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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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So I just stopped by and figured I would try logging in and found the link to this thread. Wow guys:


Stop being so whiny about not getting in yet, go do something productive with this time... go to work early, visit family, study some homework, or clean your house/apartment/room.


The fact that 25 posts or more have been made since I started typing this (or more) is amazing.


For those "threatening" to pull their order if they do not get into the game tomorrow... realize you are probably a customer support nightmare. BioWare would likely prefer to refund your money than deal with your antics for the next 1-10-years... I know I would. Be good, wait your turns, and talk nicely with your Jedi/Sith friends.

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I think the theory that everyone will get in by 15th can be pretty much put to rest now. Anyone who ordered in the last few months will be lucky if they can play an hour before launch.


This pretty much. I'm a little sad that my guildmates are in and I'm not. (August 1st preorder here)


I know I don't have a right to it blah blah blah, but if they couldn't even get past July pre orders on day 1...

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I guess I will still be playing EQ2 then. Just a word of caution to Bioware that if they do not make good by having all preorders in by the 15th they are not meeting the expectations they have set. The big advertisement on their site is preorder now and may play 5 days early. No matter the legal mumbo jumo that says to someone ohh I can play 5 days early if I preorder now.


Now lets go way back to the August and September time frame. There was no may it was 5 days early access if you preorder. EA did not make good with Warhammer and I am not expecting them to do well with SWTOR if they cannot meet this simple task.

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this goes against what they say here on the home page.


Invitation to Play the Game Early


Starting December 13, 2011, 7:00AM EST (Pacific: December 13th, 4:00AM PST; European: December 13th, 12:00PM GMT, 1:00PM CET), The Old Republic will begin emailing invitations to start your Early Game Access. Invitations will be sent throughout the Early Game Access period offering rolling access to the game in the order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code, so be sure to check your email inbox!


note the throughout part.....LOL @ Bioware...fail...


If there is a fail here, it's you.


They sent out 5 waves. They're sending out more tomorrow. That IS throughout. Throughout does NOT mean every 5 minutes. If the 5th wave today was the LAST wave, for all the Early Access period, then yes, it would have been wrong. But, since they sent out 5 today, and will send out more tomorrow, it's still throughout.


You, sir, are a moron.

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oh my god nerds!

Calm down!!!!!


You can't go all caps rage and start chanting big words like customer quality et cetera.


The game hasn't launched. They even opened up the gates two days earlier than promised.



****, you people scare me iRL. I wonder if you are all ******* iRL aswell, or if it's just the net that fawks up your brains.

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the in game support people are getting hammered aws, with the same kinda reactions, over god nos what.


they are letting a controlled # of players in, to keep that to a dull roar.


hopefully all goes well and tomorrow they will feel confidant and open the flood gates. but dont count on it.

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I understand rolling invites was done to monitor server conditions etc. But wasnt there a fair way to do it to where everyone with pre-orders can start at the same time?


From a customer's/gamer's point of view, it's a bit unfair that some pple are getting a head start at leveling etc. I personally had no idea when pre-ordering that the "Early Access" attached to the Digital Deluxe I chose didnt guarentee access on the earliest date. Excuse my ignorance I guess....never experienced early-access rollling invites in previous mmo's.

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Thank god they didn't start the early access on the 15th. People would be getting invites past the launch day. 100,000 people probably invited today, 7 more days of 100,000 people = 700,000 people invited by launch. They'll probably kick it up a few notches tomorrow.
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I think this poster nailed it.

What I also don't get is that they stop so early, can't they just keep sending waves and be done with it.


I think there is going to be a 'I work 9-5' wave here in a few hours, when people who have been accepted get off of work and start logging on. That's when the real test takes place. Hopefully it goes smoothly so more people are let in tomorrow.

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Originally Posted by EpyonNaku

DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE TOOK THE DAY OFF on the 15th??? now they have to change it... OH BUT NOW! They dont know what day to take off cause now youve screwed with them more than a few times!!!!


Yes, release was the 15 for early game... I agree its awesome you decided to move it up 2 days... but now instead of being nice your screwing with peoples lives, jobs, families, that they are trying to plan for when they can start playing, its near the holidays, people are trying to properly plan and all your doing is screwing with them... seriously. if you want any chance to be succesful or any chance to beat wow... stop thinking small minded, and playing games with ur customers... or you will die just like AION in a few years I PROMISE YOU!


Some people might say get a life if you wasted your day here but....


This generation of people have made Game Launch Days part of their lives. They schedule your jobs and family around it. When you don't give proper notice or lie like you did today, you do indeed ruin people's days/lives.


At this point, the best way to rectify this is to just open the doors and let everybody in.


That is the least you can do.



GAME LAUNCH DAY is 20th, get it 20/12/11 and not 15th. the 15 is early, free, access

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when u open up SWTOR to sign in to play look at "systems alert" tab. it will give u a link explaining what the message is for saying that u have to "have an active subscription to play" when u already have everything set up and rdy to go. it helped me. i cant wait.
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