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Have you been begged yet?


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Some begging is okay. I had an Agent send me one earlier today I liked.


"My Lord, you got a minute? I'm trying to kill an elite here that just won't die."

"LOL sure thing, where at?"


Some begging is stupid. Word for word one I got in Fleet.


"can i have 5000 credits please i pay you back kthxbye"

"Sorry. Don't have anything for you."

"your 50 you have money"

"Not for you, though."


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I have people ask for help with class quests every now and again. If it's a legitimately difficult quest and I'm not noticeably overleveled, I usually lend a hand if I have a moment.

If people need help with something, I have no problem helping and have helped people many times. I've never had anyone ask me directly for credits though.

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Yes to all three:rolleyes:


I currently have 2 chars (lvl 36 Commando and a lvl 22 Sniper), and both not high ranking yet:rolleyes: During my troopie time, more than once someone would come to me and ask for creds...one of them even asked me for something like 5k!!! :confused: i had around 20k atthe time...during the same session, another guy begged me (yes, begged, not asked for help...:() to join his group, so i would clear his quests, because he was having a bad time "making money"...:D


Lvling up my Sniper, i didnt even had to beg: i was minding my own business, when a lvl 50 Sorc was running around in his scooter, stopping by every player he found, including me...the trade window popped up, and he gave me 50k:eek: i asked why, and he said he was leaving the game, so he was going UNICEF on everyone he found...:D

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theres a big difference between begging for help with a quest, and begging for money(or being powerleveled). People who say they need help with quests in general chat, im usually always the first person to lend a hand, BUT when it comes to money(guild i will allways give money, as i am the guild bank, and when guild needs money they come to me) strangers wont get money out of me.
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Last night on Taris, as I was killing Mogukai/Niko, this fake span convo popped up:


"Hey guys come join District 9 with me! We're recruiting/accepting!"


"Hmm....good idea I just might!"


"Sounds cool to me! I'm in!"


I **** yall not. I SO wanted to cuss them out for obvious said fake spam convo, but refrained. I mean REALLY? My lolcat was happy tho.

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It hasn't happened to me, but it would be naive to think that SWTOR is free of begging.


I'm really curious if any of you have been begged for the following:


1) Has anyone begged you for credits?


2) Have any low-level players begged you to run them through low-level flash points?


3) Has anyone begged you to join their group or guild?


How do you handle those situations if and when they occur?


First time it happened to me was, ironically, last night. I told him how to find the trainer, and next thing I know I get a tell asking me for 1000 credits. I just said no, nothing else, and luckily, he never contacted me again.

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Nobody has begged me for credits, but there was this one guy who asked me to run a 2-person Heroic with him. And he just could not help but pull every enemy in sight. We died a few times, and he was just a nightmare to work with. While I tried to sneak around to the objective, he tried to plow through every enemy, which pulled me into combat too. Not to mention he was about three levels too low for the planet, let alone the quest.


Solution: While he was dead, I solo'd the **** thing.


After that, I've received about two or three random requests for help with flashpoints or heroics from him, all of which I have declined.


Also had a request from someone to run a Flashpoint way below my level to get a specific gear item from it for his appearance. He paid well, so I suppose it wasn't begging, and I went for it.

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