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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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They can't be bothered to continually send out invites I can't be bothered to pay for the game. Pre-order cancelled. I gotta admit I initially thought this was a better idea then massive queues like Rift/Aion had but they seem to be handling it very half assed.
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Sorry but I defended Bioware up to this point but stopping with the waves for a whole day just doesn't make any sense to me. I thought Bioware wanted to make sure that they don't have open too many servers and staggering helps with that but I do think you guys are pushing it in the way it is done.


During the main beta test weekend servers were holding up really well and about 750,000 people were able to play/test the game, so I don't see why the waves have to be this small this time around to only account for a few days in July. I think at this pace anyone who ordered after August can expect to get in on Sunday.


Probably because a ton of people are still at work or school. So they want to see how overpopulated the servers get during primetime before inviting more and releasing new servers.

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I am upset i didn't get in i pre-ordered from play.com on the 21st and didn't hear about the early access linked to when you enter the code till 30th or so. Even still i didn't get my code from play till 10th of august which is when i entered it. So BOOOOOOO U BIOWARE. YOUR LAUNCH HAS JUST LEFT A BITTER TASTE IN MY MOUTH.


I will now become a serious critc of this game


How is this Bioware's fault. It is the retailer's fault. And I pre-order on the 21st but didn't get to enter my code on AUgust 2nd because in Canada Gamestop couldn't print the preorder codes on the receipts because of a law of one of our provinces. Is this Bioware's fault? No and they worked with Gamstop on getting the card printed out to us fast as they can.


blame Bioware for things they are responsible for.

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Thats fantastic that these are going out in waves and all but you do realize that if you DONT get everyone that has a preorder on tomorrow you false advertised right? When I pre-ordered it said I will be allowed access to the game 5 days early. 5 days is tomorrow. since the release date is 20 Dec 2011.


7 days is a bonus compared to what they originally promised, everyone should be thankful, because originally the people with Collector's Edition would have waited until Thursday, December 15th, 2011.

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PATIENCE !! Key word that... my 2 year old understands what it means so I presume everyone else here can grasp the concept.QUOTE]


you clearly skipping to the last page our else you would realize that NO ONE grasps this concept. lol


I am reading for the sheer joy of watching adults, sorry kids QQ about a game.

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Pre-order canceled.


Why have early access at all when some people are going to get the full duration of early access and others will have a few days.


This isn't fair in my eyes.


...Other people get to play the game a couple hours or days before you at most, in early game access, before the game is even released, for free. And THAT is enough to ruin it for you? You must have never really been interested in this game, canceling over something so laughably petty.

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JULY 27th



July 27th is the farthest I've seen posted. Has anyone from the 28 - 31st gotten in? Did they finish up July with that last wave?



Can anyone from JULY 28th - 31st confirm if they are in?


Anyone actually posting in this thread probably isn't actually in.

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THIS IS THE MOST ******** GAME LAUNCH EVER!!!!!!!! Why should some people start before others??? MMO's are about levels and its like a race! You wanna get that higher level before everyone else... if everyone is getting in before other people and exploring the game and lvling? How is that fair???? if you preordered game you should all get early access... if you didnt you should start the 20th... if your servers cant handle it??? WELL MAYBE you should plan to BE SUCCESSFUL and not a failure... cause right now EA and BIOWARE IS a failure! you dont say, OMG! We have 1 million preorders how will are servers handle it! you say... we got 1 million! but we built these servers for 12 million cause thats are target! so no problem everyone jump in and start having fun! but no!! instead you play with people!


DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE TOOK THE DAY OFF on the 15th??? now they have to change it... OH BUT NOW! They dont know what day to take off cause now youve screwed with them more than a few times!!!


Yes, release was the 15 for early game... I agree its awesome you decided to move it up 2 days... but now instead of being nice your screwing with peoples lives, jobs, families, that they are trying to plan for when they can start playing, its near the holidays, people are trying to properly plan and all your doing is screwing with them... seriously. if you want any chance to be succesful or any chance to beat wow... stop thinking small minded, and playing games with ur customers... or you will die just like AION in a few years I PROMISE YOU!

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LOL wow guys, I've been reading some of the threads and to be honest, I played in the betas, and my wife is online now playing and I'm still waiting for my turn to be able to log in. But OMG can you guys whine abit louder?


We've waited this long whats a couple days more if it's going to be a smoother login when you get your turn. Or are you ready to /emoragequit when someone kills your newbie area mob


Because if this is all you have then maybe you need to get some outside time and get some cover over the geektan you probly have.


Bioware is making sure that everyone has an enjoyable experience in the newbie area, and as you move into the higher levels. So what if someone is L50 by the end of the week, and ITS NOT YOU ... means they missed alot of content and did it for themselves, and they'll be the ones complaining in a couple of months that there's no content cause they didnt actually play their characters.


So far the game is smooth and there isn't alot of lag so Keep up the great work Bioware, and as for the community ( not as a whole but they know who they are ) guys relax, or when you get in and there's the slightest bit of lag you'll nerdrage and flame on the forums again.


Let it be, have a great day waiting for your turn to enter into this game and enjoy it when you do.





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