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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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I seriously dont understand what all the self entitlement is about... You will all be in by the date of LAUNCH, anything before that is a gift. Just like they didnt have to let alot of you into beta either. In fact Im all for them shutting down the servers till then just to shut you all up...
No a gift was 1 million preorder money sitting in biowares bank acount.I have never been given a gift on a string that i have to chase to get.
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This is very annoying considering I preordered and and entered my code on the 21st july and loads that did the same after the 21st are now im game and I am not its rather frustrating. Also CS are not responding to mails or even posts in the supposed CS forum.



You know that a ton of people entered there code that day as well? Who cares if you didnt get in... You will eventually!

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The forum is plastered with complaints about how this is being handled. There's a new thread every second and 10 new posts every second on the subject. The stickied thread grew to 350+ pages at a rate of about 1 page every 5 seconds and the new thread is at 500+ pages also now.


Yep, it's a few vocal minorities that are doing all of this, it's them meerkats i tell you, it's all a plan to take over the game and ransom it for 1 BILLION dollars!


The people who are in game are calling this a smooth launch - Yeah, i'm sure it's great for you guys, you can have your enjoyment so that the other 90% of the playerbase can rage on the forums about all the problems this staggered access is causing.


Pre-emptive against "it hasn't launched yet" numpties" The game has launched, Bioware officially announced that SWTOR launched today, you can read it in the game client launcher on the news section.

Edited by SinisterWarlock
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Okay... I've tried to be calm and rational regarding these successive waves of BS...


Allow me, if I may, to point out a few things:


1) This is EARLY GAME ACCESS, not launch.


I stopped reading right there, considering the game HAS LAUNCHED.


You're getting your terms confused. World-wide release is the 20th.


Technically the game has launched. They're not playing beta right now.

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This is very annoying considering I preordered and and entered my code on the 21st july and loads that did the same after the 21st are now im game and I am not its rather frustrating. Also CS are not responding to mails or even posts in the supposed CS forum.


Did you try logging?

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Ya this sucks. Its great that they started 2 days early, and I thank them. But to just up and stop. If they stay at this rate, there is no way everyone will get there 5days early. Guess thats why they said up to 5 days. Welp, wasted an entire day waiting. My bad..
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Gotta air my frustration somewhere.


I went all in for this game, preordered the collectors edition even though I really cant afford it. So excuse me for having just a little bad taste in my mouth upon discovering that I aparently am not going to play today :(

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Excuse my french but god *********** damn it straight to goddam ******** hell bioware.

If we were going to do the unfare phasing in of *********** goddam **** based on time how about making the CE people first? It would have made more sense for you from a business standpoint as well because you could have sold even more CE.


Just the two-cents from of a pissed off peasant effectively punished for indecisiveness to preordering.


Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!

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Correct: nobody is forcing you to buy the game, genius. It's all voluntary. :o


WAKE UP people have planned their lives around this. BIOWARE spent millions of dollars trying to get our attention and don't deliver and all you can say is go some where else.



Wake up

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I to am curious about the no more waves thing... Honestly I expected atleast everyone who orderd in July to get in today.


as above... Collectors Edition aswell, Thanks for rewarding my loyalty and my wallet Bioware!


- Im still waiting, prolly get the email 10mins before i head out to work!

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