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Everything posted by lotthar

  1. dec 5th and still not in. anyone else from then not in?
  2. k my friends made pre launch guild on a certain server and are in playing aready. what im worried about about is the rest of our wow guild are all wanting to come to that server to play with us.now lets say that server gets locked due to high population or has crazy long que times we all wont get to play together just wondering if anyone knows if they have any plans to adress this ?
  3. im fine with a staggered waves but where was it said u will only do a ceratin numers of waves per day . i dont understand why there isnt just a wave every 3 hours until all preorders are in . why only do a certain amount each day ?
  4. im fine with a staggered launch of every few hours a wave but i dont understand why they would stop at 5 each day , dont see a reasonm why they wouldnt just do waves every 3 hours till all are on
  5. i am fine with a staggered launch but why only 5 each day , couldnt they just keep doing waves every 3 hours like the have been?
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