveyard zerg you. Playing it out is like asking the chess player to explain the checkmate to you.

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


Odds are if the other team has capped all 3 then they heavily out gun you and your not going to get many medals fighting them one on one... after all can't get medals if your dead... So only way to get 2 extra medals is to keep one turret for your team and given even a good team would have a hard time keeping all 3 it's a good plan when your out gunned.

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Easiest way to 3cap a team from the start. depending on your teams composition.



1 tank, 1 heal go to west(for pubs) east (for imps)


1 tank, 1 heal, 2 dps go middle to hold off a possible zerg ( if no zerg go to corresponding side with the zerg (generally your west/east (pubs/imps))


2 dps go to east (pubs) west (imps) preferably 1 stealthy.




if your opponents happen to be a premade as well, have the 2 dps retreat and float between mid/east/west(pubs/imps).

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While it is true that you get less valour and less comms by increasing the time of the game, the rest of your post is pure opinion based on your personal reasons for doing Warzones.


For many people, the consolation prize has nothing to do with some valour/gear grind and everything to do with taking whatever small victory they can away from the fight.


I tend to walk the line depending on my mood. If we're down 5-0 against a stacked Huttball team, it's not unusual for me to grapple the ball carrier into a better scoring position (if they're farming us). Conversely, I'm also down with charging into a turret/door/whatever with teammates and trying to win a tough fight to gain the node, whether it's relevant to the win or not.


For the 'never stop trying crowd'... as long as your definition of trying isn't going all Leroy Jenkins into an entrenched premade over and over and over with zero variation to your approach, I'm with you. Running in and dying over and over is not trying.


In the rare losing Civil War game, I will sometimes lead charges to attack other nodes although we have lost. HOWEVER, I will NEVER cap the node in a losing game (which is what this entire thread is about), even if we dominate them and win the battle for the node. Prolonging the match by 1-5 minutes serves no purpose. Nobody is saying "Let them kill you," or "Don't kill enemies,", but regarding objectives, if you are already passed the point of no return and have 4 medals, don't interrupt them capping your only node in Civil War, or capping that 6th ball, or reaching the datacore.

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In the rare losing Civil War game, I will sometimes lead charges to attack other nodes although we have lost. HOWEVER, I will NEVER cap the node in a losing game (which is what this entire thread is about), even if we dominate them and win the battle for the node. Prolonging the match by 1-5 minutes serves no purpose. Nobody is saying "Let them kill you," or "Don't kill enemies,", but regarding objectives, if you are already passed the point of no return and have 4 medals, don't interrupt them capping your only node in Civil War, or capping that 6th ball, or reaching the datacore.


Some of us dont play for medals. We play for the competition. Losing the competition by a wider margin is never a win for us.

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