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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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As I posted before, this is their product not yours or anyone elses, for most people they preordered the game without fully reading what was obviously going to be done when EGA started. If you feel that for some reason you are being cheated/wronged/robbed, or otherwise swindeled in some way, shape or form then sue them like what happened in the old sw mmorpg. They advertised something that they didnt deliver, and the guy won the lawsuit along with a ton of cash.


so please do everyone a favor and stop posting in here being negative. instead go out and start a class action lawsuit if your that sure you're right about this. either that or go demand a refund. other wise you and everyone like you is condoning what BW is doing and you should not say anything unless its something not negative about this process.


It is not negative ...neither i am trying to bring the chaos... i just posted to say why i believe this wave system is wrong.


I just said my opinion ...if you dont agree, fine.. it is not the end of the world

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Wow i did all my honey do's yesterday so I could play today my wife is laughing her *** off ...watching me wait...thanks Bioware...I have to eat crow with egg on my face ..as i go through waiting addiction shakes...:(


Maybe your wife and BW are in cahoots? heheh

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MMO crowd: Our trolls will blot out the sun!


Bioware: Then we'll fight in the -

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"hey how lond must we wait"


"about 109999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 centures"


"say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat"


"yes dude say waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat"


" im going to toys r us"




to buy some stupid dolls"



"but you are a man a 20 year old man"




"ok what"


"bird bird bird bird is the word a well a bird bird bird is the word brian dont you no about"


"ok tell me are you going to say justin bieber"





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The biggest problem with the way Bioware is handling this is that some of my friends got in today and are already over level 10. By time I get in they'll be level 30 or higher. Kind of ruins a lot of the fun not being able to level with them....


only thing i can agree with as an issue with the ega at this point but i also know my friends are more than willing to roll alts just to run with me...they are friends after all. so thanks for the free early access ea and bioware.

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I think everyone needs to calm down. I preordered in november and knew from the jump that i'd be lucky to get a day or two early access. That being said I know alot of you ordered way back in july. You guys need to remember that he game we have waited years for...is here. We should be happy. Taking days off from work to slack off. And generally in a GOOD mood. Me personally? I'm running a little star wars marathon in my place for the next couple of days. Even have the old christmas special which should tell you just how high my freak flag flies.


Deep calm breathes, the wait is almost over. Don't rage on the forums.


Well said. I totally agree

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More invites will be sent tomorrow.Rly is this a *********** joke to them ive never seen ******** like this on a launch day.If i hade to rate this launch it would be 2/10 i can only hope they do not fail this hard with the gameplay.Like there is no real info just waves.well how about you *********** tell us how many in numbers.Insteed of pissing off everyone.


But this isn't the launch!!! The game doesn't launch until the 20th. This is only early access. Seriously do people on here even read whats going on?

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99% of the people complaining in this thread are the same people that would be complaining that Bioware should do something about the laggy servers and long queue times from having everyoen log into the game at the exact same time.


The fact is the authenticator server would have likely crashed had they said everyone can join the game at the exact same time. By staggering the pre-orders into waves you not only spread people out across the different game worlds (and hence reduce strain on the servers from having everyone clumped up on the same two planets to start) but you also keep the authentication server online which is what allows you to log-in in the first place.


Despite the logical decision that was made to stagger access into waves AND DESPITE THAT ALL OF THIS IS EXTRA FREE TIME THAT BIOWARE IS GIVING PEOPLE FOR NOTHING people still manage to find a way to cry about it.


Seriously, you aren't being charged for this day, nor any day up until the 20th. Bioware originally stated you would have 5 days of early access and people were stoaked about that. They raised it to 7 days, and people are ************ because they aren't getting the first 6 hours of the bonus 2 days on top of their bonus 5 days? **** already. If Bioware was like Blizzard you wouldn't be playing until the 20th, which is when the game ACTUALLY launches. This here is a "thank you" from Bioware to the playerbase and instead of appreciating that sentiment, you all have the nerve to complain about it.


î this.

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Lol I am concerned I am not concerned about the not getting into the game yet but I am concerned about all the spoilt brats on here whinging about not being able to get in. Are you kids completely stupid this is the launch of a new game there is no right or wrong way of going about it. You need to learn some patience silly people.


Why do i get the feeling the whingers here are kids from WoW.


Game launch is 20th December children if u get in any-time before that its a bonus otherwise known as early game access no where in any documentation you have does it say you are guaranteed to play on December 13th.


In fact the only hint you do have is it says play up to 5 days early which in my maths is the 15th.


So bugga off back to WoW or guild wars or where ever you trolls come from for a day or 2.



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