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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow?


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So basically..."Nerf Shadows because I can't beat them in duels"



In another thread where somebody is complaining about their class being unkilllable in duels... "This game is not balanced to 1v1's"


Lol +1

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*** are you talking about, whoever this "prestige" person is they are not the entire class.


"wahh ONE person is really good, nerf an entire class because of it"


Thats your entire reasoning and because of it the class isnt going to change. Theres a heal BH on my server who is a virtual automatic win for the Imps, unless the entire team is on aboard with spiking him as soon as he shows up its a loss but the whole class doesnt deserve a nerf due to it because the rest fold like paper.


Maybe, just maybe this prestige is better then you and your super awesome guildies and Im confident would dick all over you regardless of the class they played. Lrn2ply


I find your inability to engage in intelligent discourse quite disturbing.


Obviously Prestige is an excellent player. He is better than me, and likely better than most on this game.


My gripe is this: to be moderately efficient with this spec, the skill cap is very low. In my opinion, it is even easier than grav round/tracer missile spec because it is almost completely mobile with little casting, high base damage, and high survivability.


When you add a highly-skilled player like Prestige to the mix, it becomes unstoppable.


I don't believe this spec will be nerfed any time soon, nor is that my desire. I am simply defending Amksed from those like you who can't or won't grasp the nature of the situation.

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Kinetic Shadow is fine as is and is balanced. The damage rotation is easily known and can be countered effectively. The self healing done with a three stack of HS can be interrupted by knockbacks and other similar CC methods. It is not a guaranteed heal by any means. Our damage can only be decent with certain procs and certain buffs. It is not high constant damage like some claim.


We make great additions to teams for objective play. We are perfect for guarding a node freeing up others to help the other side. We can guard, pull targets, CC and stealth but we are far from OP. We have weaknesses and can be countered. High crit force and tech attacks can tear us to shreds in we are not carefull. We are not gods, even with DPS gear on. In fact, wearing DPS gear all the time hurts your spec's potential for objective play in certain situations.


I don't feel the label "hybrid" is justified for a kinetic shadow in DPS gear. Other ACs such as Vanguard can do similar. When they do this they lose effectiveness in tanking so its a tradeoff for the boost in DPS.


Looking at the 1.2 gear mods it seems the devs have tweaked stats to make each class fit its role better. The shadow tanking set has way more shield which we know can be bypassed by crits. Therefore the shadow is weaker against high crit profs but stronger against mainly white damage profs.


Should be interesting to see how it all plays out...

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So basically..."Nerf Shadows because I can't beat them in duels"



In another thread where somebody is complaining about their class being unkilllable in duels... "This game is not balanced to 1v1's"


I see what you did there. That is, blatantly omitting the bulk of our arguments in an attempt to discredit our opinions with simple statements removed from context.


I am not calling for a nerf personally. I am somewhat surprised that nothing was adjusted in 1.2, but I do not care what happens either way.

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I see what you did there. That is, blatantly omitting the bulk of our arguments in an attempt to discredit our opinions with simple statements removed from context.


I am not calling for a nerf personally. I am somewhat surprised that nothing was adjusted in 1.2, but I do not care what happens either way.


I wasn't directing it towards you or anybody particular, I have just seen a few people do it here or there and I think it's funny.

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I find your inability to engage in intelligent discourse quite disturbing.


Obviously Prestige is an excellent player. He is better than me, and likely better than most on this game.


My gripe is this: to be moderately efficient with this spec, the skill cap is very low. In my opinion, it is even easier than grav round/tracer missile spec because it is almost completely mobile with little casting, high base damage, and high survivability.


When you add a highly-skilled player like Prestige to the mix, it becomes unstoppable.


I don't believe this spec will be nerfed any time soon, nor is that my desire. I am simply defending Amksed from those like you who can't or won't grasp the nature of the situation.


Rofl. As soon as I saw that I immediately discredited everything you said. It's easy to spam tracer missile, the Arsenal rotation is even easy, what it's NOT easy to do is beat any class 1v1.


I still do, but wow does it take effort. Lulzinterupttracermissile


Stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

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In 1.2. many classes get some pretty major buffs and some get big nerfs, I think it's a good Idea to keep at least one class a bit more stable as a reference-point. I mean: If it's truly imbalanced (I play a Sage and a Shadow because I find them the hardest to play and most interesting classes and I really could care less about whether their imbalanced or not) it will probably get fixed.


I really like the burst-DMG of the Shadow and it's pretty decent even whilst being pretty tanky, but in terms of sustained pressure/DMG, the shadow isn't really imba IMHO (I'm just going for lvl50 though today with my Shadow).

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Stopped right there.


Are u one of those guys that Hears what they want to hear ?

U play shadow/sin....Ur Delusional if u think they aren't OP.


OMG HEY GURL. Yeah I'm trying to help Amksed out here. Highly unlikely anything will change but I gotta stick up for my frands right?


Miss you guys on Fatman but must finish this essay!


P.S. is grocery 50 yet?


hahaha yea hes 50 that bastard >.<. This Server SO Ez. I'm still trying to find the good players. Guess i gotta wait till 50 :(

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500k damage 100k protection 100k healing. Seems balanced. Oh and it has stealth you say?


Class has too many tools at its disposable. Debating this is absolutely futile, every response other wise indicates baddies playing the class. Only those who really know how to play their assassin/shadow realize that its over the top.


If you want to go by the scoreboard then you might also notice he had 8 kills. So the DPS must not have been put to very good use.

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*** are you talking about, whoever this "prestige" person is they are not the entire class.


"wahh ONE person is really good, nerf an entire class because of it"


Thats your entire reasoning and because of it the class isnt going to change. Theres a heal BH on my server who is a virtual automatic win for the Imps, unless the entire team is on aboard with spiking him as soon as he shows up its a loss but the whole class doesnt deserve a nerf due to it because the rest fold like paper.


Maybe, just maybe this prestige is better then you and your super awesome guildies and Im confident would dick all over you regardless of the class they played. Lrn2ply




The shadow/assassin has too many tools at its disposal. This means that good players are able to turn the class into complete god mode. Yes sure the baddies dont stand out cause they cant utilize the tools but games arent balanced about baddies, in fact they are balanced about the single good players because they alone determine the potential of a class. The fact is that all the other classes dont have as many tools to capitalize on, thus there is a cap to what a player can do on a sentinel or guardian etc because at some point you run out of options, even as a good player, the game doesnt give you the tools you need to work with.


The only class that exceeds the generally accepted utility per class IS the shadow/assassin. Theres no hope disputing that.

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If you want to go by the scoreboard then you might also notice he had 8 kills. So the DPS must not have been put to very good use.


We had better players over all. I que a lot for pvp and I know all the pvpers each by name, the healers we had played exceptionally. I also spent a lot of my time harassing him, taunting him etc because I know he is a good player. On top of which he alone prevented many of our voidstar caps alone because he used combat stealth and then waited it out. Notice how he had only ONE death while EVERY other player on his team on average had 8+ and this despite the fact that I as our highest dps focused him at every opportunity. He did this all AND hit 500k damage. Thats kinda OP.


In any case we all know the assassin doesnt deal its damage through AoE. And to just say that the damage wasnt put to good use isnt a valid argument because the damage was simply out healed, but only because his team didnt focus his target. In rated warzones if you can have a dps which can deal 500k damage single target, be invincible, protect 100k damage, heal 100k damage, and have stealth to prevent any objective caps, then it is going to be the only thing people will want to take.

Edited by JackMinn
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I guess talents like:



Chain Shock

Claws of Decay

Harnessed Darkness



Aren't a bit over the top at all huh? Why does someone with that high of defense have access to so much damage? 50% crit damage on your main ability (thrash) that also has a 30% chance to give your biggest hit 100% crit then your biggest hit has a 45% chance to hit again instantly for 50% of the damage. Being able to stack 3 harnessed darkness up is pretty easy.


Being able to stack harnessed darkness to 3 getting an energize proc then popping recklessness to get super lightning channels that heal then once that is done popping a shock that has 100% crit and is going to get 50% more crit damage because recklessness is popped is a bit silly.

Edited by LexiCazam
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We had better players over all. I que a lot for pvp and I know all the pvpers each by name, the healers we had played exceptionally. I also spent a lot of my time harassing him, taunting him etc because I know he is a good player. On top of which he alone prevented many of our voidstar caps alone because he used combat stealth and then waited it out. Notice how he had only ONE death while EVERY other player on his team on average had 8+ and this despite the fact that I as our highest dps focused him at every opportunity. He did this all AND hit 500k damage. Thats kinda OP.


I think it is an example of a good player utilizing his tools. I say this also because there are 2 other Assassins at least in the WZ it would seem, and they did not do near as well as the first player. If all Shadows or Assassins were doing like them every WZ would be people call for a nerf? Of course not. Because it's the player! :D


Shadow/Sin is a jack of all trades class in this build. It does not tank like a true tank or DPS like a true DPS. With all our extra skills it is very viable in duels, but it's just because the mechanic of how the class is designed.

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*** are you talking about, whoever this "prestige" person is they are not the entire class.


"wahh ONE person is really good, nerf an entire class because of it"


Thats your entire reasoning and because of it the class isnt going to change. Theres a heal BH on my server who is a virtual automatic win for the Imps, unless the entire team is on aboard with spiking him as soon as he shows up its a loss but the whole class doesnt deserve a nerf due to it because the rest fold like paper.


Maybe, just maybe this prestige is better then you and your super awesome guildies and Im confident would dick all over you regardless of the class they played. Lrn2ply


lol dude he could care less about this class getting nerfed. He is jsut telling u the truth...Which would nvr do cause thats like gay LOL. It would actully b better if the class wasnt nerfed for him because he is in the guild w/ this so called god "prestige". The reason i could care less about this class getting nerfed or not is because 95% of the shadows don't kno how to play the class correctly.

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I think it is an example of a good player utilizing his tools. I say this also because there are 2 other Assassins at least in the WZ it would seem, and they did not do near as well as the first player. If all Shadows or Assassins were doing like them every WZ would be people call for a nerf? Of course not. Because it's the player! :D


Shadow/Sin is a jack of all trades class in this build. It does not tank like a true tank or DPS like a true DPS. With all our extra skills it is very viable in duels, but it's just because the mechanic of how the class is designed.


Yes but it is literally not possible for other classes to do this. Even if the player is good. If we took this Mord player and put him on say a guardian he could not achieve the same thing. He cannot heal for 100k because there is no access to heals. He cannot stealth to prevent objective caps because there is no stealth on a guardian. And everything else he can do equally, he can match my dps because we both have access to the SAME dps, bar the focus spec which needs a nerf and shall be recieving one. He can also protect the same.


Yes I cannot disagree Mord is a good player. But the assassin class scales too high with a good player because it has TOO many tools available to it. Just because the average assassin doesnt know how to utilize them doesnt mean they arent there. Whereas similarly this good player named Mord cannot achieve the same results on any other single class, why? Because the assassin is OP.


The point is the assassin CAN tank like a tank and CAN dps like a dps. Heck it even has a few heals tossed in, has the speed boost to be viable in hutball and should things get bad it ALSO has the stealth to get out. It has EVERYTHING, and any player who is able to utilize ALL of these tools demonstrates the extent to which the class is OP. Nobody cares about the baddies who cant play the class, they dont represent anything.

Edited by JackMinn
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Are u one of those guys that Hears what they want to hear ?

U play shadow/sin....Ur Delusional if u think they aren't OP.




hahaha yea hes 50 that bastard >.<. This Server SO Ez. I'm still trying to find the good players. Guess i gotta wait till 50 :(


Miss you on WotS. <3



I'm just so tired of seeing so many hybrid builds of Shadow and Assassin nowadays because it's super easy to play and even the half-decent ones can kill some of the better players just due to the fact the class is that overpowered.



My main concern is that they bring Infiltration and Balance up to play because they are THE weakest specs in the game.

Edited by AMKSED
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Just going to toss this in here. Doing burst DPS and sustained DPS with high survivability, with 40%+ damage reduction (Combat Technique), all while being able to guard a healer? You have to be seriously bad at this game to be bad at this spec.


Shadow in the vid is 27/0/14 and is well known on our server for being nearly impossible to kill. He gets the same results with 31/0/10, using DPS gear in both specs.


I've seen him get over 700k damage multiple times after the surge nerf (while in 31/0/10 and 27/0/14).


IMO, there is no way to justify a class doing over 700k damage with 31 points in its tank tree, or even 27 points in it. (Especially with all the defensive CD's and innate survivability).


In fact, Prestige (the shadow in the video above) is so comfortable with his innate burst damage that he actually uses defensive relics and adrenals most of the time.




I'm glad you made this thread Amk and I'm glad you are keeping it alive. Really just seems silly that no change was made to this spec in 1.2.


My lord those imps were some of the worst players I have EVER seen. What exactly are you trying to say? lol.

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any class can be beaten. it's all about how to counter. I got owned first time by a jedi shadow kinetic in ilum ,came back and countered his moves ,wrecked him 6 times in a row until he left ilum. he is the most achievefull jedi shadow on my server with full bm, i got champ and centurion gear. it's all about countering and being smart. jedi shadow are not op , people that think it is are just plain stupid that can't manage tactics and should not play pvp.
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any class can be beaten. it's all about how to counter. I got owned first time by a jedi shadow kinetic in ilum ,came back and countered his moves ,wrecked him 6 times in a row until he left ilum. he is the most achievefull jedi shadow on my server with full bm, i got champ and centurion gear. it's all about countering and being smart. jedi shadow are not op , people that think it is are just plain stupid that can't manage tactics and should not play pvp.


With a Sith Assassin.........?

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no my 50 bounty hunter arsenal. would probably take him with my assassin too




Best Shadow on the server and loses to an Arsenal BH?



Hey Robin and Vosh, do you think we're going to dominate the entire game when cross-server PvP comes out? Just seems like 99% of the people in this game are TERRIBLE and have no idea what they're doing.

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