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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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This .. or they can go back to WoW for all I care.


Hey i play wow, but i am sitting at my desk at work reading the forums here and thinking.. If i get on it will be a day before the game goes live for real..


having said that...


(Raiding party!!)

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Oh really! So if a restaurant can seat 100 people and there are 500 people waiting to get in. Everyone should be allowed to get in at the same time since you are all paying customers? Real world example of why your logic FAILS!






Actually they do have more rights than you. They got in line before you did. It is how Bioware decided how it would work. Heck this is how the world works. Get in line first you get served first period. Again your logic simply FAILS!




If they were really your friends they would wait for you to get access to level. Oh well guess you need to find real friends.




No MMO has ever launched with this number of people before. 2-3.5 million.




Humble? You seem to think the world should work your way and not the way it actually does. That is not humble. Besides it is an opinion and everyone has the right to have one and be wrong!


++++++++1 lol


quit your bi#chin. youll get in when you get in. just to think it could be the 20th that your still waiting for. then the doors open up and the lagg is so bad that your back on hear bi#chin. epic bi#chin FAIL

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oh wow this is truly amazing that people really are upset about this whole thing patience is key to all of this. remember at the end of this all it still a game. i am to also a pre-order customer but am i mad no due to the fact that at the first part of all of this bioware did say that it's going to be up to 5 days meaning that the 15th is really when all this is going to be open. now to the argument of the others if the 15th comes and i'm still not in then i have a right to be upset.
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fast growing thread for a reason



ppl are not happy with the state of the early access waves. Yes they are being childish but they are going to complain. This will keep going on until something is done


I am not one of those ppl i preorder the beginning of the month and i know i'll be in friday or saturday and i am ok with that.


Bioware is gonna have to respond to all these negative threads cause the negative will outweigh the positive in the end and i am truly worried about that


No it's actually b/c all these people have cleared their schedules until they get EA and have tunnel vision. Everything else is working as intended.

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So to figure out how many people are still waiting to get in here is how you figure it out...


Take the number of trolls in this thread and times it by 1000 (lots of trolls can't troll right now due to work)

Take the number of mature posters in this thread and times it by 100,000 (mature people don't typically post in the relms of trolls)


Now take the total number of posters in this thread and times it by 1840 (for all the star wars lifers that partied all night to celibrate the release of the game and are still passed out and haven't realized that they can't play today because they forgot to registrar the code)


And when you get the answer please post your responses :D

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Well, this is just weird.

Payed and Registered back on September 23rd, still no access.

My brother ordered the game two weeks before I did, then had to get a refund for financial reasons. He is now happily playing in wave 4..... =-(

Not sure how they are doing the pre-release order here, very strange.

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