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A solution to the low pop server problems!!!


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After reading all the posts on this forum about the problems finding groups, guilds and general negativity about the state of the server population, I feel that I have been forced to write this post.


I have to say hands down I love this game. I do feel that there is a large amount of bugs and things that need to be fixed. This however is the same for ANY mmorpg in the first years. After looking at the posts that bash BioWare for all the problems in the game, it seems that most of the posts are from people who do in fact like the game but are having problems finding groups. With this in mind I have come up with a solution.


My solutions is very simple Move to one of the servers listed below. Wait I hear you cry I have millions of credits and 8 level 50's with legacy level 1000. Well be that as it may if you are on a server with no one else to group with and you are making your credits by selling on the GTN or by running the same missions day in day out, do you not think it might be a time to meet some new people?


If you have the time to make lots of characters and credits it will not take you long to do it on a different server. In fact you might find it quicker and make a lot more credits due to there being more people on the same server.


So I pose the following idea. If most of the people playing this game move to a very limited number of servers BioWare will be FORCED to merge the other servers or offer transfers. I list the below servers as I feel that they will offer the highest populations if everyone starts to re roll characters.


English Servers


PVP The Tomb of Freedon Nadd

PVE The Red Eclipse


Tip:- If you are looking for PVE there is also TRASK UGLO this is a RP-PVE server. You do not have to do RP but the mix of RP and PVE players would boost the server POP


German Servers


PVP The Jedi Tower

PVE Jar'kai Sword


Tip:- If you are looking for a German PVP server I would pick JEN'JIDAI there reason for this is that it is a RP-PVP server but with a much higher pop that THE JEDI TOWER.


French Servers


PVP Huntmaster

PVE Vodo-Siosk Bass


Tip:- HUNTMASTER is a RP-PVP server but all the French PVP servers are so low pop that I do not think it would be worth creating a character on.



Now with regards to my post I know that I will take Flak for some of the stuff I have put but at the end of the day this is a game people. If you are not enjoying your time in SWTOR and others are, then maybe it is not the game for you or dare I say it the problem might be with how you are playing and communicating with the people around you.


Note:- Of all there servers I have listed I only play on one of the but it is NOT the server I started playing on and I have only moved to the server within the last 2 Weeks.


I welcome any constructive comments.

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I hear your fix, but wouldn't we have to DELETE our characters also? Considering those characters we have will still show on the servers we left. Therefore we have no hope of playing those characters when the server do merge.


I personally have two lvl 50's and would rather unsub then delete them at this point.

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I hear your fix, but wouldn't we have to DELETE our characters also? Considering those characters we have will still show on the servers we left. Therefore we have no hope of playing those characters when the server do merge.


I personally have two lvl 50's and would rather unsub then delete them at this point.


What would you have to delete your characters?


The server population is not calculated from how many characters are on the server but how many people actively play on the server.

Edited by Hathgore
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while it is a good idea to get people together, It wouldnt work for someone like me. I get maybe four hours twice a week to play, and it took me about 3 months (real time not game time) to hit 50. as much as I would like to, it would take to long for me to get another level 50 on a different server.
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while it is a good idea to get people together, It wouldnt work for someone like me. I get maybe four hours twice a week to play, and it took me about 3 months (real time not game time) to hit 50. as much as I would like to, it would take to long for me to get another level 50 on a different server.


Yeah I think the OP has a good idea, it's just unrealistic to think ppl will want to re level in this game.


I mean my thumb still hurts from the spacebar:)

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Only thing keeps my leveling my new toon is solid class story. But all these side quests, space missions ... i'm sick of it. It's so boring and annoying, same over and over again. So with idea starting over and over again new toon ... i'm even afraid to think of it. We want transfers! Payed, free, whatever.
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Funny you choose The Tomb of Freedon Nadd as your PvP server. I'd have recommended The Fatman or Ajunta Pall.


But I agree. I had a lvl 50, 36, 33, and 25 toons on my old server before I re-rolled. It really is an entirely different game

Edited by FourTwent
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Funny you choose The Tomb of Freedon Nadd as your PvP server. I'd have recommended The Fatman or Ajunta Pall.


But I agree. I had a lvl 50, 36, 33, and 25 toons on my old server before I re-rolled. It really is an entirely different game


I think this is bout Europe. So he pick up right choices.

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Funny you choose The Tomb of Freedon Nadd as your PvP server. I'd have recommended The Fatman or Ajunta Pall.


But I agree. I had a lvl 50, 36, 33, and 25 toons on my old server before I re-rolled. It really is an entirely different game



The only reason why I choose The Tomb of Freedon Nadd was due to it being the highest pop pvp server. Maybe we can protest by over loading it with everyone logging onto it lol

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I personally think that they need to consolidate the servers. It doesn't matter if people including bioware like it or not. Having 200 servers doesn't mean a thing if most are "light". Also making characters on another server will only leave others empty which is a waste of resources if you ask me. When I log in out of all of the US servers only a small handful are showing "standard" and most show "light". So instead of having 200 of them cut that number by 1/4 to 1/2 and then people will find groups and you will actually see more than 12-30 people on Taris and other planets. People will get tired of playing alone and move on as this is an MMO, and most will not like the idea of re-rolling on another server considering the story line is the same...
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I personally think that they need to consolidate the servers. It doesn't matter if people including bioware like it or not. Having 200 servers doesn't mean a thing if most are "light". Also making characters on another server will only leave others empty which is a waste of resources if you ask me. When I log in out of all of the US servers only a small handful are showing "standard" and most show "light". So instead of having 200 of them cut that number by 1/4 to 1/2 and then people will find groups and you will actually see more than 12-30 people on Taris and other planets. People will get tired of playing alone and move on as this is an MMO, and most will not like the idea of re-rolling on another server considering the story line is the same...


This. BW/EA need to stop worrying about getting a bit of a bad press from this and do it for the sake of their paying customers. Otherwise the empty servers will just keep getting emptier and emptier as more and more people will unsub. I really don't see rerolling on a different server and starting from scratch as a viable option, I'd rather stop playing then going through all the grind again.

Edited by MartyCZE
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