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Everything posted by dizorkmage

  1. I'm still not in so I'm not going to admit anything of the sort
  2. Damn that was my favorite thread too... Send me an invite you rotten bastards! there, started it off right
  3. 12 is the loneliest number that you'll ever do 11 can be as bad as 12 It's the loneliest number since the number 12
  4. first wave - dec 7 10pm- dec 8 4am 2nd wave - dec 8 - dec 9 3rd wave - dec 9 -dec 11 4th wave - wont matter I'll have gone on a bioware killing spree
  5. I have more disappointment tears then midiclorians in my body now....
  6. Well, most of you Dec 7th and sooners had damn well not be cluttering up my starting area tommorow!
  7. How in the hell did waves go from months to weeks to now just days at a time? I mean seriously you expect me to belive that theres been more preorders in 4 or 5 days then in 2 or 3 months!?..... GAWD just let in all ready!
  8. Hopefully they just cut the crap and let the rest of us in, I think I saw this episode of southpark with cartman-land nana na na na kyle and stan you cant come, this wait bioware has made us do is more irritating then an infeccted hymroid
  9. Bioware should partner up with the DMV seeing how they have the ability to turn long waits into painful "God why have you forsaken me!" I'd rather have a root canal waits
  10. I preordered... last night... will I see early game at all? LOL
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