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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Originally Posted by civanater

Bioware - you must not see any of these threads so i'm going to talk loud for you. Try to see this please! Your player base is upset at the action you're taking with the waves. This typically means to stop doing what you're doing and reflect.


You are currently biting the hand that is feeding you as the player base is the same people that will provide you with an income and from the forums that i'm reading (and you're apparently neglecting) you are not giving a good reason to pay.


I of course plan to pay regardless, i simply will not invest in any other games you release, and i will be sure to advise against purchases from your company as you are clearly too simple minded to simply read your own forums.


The waves are a bad idea - they are causing players to have extra time that others do not, splitting guilds up and are limiting the patience of your player base which has (again, according to your own forums) drastically begin to shatter. I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue when you stop sending waves today.


If you want to be the intelligent company that alot of people think you are - this last wave should very well include the remaining pre-orders.

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:mon_trap: The Nerd Rage is Strong in this thread.


Why do people whine so much? Youll get in when you get in.


No you didnt pay for EGA, you did a downpayment on your game order.


They promised UP TO 5 days, were still 7 days ahead...


So what if its waves.. Atleast things will be stable when you enter. Ive been through a few launches, and theyre not pretty when everyone is hammering on the door to get in.



Take a break, a cold shower or even give your gf/wife some attention, cause im sure shell be deprived of it soon :D

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There is no disadvantage in waiting all this means is on the pvp servers you'll get jumped on by those lucky enough to start earlier and therefore are a higher level and that on all servers in pvp matches you'll be up against people with a skills/gear advantage given there is no level bracketing.


So on the bright side enjoy this frustration while it lasts as you'll find the next one even better.

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My two cents on this terrible launch event. Or pre launch or early access.


Doing this thing like BW is doing just give players that gets early access an unfair advantage. They will level faster, start selling stuff on Trader earlier, they will simply got a lot of credits and potentially mess up all the economy of the server. Early access should have been granted to everyone who preordered at the same time. Period.


We would have seen queues, good. It's free, so we cannot expect to login straight to the game, but this way you are giving unfair advantages to some of your customers. It's not important when I redeemed my key, you will get your money once the game launch, so the ones that starts playing first aren't the one that will pay first. Big fail, BW...


My two cents to your two cents.


I'd just like to point how wrong you are and how simple minded you make yourself look.


Players who get early access wont even be able to put in the time to get that huge of an advantage over people who don't even play till the 20th.


Mess up the economy? You have to be joking. They are building the Economy for other players that come after them.



You want to wait in queue out of Aprox 5000 people? You'd be sitting there till tomorrow when you would of gotten your invite anyways. BW is only allowing a certain amount of people on to be safe. Having that many people log onto the servers at once would, if not crash the servers right away; crash them eventually because of the massive amount of build up from people doing ****.


Most of the Obnoxious posts i just don't even pay attention to, but your "two cents" doesn't take priority over the fact that your just a raging loser who doesn't know **** about what it takes to make a game, you've probably never even had a single thought about it. Until the day that you can launch a revolutionary MMO that has millions if not billions of people talking about it. Then shut your god damn mouth and appreciate whats given to you.

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Update: Wave 5 - the final wave for today - was sent at approx 1:30PM CST.


More invites will be sent tomorrow (Wednesday).


If this is how you treat customers, then I am definitely re-thinking purchasing the game.


You need to keep sending out invites every few hours until your servers CRASH. The servers need to crash, it's the only way to tell when you have enough people.

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So dissapointed that the final wave for today is done. If you have the servers, open them up, people want to level with friends and guildies, not be 10-15 levels behind everyone. You need a reality check on gaming with others, certainly restricting people in playing together is not of the best interest.
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Hey everyone, good morning and welcome to the first day of Early Game Access for Star Wars: The Old Republic!


We're granting access based solely on when people's pre-orders were redeemed, and we're going to be granting it in 'waves' - large batches of emails and game entitlements that will go out over the course of today (and tomorrow, and the next day, and so on).


I'll be updating this thread (and this post) as we send out more 'waves' of invites.


So far today, we have sent out two 'waves' of invites; we will be sending more later on, but I cannot be specific on timing. (Why? Because as we invite each wave, we monitor to see how servers are performing and so on. If everything is good, we'll send a 'wave' earlier; we in fact sent 'wave 2' ahead of schedule. So cross your fingers.)


Now, to the question you all have: when will you be invited? Well, I cannot be specific to individuals or even to dates, because again, we have to remain flexible. That said, I can talk a little about the pattern of pre-orders.


At the very beginning of pre-orders, which started on July 21st, we had a massive influx of pre-orders. A huge spike. After that, things settled down. As a result, today especially, you're going to see a fairly narrow band of dates from those admitted to Early Game Access. From tomorrow, it'll spread out to a wider date range.


That's about as specific as we're going to get right now. However, as we send more waves I'll update this thread/post with more information. Thanks for your patience - we know it's been a long road, but you'll be playing before too long.


Update: Wave 3 was just sent.


Update: Wave 4 was sent approximately noon CST. (Apologies for delay.)


Update: Wave 5 - the final wave for today - was sent at approx 1:30PM CST.


More invites will be sent tomorrow (Wednesday).


yea go home and get some rest you ****

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More invites will be sent tomorrow.Rly is this a *********** joke to them ive never seen ******** like this on a launch day.If i hade to rate this launch it would be 2/10 i can only hope they do not fail this hard with the gameplay.Like there is no real info just waves.well how about you *********** tell us how many in numbers.Insteed of pissing off everyone.


it's not launch, genius :)

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