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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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are you less?

do you like waiting for something when you know some people already playing?


I probably wont be in till wed or thurs, Im just having a good time enjoying the insanity, It's kinda like watching a car crash.. Only OVER AND OVER AND OVER.


Very entertaining, Im also watching a live stream of some lvl 20+'s in game.. Good times :)

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One more wave coming today, so cross your fingers ppl :)


With the huge interest for this game im not surprised they cant let everyone join at the same time.


I wish they had put out the CE codes at the same time as SD ones. I got both, but couldnt get my CE one untill about a week later.


Good luck all and hope i see u in game.

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Interesting. Ordered on 7/21, have no code.


What's up bioware? Are you guys just doing it randomly? No real order to it?


If you only ordered it is not Biowares fault. You needed to Redeem your Code for early access before today.

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BioWare: Please disregard the countless (presumably hundreds) of posts from people saying you got this EGA system wrong, and that it's a huge fail. Their excitement to play your awesome game is causing them to become frustrated, clouding their judgement, and they're forgetting that you've actually extended the EGA from 5 days to 7 days - thus greatly increasing their chances of playing early. In a sea of angst and flaming posts, I just wanted to tell you that I think you're doing a great job, and thanks for allowing people to start 2 days earlier.


Myself? I pre-ordered the game about a month or so ago with the intention of playing on launch day, 20th December. At no point was I under any misconception that by pre-ordering I am entitled to play early. Therefore, I happily look forward to 20th December :)



omg I dispise that kind of attitude - it's weak, submissive and irratating!

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It's a bit hilarious how many complains can be sent in a couple of secs on a forum, my refresh buton can't keep up rofl.:D


Anyway I'm waiting for the greatly appreciated mail aswell. Game dics are here within the next 2 days, so that will work out for me, have to work during day time so it's not such a big deal to be first in or in the ext upcomming days.


That said, from what i've seen so far in the beta trails, it's worth the wait ;):p


Yah seriously, the first time I I clicked the last button and then noticed I wasn't on the last page and I was all like WTH I SAID LAST PAGE and I clicked it again. Still not on the last page. Sheesh.


And it's page after page of whinging. WAAH WAAAH I DIDNT GET IN TODAY WAAAAAAAAAAH!




(up to 5 days early... not you will get in 5 days early. UP TO 5 DAYS. learn to read folks)

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of course all of us want to play and be in now, but we want to be able to play and move around, have mobs to fight and not stand around for an hour fighting people for a kill. :)


After experiencing ugly lag at times in one of the betas, I trust this wave approach.

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im fine with a staggered waves but where was it said u will only do a ceratin numers of waves per day . i dont understand why there isnt just a wave every 3 hours until all preorders are in . why only do a certain amount each day ?
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wish there was a way to only see the yellow posts lol. People is so excited about this start you cant keep up with the tread or find the REALLY important post.


Just look at the forum "Dev Tracker" - There only the yellow posts are listed.

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if 2million people were in beta

how come current servers can not handle all the pre-orders at once?


how they will manage server stability during christmas week when every server is full


To add to this:

They invite 2 million over 2 days for beta, around 1 million per day.

It seems they will only do 5 waves today and people in wave 4 were preordered on the 26th, so im guessing if we are lucky wave 5 may go up to the 30th.

US only Preorders for July were 120,000, and unless preorders from the rest of the world tallied over 880,000 (unlikely thanks to the limited launch countries) they are no where near inviting 1 million people today.

Seems to me their servers can't possibly be stressed anywhere near the amount it would have been for the last beta weekend.

Why are they holding back?

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Let me say it again because apparently a lot of people can't read:


Going to sum up some things for everyone reading this, as it is apparent many of you are not adding 2+2 properly. Whether you are fighting against Biowares actions, Or Defending Biowares actions.


The first this well go over is the pre-order access to EGA and your all's confusion about what this is and means.


1. The policy states "up to 5 days". This has now turned into "Up to 7 Days" and has not been officially updated on any informative threads or posts by the devs.


This means:


You "Might" get to play early, Maybe. it is not that you are "Garaunteed" EGA at all just that you MIGHT be able to play up to 5 or 7 days early.




I personally think this is a shady political marketing scam. Which it is. But they haven't lied to anyone or not fulfilled what they said they would do. They simply worded it in such a way as to cause a majority to make an assumption that they "would" get EGA. When in fact they are not promised anything.


2. Order of access


Stephan and multiple devs have stated multiple time that EGA access is based on the "Date the code was redeemed", however it is obvious that unfortunately this is a flat out and baseless lie by bioware.


The evidence is all over the forums, people who registered in December (This month) are currently in game, Individuals who registered in July, (This year) are still waiting for access. (I have several RL friends who input their codes last month and this month this month who received their emails this morning and are in game, I input my code July 24th, and am not, and several of my other friends who input around the same time as me are not either.)


So it is obviously apparent that "when" you input your code has nothing to do with when you will be granted access, and the individuals moderators and devs posting on these forums telling you otherwise are flat out lieing to you.


Why would they do this? Probably because they themselves are receiving bad Intel from Bio wares main division. Or the Mods and devs posting here honestly have no access and know exactly jack **** about what is really going on, but still have a responsibility to do "Damage" control to the public and resolve stress issues.


Unfortunately they are posts containing nothing but empty words which have been repeated continuously and proven to be inaccurate continuously.


3. Changes in policies:


Bio-ware on several occasions have changed their policies, which is their right and which you agreed to allow them to do without telling you when you bought the game.


The following is what you agreed to when you hit the accept on the purchase screen:


1. Bioware does not have to inform you of anything changes or otherwise.

2. Bioware has the right to cancel your account for any reason at any time with no refund.

3. Bioware has the right to change any policy they desire to without informing you of the change.

4. Bioware has the right to cancel any promotions, or deny access to any promotions or rewards and or services to anyone, without cause or reason and without informing the customer.

5. Bioware has the right to deny customer service to anyone for any reason.

6. Bioware is not responsible for replacing or refunding any purchase you make for any reason.


I realize 99.9% of people do not read the entire Eula, or small print associated with purchasing a game. I do.


Consider yourselves lucky if you get in. Consider yourselves lucky if you get some sort of customer service.

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I preorderd and redemed my code on 20 november, so i think i will be playing closer to the weekend. I dont care because i have a few tests at school this week and wouldent have had any time to play anyway :) Edited by alike
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