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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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pre-ordered 29/11 hope i get in tommorrow tough, would be nice if i can atleast get in on 16th day :) will be sad if i wont get untill 20th :(


teehee im a day before you as far as the pre order goes. id like to get in today or tomorow..but i just dont see that happening :D our time will come soon!!!!

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My only real disappointment in the process so far is that they clearly planned 4 waves around 2-3 hours apart, yet we only find out the last wave of the day will be in a couple of hours. Which means 10 hours or so of the "day" starting at 7am EC is known non-invite time.


The knowledge that waves would only be announced during half of the available time period for announcements would have been helpful for player's plannings of their time. Knowing the last invite would be in an hour or two means they could arrange other evenings activities a lot earlier.


So thank you BW for letting us know wave 4 is the last, but perhaps some statement of this particular aspect of your EGA strategy should have been announced earlier.

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To help those monitoring, if they stay true to their you get access based on when you registered your pre-order I'm still waiting and my preorder registration was at 5:00 PM on July 23rd...


I know some people are saying they registered in December and already have access, but I'm calling BS on that - as if that was the case - why are they trolling a forum instead of playing the game?

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I'm pretty sure you get to keep your old guy. If not I'm canceling this sucks.


They said Beta chars were all going to be removed. Everyone starts with a blank slate. But then they were still there the weekend afterwards when they were meant to have already been deleted so idk. No EA here yet dont expect it till Thursday / Friday

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Can I ask if everyone who preordered is guaranteed 5 days of early access?


When we made our preorder, we had 5 days early access guaranteed, but this invite wave rollout seems to suggest otherwise.


Don't want another PS3 BF3 preorder of BF1943 incident where preorder items were not honored until people started suing.


up to 5 days bro

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I think Sofie said it best in her post.



First off, this is not a whine thread! It's a cheese thread

And secondly, here's my ideas on EGA posted in a fashionable and serene manner


I have to say I've never experienced an MMO launch before, so this is the thoughts of a noobie when it comes to this.


For starters, the staggered entry is a brilliant idea because it's a very good way to stress your servers, make adjustments, allow the next wave in, do more adjustments and just keep your servers up and running throughout the whole thing. Servers will always need maintenance and tweaking and this is an excellent way to do that. Not to mention in game advantage like not having your quest mob stolen by 30 people before you can finally steal it from somebody else!


Something else that bothers me though, I pre-ordered somewhere mid september. I knew I wasn't gonna be in on the first day of access, that's just using my common sense. But what is really bothersome is that I don't know when I'll get in except from "not in the last wave". There is a real lack of info. Now BW said that is so they can stay flexible and allow as many people in as they think the servers can currently handle. Which is a fine and valid reason, but it's torture! And pretty unnecessary considering that even with this they seem to have issues with server load etc (as seen from forum posts etc.)


Now don't get me wrong, I'm not whining that I did not get in on day 1, technically I'm not even whining. I'm just stating my opinion. But BW could have done a slightly better job at this. Tell us we get in -somewhere- on the 14th, or 15th, or 16th or w/e. At least we have a date and we don't sit around hopelessly trying to keep ourselves from losing our minds because we don't know when we get in.


Another real worry is... day one EGA got us to... july 25 pre-orders... (again - as seen from forum posts of people saying when they registered and if they're in or not) At this rate anybody who pre-ordered after august 10th is gonna get in the 19th so that's not a very good thing. Of course as the servers get more stable they can allow more people in at once. But it's quite discouraging and heartbreaking to see that we didn't even reach August pre-orders yet.


What I also want to mention is, we paid extra for our pre-order compared to the actual game price. It's not much but let's compare it for a moment.

5$ for pre-order EGA, 15$ for 30 day game sub.

Now we paid 5$ for 5 days, now 7 days which, even if it's just a perk, is still outrageously expensive considering we aren't guaranteed that we get our money's worth in days. Now I'm a september pre-order but what about the december ones? They paid the same amount too and they get 1 day, while somebody in july gets 7 for the same price. To me that just means that there should have been a better system in place that kept this in mind.


Obviously BW didn't just forget all that stuff and chose the system that would be easier for them to handle the launch of their very first MMO, I do feel somewhat cheated and betrayed. And even if many reasons for that remain valid, I would be a lot more soothed if only I knew on what day I'd get in.


Feel free to leave your thoughts aswell.

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Originally Posted by Arialyn

Funny... started a sperate post just to get openions on an idea i had about the way the Waves are handled to 'avoid' the trolling on this thread.. had mine closed, and linked to the thread that was closed... go figure..




Just an idea i had... but it wouldnt suprize me if the 'waves' are acctualy based on months.


Look at your callenders, the 13th is 7 days befor 'launch'. I think i remember them stateing somewere that people would get at 'least' 2 days of early access for pre-ordering, and possibly 'up-to' 5 days.


Well if you take the months that you could pre-order in, July - December, and line them up with the days..


13 - July

14 - August

15 - September

16 - October

17 - November

18 - December

19 - 2nd day of 'at least 2 days'.

20 - Launch day.


Thoughts? And no, im not trolling, just idely currious if im right or not.. would be interesting to see how close i am.


Wayoff! I have a friend who pre-ordered almost 2 months after me playing while I sit around and hope to get on before the 20th!

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