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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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I think the waves of invite are total random like Beta invites, so many ppl with 7/23 didnt get invite.


They have said that EGA invites are strictly based on the date you registered your pre-order code. They have said it multiple times AND the forums are full of trolls.

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Stop placing things in such a sinister light people. They may have done beta testing, but being a developer myself I know that beta environment is not the live environment no matter which way you slice it. Yes it's a close approximation but there are always minor differences that cause hiccups between the public testing and the live product.


I think early game access is a best of both worlds scenario. BioWare gets to slowly roll people into their live environment, carefully monitoring it the whole way, before the game officially launches. Meanwhile, you kids get to enjoy some early game time.


So yes, this was done to boost sales/pre-orders and bolster their pre-launch numbers. And yes it was done so they could catch all the screw-ups before the official launch of the game. My problem is with all the people who feel cheated. The release date is the 20th. The game will come out on the 20th for EVERYONE. If you want to play with your friends all at the same time, just plan on playing on the 20th. Because of this early game access BioWare will have ironed out a lot of fail before that date comes so by resolving to simply wait until official release you are guaranteeing yourself a much cleaner TOR experience with plenty of people actively playing on the servers.


You people need to learn that doing things in the name of making more money is not always such a sinister thing as you all seem to believe. The more money they make the more resources they have to keep your game great. Yes, some development studios might not spend those resources the way they should but I am confident that BioWare is not one of those shops. They have a pretty solid reputation for putting out great products and spending their resources wisely and efficiently in order to satisfy their customers.


So no, they didn't do EGA out of the goodness of their hearts. None of you deserve such treatment anyway. They did it ensure a great launch on the 20th and throw a few milkbones to the rabid dogs in the meantime.




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Saying good bye to thread having just received my mail and launcher has "PLAY" highlighted.


Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account.



12.13.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play




11.02.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch




07.26.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Collector's Edition Pre-Order




See you on the other side ...

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I was a bit disappointed with how the launch was going, waves? OK, I'm cool. August preorder, I should be in Tuesday night no problem, if not, Wednesday. I have faith in BioWare's servers. But now I hear there are only 4 waves? and they aren't even past day 5 preorders? I'm not slamming BioWare, I understand what they are trying to do but thisis ridiculous. I can't imagine the stress of your servers at 1PM on a Tuesday would be so great that you can only do four waves.
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Bad way to start out. Keeping the majority of the people out while a few play is bad for business as I think you will find out. If you cant let everyone in within 48-72 hours it is failed planned regardless of how you spin it. Does say much for your hardware that you can only let a few (relative term) at a time. One of the worst things a company can do is fail to deliver the product. General populace seems "early game" access starting 12/13 vast majority expect to be playing on 13th. Public relations blunder is made worse by no timeline of when most will get access. I don't mean to sound like a hater but when a company says one thing and the general populace (rightly or wrongly) perceive a majority of them have been excluded, its a bad for public relations.


You never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression


Grats to those that are in

Sorry to hear for those that are mad


Ill be looking for 19 more captain KB's in the meantime ;)

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You've got love it, interest rates for world debt are in all time highs, economic crysis pummels the world economy, girls ain't putting out as much as in 2010, the price of the Beano went up 20 pence and all people worry about is getting an even earlier access code.......stunning. :D
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dude the MAY bit insinuates you have a CHANCE to get 5 - 7 days... which is a lie and false advertising in the UK... if we never had a chance of 5 days they are breaking the law... hope the advertising agency dont see this :p


either way im waiting... qq :p


Seems like the law doesn't apply to them :)

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