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People staying logged on even when AFK.


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I don't want to requeue for 6 hours after having to cook dinner for my family and eat with them.


So I'll devise anything I can to stay logged in despite not playing, and I frankly don't care about anybody else not being able to play. I won't deprive myself of something I paid for, because someone else paid for the same thing. Someone else I do not know.


Nah, as long as these absolutely massive queues exist, I'll gladly be a self-centered bastard. I pay to play. It's like giving away your seat at a theater because you have to go to the bathroom.


If there is ONE person here who thinks:


"1pm, time to cook dinner for the kids, eat with them and do the dishes. I'll gladly log out and enter the 6hour queue so others can play. I don't know these guys, but boy o boy: I'm so happy I can forget about playing for the rest of the day so these guys can have some fun".


Get out of here. The queues are the problem, and people not logging out is not the cause of it. It's an effect of the queues.





Well said. I have to agree. As we are now all subscribers, we should be able to play when we want. We are all paying. Its time to focus on why people stay logged in.. The Queues. Customers that are the longevity of the game are the causal gamers that subscribe and play for the long haul. If we can not log in and play, why pay? BW might need to add more servers. Big queues already at early access, means the game is going to get really populated really quick at midnight. Tonight we will start seeing the big guilds populating servers. Come tomorrow we are going to see much bigger queues.

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Look it is December 19 and Bioware is making you wait in a que to evenly transition the servers to a true live December 20 version. They made a very in depth plan to launching this game and sad to say they wanted people to spread out a little bit during early access. Sorry that you have a que during early access but at the same time you playing Early Access allows you to check out the game before the offical launch so far my worst que time was 30 minutes and it was a one time deal i logged in well before that and no biggy. I have gone afk the do normal quick things like cook, clean up and use the restrooms and it isn't a login me out however if it happens than I can wait. Busy this time of year and a video game is a stress relief distraction. Bioware has a few tricks up their sleeves and I'm sure one is proably going to address this issue and more. Lmao they are watching the servers and adjusting them accordingly they want you to have fun and enjoy the story and game you are playing. So far I'm enjoying and it was worth the wait. I'm almost positive that this que issue is to make more people aviable to answer in game questions, on servers, think about if you want a quick answer to a question you ask in general chat. Usually it is answered before you get to furstrated and that person is trying to help you out. They set it up to help the game during launch this has been a very smooth Early Access and will most likely be one of the best Launches I have seen. I played WoW and Rift at launch and left due to over population it was horrible and sad cause the best way to level was AoE grinding.

Sorry for the rant but Allow Bioware the time to address this launch how they have planned. This and all games that launch have huge PROBLEMS that come up and they planed out for the next few months to address these issues. The Plan they have has worked well so far and it has more thought into as it looks right now than any MMO so far.

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My server is always listed as Heavy and we never have Queues. The issue is people think the want to be on the "Full" servers for some reason and it makes things worse all the time. I think Bioware should remove the Server pop info from the status page so new players pick a server because of the type, zone or name instead of automatically picking the highest pop.
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Dear Bioware,


Part of the reasons that the queue's are not moving are because people are not logging out due to macros, or the old pen in the keyboard trick. Please do something for the people that play the game legitimately.


I'm noticing more and more people doing this and having Aion flashbacks. Meanwhile a lot of players that are not afk running are waiting in your queues.



The Community


This doesn't work in this game. I tried it out during beta test when the weekend testers came in causing queues. Might keep you in game a bit longer than the general afk log out but wont keep you in game for hours...eventually the game will disconnect you unless you are doing more than just running into a wall ala Aion.

Edited by Datku
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I understand why they're doing it, but it is majorly frustrating. I got in the early access on day 1. I have a level 25 char, through casual leveling. I am not going to remake on a new server, to avoid the horrible queue on mine.


They could at least give priority for people with char on their account 20+ or something, have a seperate queue for them. Least you know they aren't "new" to the server, which is what they are trying to weed out.


Maybe give some incentives for balance, I.E. free transfers. XP boost on new/low population servers. SOMETHING.....these queues are a launch killer, for sure. No MMO Launch in recent memory had anything like 5-6 hour queues.


I could easily expect this from EA, but not Bioware...it's unfortunate.

Edited by Necromyrez
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Aion was worse at least as a EU player anyway whats the problem with just jaming a key down and stopping someone else from logging in.


Sounds like a plan from the Dark side imho!


You are only allowed to 'dis' me if your join date is before mine, stands to reason.

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I don't want to requeue for 6 hours after having to cook dinner for my family and eat with them.


So I'll devise anything I can to stay logged in despite not playing, and I frankly don't care about anybody else not being able to play. I won't deprive myself of something I paid for, because someone else paid for the same thing. Someone else I do not know.


Nah, as long as these absolutely massive queues exist, I'll gladly be a self-centered bastard. I pay to play. It's like giving away your seat at a theater because you have to go to the bathroom.


If there is ONE person here who thinks:


"1pm, time to cook dinner for the kids, eat with them and do the dishes. I'll gladly log out and enter the 6hour queue so others can play. I don't know these guys, but boy o boy: I'm so happy I can forget about playing for the rest of the day so these guys can have some fun".


Get out of here. The queues are the problem, and people not logging out is not the cause of it. It's an effect of the queues.


I'm a nice guy when ingame, I can be altruistic when ingame. But when it comes to being able to play, It's all about me.


All I can say is, Damn freaking strait. If I have to go AFK for 30 mins or an hour to do the cooking/cleaning or whatever, I will do what i must to make sure im not waiting for another 2 hours when I want to be playing.


Im paying to play, not paying to wait for 2 hours when I WANT to play.


And the whole noble idea about logging out to give someone else a turn is admirable to a point, But unless its just your conscience that needs pampering, it serves no purpose. (unless you enjoy sitting in queue while someone you dont know and will never meet plays a game your paying for)

Edited by Kalliadies
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