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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Bioware - you must not see any of these threads so i'm going to talk loud for you. Try to see this please! Your player base is upset at the action you're taking with the waves. This typically means to stop doing what you're doing and reflect.


You are currently biting the hand that is feeding you as the player base is the same people that will provide you with an income and from the forums that i'm reading (and you're apparently neglecting) you are not giving a good reason to pay.


I of course plan to pay regardless, i simply will not invest in any other games you release, and i will be sure to advise against purchases from your company as you are clearly too simple minded to simply read your own forums.


The waves are a bad idea - they are causing players to have extra time that others do not, splitting guilds up and are limiting the patience of your player base which has (again, according to your own forums) drastically begin to shatter. I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue when you stop sending waves today.


If you want to be the intelligent company that alot of people think you are - this last wave should very well include the remaining pre-orders.




You say you won't buy another Bioware product. I call bull on that. Also, the fact that the forums are full of whiny little snot nosed punks griping about issues that aren't really issues does not mean there will be a problem. The forums are a VERY vocal minority when it comes to things like this. Everybody else? They're just waiting patiently, knowing that Early Access is NOT a right, it's a privilege. You didn't pay for Early Access. You preordered a game, that's it. Bioware/EA was kind enough to allow Early Access for those that did, but they didn't have to.


I'm going to repeat that, cause it sounds vaguely important.


Bioware/EA was kind enough to allow Early Access for those that did, but they didn't have to.


Any other game you preorder, you don't get to play until the day it is released. Why should an MMO be any different?


If you're upset that people in your guild will be ahead of you, why not ask them to create their main char, to save their name, but then play an alt, until everybody from the guild is in Early Access? If they were standup fellas, they would. If you play with a bunch of jackalopes, then, well, I feel for you.

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well first off its still 7 days from release.... considering that i was told UP TO 5 DAYS PRIOR TO RELEASE idc when my "Wave" comes..


second.. with my 5 bucks i bought the "right" to be assured a copy of the game upon the street release date and was gifted with an early access invite as a thank you for pre-ordering...


third... in 7 days all of the hostility and arguments and "who has the right to have early access" wont matter and as usual all of you emo *****es will will have wasted your time and effort posting hateful comments


fourth... can i make a suggestion to all of the raging idiots out there... please go get a refund and reinstate your WoW accounts, or go back to playing MW3...both are active and ready for you to log in right now no waiting.


I totally agree! :ph_agree:

Bump this ^^

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We're granting access based solely on when people's pre-orders were redeemed, and we're going to be granting it in 'waves' - large batches of emails and game entitlements that will go out over the course of today (and tomorrow, and the next day, and so on).

This does not appear to meet with community experience.


Now, to the question you all have: when will you be invited? Well, I cannot be specific to individuals or even to dates, because again, we have to remain flexible. That said, I can talk a little about the pattern of pre-orders.

No we do not have to remain flexible. I will remain adamant that this was HORRID community interaction on your part. Now, my guild will all be leveled out and beyond where I am at. Since you have the massive level cap of 50, people will not be on a playing level with their friends and guild mates. The play system already sets it so that playing with others is nearly optional across the board and with things like this you space people apart by the level gulf. What this really amounts to is punishment for those who could barely scrape together the funds to buy the game. Congratulations for assailing the lower class.


At the very beginning of pre-orders, which started on July 21st, we had a massive influx of pre-orders. A huge spike. After that, things settled down. As a result, today especially, you're going to see a fairly narrow band of dates from those admitted to Early Game Access. From tomorrow, it'll spread out to a wider date range.

You should have either posted LAST WEEK what dates would be provide access at what times, so that people could plan their schedules according. Because you couldn't be bothered to be considerate of your customers there are people who have lost a days vacation, a days wages, or spent the day waiting and waiting when they could have been doing something else. This last minute set of instructions to simply put our lives on hold until you feel like bothering to get around to us is utterly unacceptable.


Update: Wave 4 was sent approximately noon CST. (Apologies for delay.)

So, now the rest of us know that our pre-order money was worth less than theirs and that our effort to be here was a complete waste of our time.


Thank you for your lack of consideration. :mad:

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What a terrible way to start off the game! Advertise early game access then piss off your customer base by not allowing them to all start at once. Like someone else indicated many have taken days off and what good is early game access if you cant start with your guild or friends.


Very poor implementation of early game access!!!!!!


Where is the survey for this one?


They're definitely liars...because they said you may get up to 5 Days Early Access. Some people will have 6 or 7 days...which is clearly More Than 5 days. Those scoundrels!

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Since WoW launched EGA has been if you pre-order you ALL get the same advantage. You are giving them your money BEFORE a product even exists. When alot of people pre-order there was no hint of this BS staggering system. If there was alot of us might have ordered earlier or even told them to screw themselves. Now the "lucky" few that got in today have the full advantage and will get ALL world and server first! End of story. That is BS!! Now scrubs will get to 50 b4 people who accually put in hard earned time and research into the game. Bioware screwed this EGA / Launch up royally. During the "stress test" They had ALOT more people coming in at a much faster rate. ***....... Unacceptable!
This launch has roughly 10 times more people waiting at launch than WoW. Keep in mind WoW didn't become the juggernaut that it is until well after launch.
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