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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Let me be one of the few to say, great job on the game Bioware! I can't wait to start playing it, I got hooked while playing the beta. *cough* on a completely unrelated not, I hope I get early access tomorrow *hint*hint* ;):p. In all honesty though people, just be happy and excited that you are receiving the game in the next couple days.


Dude. Brown-nosing isn't going to get you in any earlier.

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i have a question i started the pre load like a day ago, and i'm not sure if it finished downloading because it only downloaded about 18gbs i believe? and an error message popped out saying my account isn't active, how big is the download? and did i download all of the pre-loaded game? or is this message stoping me from finishing my download?


I think you're fine. It says the same on my screen. It just means your turn for early access has not arrived or because the game isint out yet to charge you.

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The Warhammer Online rollout went smoother than this, and I think there's only one server left on that game. Is this fiasco a sign of things to come?


I wouldn't call opening as many servers as possible a better roll out. WAR had a terrible roll out and having many almost empty servers after just some days made people quit as well.

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Bought early, forgot to enter code. So all you early players, make sure and get the kinks out of the server before I get on later this week!


And for those wondering when the last batch will go out today, you should watch the tweet page, it updates a lot faster than the forums - although they do seem to add 2 pages a second!


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i have a question i started the pre load like a day ago, and i'm not sure if it finished downloading because it only downloaded about 18gbs i believe? and an error message popped out saying my account isn't active, how big is the download? and did i download all of the pre-loaded game? or is this message stoping me from finishing my download?


If it is saying there is no active subscription on this account you are fine. The game is about 19,5 GB. And the no active subscription means that you need to wait for early acces.

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The only thing i dont understand is that people logging today will also log tomorrow and every day until the 20th.


how is this helping the servers? instead of 1M ppl logging today, they got 100k logging today, 250k logging tomorrow, and 1M logging 2 days from now.


it will stugger when everyone has their early access anyway, i dont see how going by waves helps the fact that when everyone can login, everyone will.


maybe they are saving strain on the hard drive with all those character creations, or maybe just the patching/login servers, and I also believe they will be adding servers as it continues.

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Ive loved this game this the first kotor have played them both several times and enjoyed it just as much as the first. I am one of the types of people that when I decide I want something I may go crazy trying to get it. Everyone has been waiting for along time I was not able to pre-order so far back becuase of being disabled means being disbled in the wallet too I am sure I wont get an email untill almost launch day. I am disapointed when I paid for pre-order that in order to get into the early release you had top pay a pre-order charge whe I have never had to do so I assumed that when the 13th came around that everyone who had preorder whould be logging in there was no mention of wavs 1,2,3,4 and so on. I think if I had known that there was the wav system inplace and that most likely since I was preordering so late in the game that I would not have gotten my hopes up so high. Iwhish I had never know about pre release and preorders so I wouldnt be checking my eamils and kotor software every ten minutes I think have of my head has gone white in the process I wished it had happened the way I assumed it would but everyone knows the saying about assuming anything I guess I will just have to wait maybe the longer we wait the better we will feel when we are to loggin.. But I do agree with some people who think that this preorder release deal is just a way for kotor to keep there servers from being over taken and crashed. I agree that they should have been more prepared but I am glad that they are taking these precautions so that when launch day does come everyone should be able to play whith any servr crashing loads times or what ever may happen in the launch of such long awaited game by thousands maybe millions of kotor fans maybe we should be glad that they are doing this way becuase if they had not we might be waiting to well after the 20th to play.. 4 me I would like to play today love to play today but if I have to wait atl;east its because they are just being carefull so everyone can play
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I love how so many people are complaining when they never took the time to actually read the agreement for early access. Let me break something down for all of you people that are about ready to riot you are IDIOTS!!! The EGA clearly stated that you MAY have up to 5 days early access it does not mean just cause you pre-ordered in July day 1 that you will even get in for early access learn to read agreements before you go off all half cocked


LMAO at all the people complaining the game comes out 7 days chill out if you don't get early access its not going to be the end of the world get a LIFE!! as it was stated by someone else that is also in IT like myself opening the flood gates for everyone at once for EGA would be completely ******** which would you prefer being able to get in and play the game smooth with min lag on a stable server or everyone jumping in at once and then bam server EXPLODES no more early access for ANYONE!!! What they are doing right now is the right course of action and obviously almost none of you have any idea the amount of strain MMO can put on a server cluster when you have 4-5 million people logging in all at once.


Also what alot of you are not understanding is that open BETA server stress test they did went over fine but you also have to take into account the number of people that played that beta went and told friends how amazing this game is and had them pre-order the game as well. I know of entire 400 member guilds from other games that are all Migrating over to this game so chill out and stop complaining cause you are not owed anything :p


only read the first line. and the people I have seen complaining are those that ordered the game and entered their codes the first day available, yet are still not in early, while others who ordered later are in right now.


to me that is a good reason to be upset when they stated invites were based on when you put your code in.

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I'm happy to wait for 'my wave' to come along tbh, even if it's on the 20th .... imagine the starting zones if everyone was given access at the same time ... all trying to complete the same tasks at the same time ......


There are multiple copies of the planets or shards to avoid problems like that. Next excuse?

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