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Everything posted by Cara-Pan

  1. I love PvP and tend to spend most of my time running battlezones. Sometimes you come across a good Rep team and others your team mates decide to throw all comon sense out of the windows and do everything you shouldn't do (fight dar from nodes, run off like headless chickens etc etc..) which leads you to thing that indeed the best players might be on the other side, but to be honest more often than not if you're Empire you're on the winning side.
  2. I see most people are a bit baffled by what to do with augments. Guys/Gals GTN them please! I've got Biochem maxed out and i'm starting to knock out some sweet implants for level 45/50 with an augment spot available, down side, no augments on GTN so cant get max potential from my implants. Craft, Sell make money!
  3. Iggy Pop- The Passenger. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwjMqOtqO0U perfect for boozing, gambling, thieving and cavorting your way across the galaxy!
  4. Great post! thanks for that, rolled my Agent the other day and cruised ever since, i'm going for an Operative and leveling as a Medic so the info on your post has been invaluable to me!!! Both PVE and PVP has been great fun, the class can adapt to anything and the story line rules. My other char is a 38 Jugg and the poor sucker has just hit the subs bench!
  5. *clap clap clap* seriously mate GREAT guide! I've always played MMO's as a healer so i was determined to get a diferent experience out of SWTOR and chose to roll a tank. This guide has gone a long way to convince me of the rightness of my choice but more important to give me the ground rules of tanking etiquette!!! thanks again!
  6. You've got love it, interest rates for world debt are in all time highs, economic crysis pummels the world economy, girls ain't putting out as much as in 2010, the price of the Beano went up 20 pence and all people worry about is getting an even earlier access code.......stunning.
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